Qi Changfeng returned alone from the alien space at this time. His appearance on the battlefield meant that the witch clan strongman had most likely fallen.

Without any hesitation, Qi Changfeng immediately used the Golden Crow’s true body, and the heart power world descended into the world, turning into a rainbow light and began to shuttle through the battlefield.

This time Qi Changfeng was prepared, and directly activated the “Rainbow Transformation Technique” to the extreme, and specifically drilled into places where there were many witch clan monks in the Golden Immortal Realm.

The heart power world was also moving quickly with Qi Changfeng as the center. Wherever it went, the witch clan monks in the Golden Immortal Realm were like harvested wheat, their bodies were imprisoned, their eyes were dull, their sea of ​​consciousness was destroyed, and their bodies and minds disappeared.

Seeing this, many top Wu clan strongmen in the Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm were furious and attacked regardless of the consequences, trying to stop Qi Changfeng. Unfortunately, in front of the “Rainbow Transformation Technique” activated by Qi Changfeng with all his strength, they could only eat dust.

The eyes of the top Taiyi Jinxian realm demon clan strongman lit up, and immediately seized the opportunity to use his best tricks to severely injure the opponent.

In just a few breaths, several top Taiyi Jinxian realm strongmen of the Wu clan were severely injured, and the situation on the battlefield was rapidly tilted towards the demon clan.


Half an hour later, all the Jinxian realm Wu clan strongmen on the entire Jinxian and Taiyi Jinxian realm battlefield were killed by Qi Changfeng’s mental world.

More than 100,000 Jinxian realm Wu clan monks fell in his hands, and the points have reached more than 40 million.

Outside the special space, Donghuang Taiyi’s remnant felt very satisfied, as if he had returned to the era when countless Wu clans were killed.

However, the test can be ended here, and there is not much meaning to continue.

Qi Changfeng, who was killing people on the battlefield, suddenly received a message telling him that the last level of the test was successfully passed.

Then, Qi Changfeng felt that everything around him had changed. His demon teammates and witch opponents ignored him again.

He waved his sleeves and launched an attack, but it went through the body of his witch opponent without causing any impact.

Qi Changfeng knew that he was now a spectator, just like at the beginning, quietly enjoying the “cutscene”.


In the main battlefield, the battle between the Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-Sage of the two tribes of witch and lich seemed to have been fast-forwarded. There were constant deaths of Daluo Jinxian and eternal sleep.

Many Quasi-Sages were also seriously injured in the fierce fighting, and even several of the weaker ones among the ten demon saints had lost their combat effectiveness and were not far from death.

All the strong men were bloodthirsty, and the racial blood feud of billions of years made them fight to the death today.

As a bystander of the “cutscene”, with a God’s perspective, Qi Changfeng could clearly see everything on the battlefield of witch and lich at this time.

He found that there was also a big gap among the quasi-saints with great magical powers.

Among all the quasi-saints on the battlefield, the ten demon saints were the most rubbish.

The ten demon saints joined forces and were suppressed by the “ancestor of wood” Ju Mang and the “ancestor of thunder” Qiang Liang.

Donghuang Taiyi, who held the Chaos Bell, was the most powerful. The “ancestor of space” Di Jiang, the leader of the twelve ancestor witches, joined forces with the “ancestor of time” Zhu Jiuyin to fight him to a draw.

The demon master Kunpeng and the “ancestor of fire” Zhu Rong were fighting fiercely, and the momentum was huge, but Qi Changfeng always had a feeling that the demon master was working but not working hard and was ready to run away at any time.

The demon emperor Di Jun fought against the “ancestor of wind” Tian Wu and the “ancestor of lightning” Xi Zi at the same time.

Other quasi-saints also had their own opponents, and the battle was very fierce.

At this moment, the eyes of the great god Xihe, the wife of the demon emperor Jun, the queen of the demon clan heaven, and the mother of the ten little golden crows, were red, and the calamity energy completely entered her body. The pain of losing her son that year surged into her heart.

As a quasi-saint, she was completely desperate and rushed towards the “Ice Ancestor Witch” Xuanming and the “Gold Ancestor Witch” Rushou with a life-threatening attitude.

She sacrificed the treasure in her hand, “Sun and Moon Essence Wheel”, and with a roar, this top-grade innate spiritual treasure exploded directly, and the powerful power swept the entire battlefield.

At the same time, the great god Xihe, a quasi-saint with great magical powers, also exploded.

“Sun and Moon Essence Wheel” is ranked as a top-grade innate spiritual treasure. It was the betrothal gift when the demon emperor Jun “decided to marry Xihe” that year.

This innate spiritual treasure is very special. It can be divided into “Sun Essence Wheel” and “Moon Essence Wheel”. Each one is a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, and the combination of them can reach the list of top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

The supreme innate spiritual treasure was so powerful that its self-explosion power instantly broke the true bodies of the “Ice Ancestor Witch” Xuanming and the “Gold Ancestor Witch” Rushou.

Combined with the power of the self-explosion of the great god Xihe, the two ancestors of witches were annihilated between heaven and earth.

After the self-explosion, the broken “Sun and Moon Essence Wheel” turned into a stream of light and disappeared.Between heaven and earth.

The innate spiritual treasure was bred by the primordial heaven and earth. Even if it exploded, it would not be completely destroyed. It would just take a very long time to slowly recover.

The innate spiritual treasure has a high level of intelligence. The “Sun and Moon Essence Wheel” escaped, apparently to find a place for Wen Yang to recover.

The aftermath of the explosion also affected other great masters. “Space Ancestral Witch” Dijiang and “Time Ancestral Witch” Zhu Jiuyin received serious injuries, but Donghuang Taiyi was protected by the Chaos Bell and was not affected.

When the demon emperor Jun saw his wife, who had been with him for billions of years, die, he was instantly furious. His already unclear sea of ​​consciousness was completely invaded by the calamity and completely fell.

Without holding back, the demon emperor Jun took out a sword that exuded a strange aura, rushed to the side of “Wind Ancestral Witch” Tianwu and “Lightning Ancestral Witch” Xizi, and chopped them down on their heads.

The two powerful Ancestral Witches were overjoyed when they saw that the Demon Emperor Jun chose to fight them in close combat, and they did not pay too much attention to the sword in the hands of the Demon Emperor Jun.

After all, there are only a few top sword treasures in the prehistoric world, and each of them has a great reputation, and this sword is not any of them.

They just thought that the Demon Emperor Jun was overwhelmed by the death of the great god Xihe and lost his mind.

Choosing to use the real body of the Ancestral Witch to resist the attack of the sword, “The Ancestral Witch of Wind” Tian Wu and “The Ancestral Witch of Lightning” Xizi chose to fight with injuries.

However, when the sword came, they realized that something was wrong.

When the Ancestral Witch’s real body, which was previously indestructible, faced this sword, it was like paper, and its defense was instantly broken. With just one sword, the Demon Emperor Jun split the two powerful Ancestral Witches into four petals.

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