Through the previous time travel, the Chaos Bell sensed the breath of the Sun’s True Fire on Qi Changfeng, and knew that the remnant of Donghuang Taiyi gave the only Sun’s True Fire seed to Qi Changfeng.

It can be seen that the remnant of Donghuang Taiyi really wanted to choose Qi Changfeng as the successor.

At this moment, the remnant of Donghuang Taiyi suddenly thought of something and asked:

“By the way, Qi Changfeng, I see that your world realm mind power world is not ordinary. As soon as you break through, you have such power.”

“I wonder how many kinds of Dao power you have integrated when your mind power breaks through to the world realm?”

Qi Changfeng thought about it and chose to tell the truth. The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi even knew his identity as the “one who escaped”, so there was not much point in hiding this matter.

“Replying to His Majesty Donghuang, I integrated nine kinds of Dao power when I broke through.”

Qi Changfeng replied.

“What? Nine kinds!”

The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi was shocked when he heard it.

“I wonder which nine kinds of Dao power they are?”

The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi continued to ask.

In his opinion, the integration of nine Dao powers in more than a thousand years was mainly due to the attribute of the world Dao that Qi Changfeng followed, which embraced all things. The nine Dao powers that were integrated should not be the top Dao powers.

“The junior integrated the nine Dao powers of time, space, yin and yang, reincarnation, cause and effect, creation, destruction, five elements, light and darkness.”

Qi Changfeng said lightly.

Hearing what Qi Changfeng said, the remnant of Donghuang Taiyi and the Chaos Bell were stunned.

“How could it be these nine Dao powers! Does this kid want to evolve a mind-power version of the prehistoric world?”

“This is too foul. He has realized and integrated so many top Dao powers in more than a thousand years. Could it be that the true identity of ‘The Escaped One’ is the illegitimate son of the Dao?”

The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi felt that he had discovered a shocking secret.

“No wonder Qi Changfeng can kill opponents below the Taiyi Jinxian realm in seconds by using the spiritual power of the early Jinxian realm to display the mental world. Even the Taiyi Jinxian realm will be greatly affected.”

“The mental world of the small world realm that integrates nine kinds of top-level Dao power is really unheard of.”

Chaos Bell also thought secretly in his heart.

In the previous time and space retracing, it only noticed that Qi Changfeng’s mental world contained a trace of Chaos Bell’s power.

That was during the first test. After Qi Changfeng initially opened up the mental world with the “Hunyuan Kaitian Sutra”, he accidentally triggered the resonance of the internal space of the Chaos Bell and absorbed a wisp of Chaos Bell’s power.

As for which Dao power was integrated into the mental world, Chaos Bell really couldn’t see it.

It can only be said that the “Escaped One” talent is worthy of the orange grade, and it is really useful.


“Yes, you can integrate the power of nine great ways. You are gifted in mind and world, and your future is limitless.”

With difficulty controlling his facial expression, Donghuang Taiyi praised calmly.

Chaos Bell on the side thought for a moment and finally made up his mind.

“Qi Changfeng’s world path is quite consistent with mine. He was able to absorb a little of my power when he was weak. It seems that we are destined to be together.”

“It should be a good choice to follow him in the future.”

The Kaitian Sacred Artifact is extremely involved. Once exposed, it is likely to attract saints and strong men. And Chaos Bell, for some reasons, is not interested in the Six Saints of Heavenly Dao and does not want to be controlled by them.

Then “The Escaped One” can be said to be the best choice for Chaos Bell. At least the risk of exposure will be minimized.

Moreover, Qi Changfeng has great potential and a high upper limit. There may be a day when he will be in charge of Chaos Bell openly in the future.

“Taiyi, I am willing to follow you, the successor, in the future.”

“I just don’t know what you plan to do in the future? If you leave my protection, your remnant will probably be noticed by the saints.”

“When the war ended, no saint suspected that you were secretly controlling it. They just thought it was the operation of the way of heaven, and they had no chance to get the holy weapon of opening the sky.”

“If the saints find your trace, it will be a big trouble.”

Chaos Zhong was very concerned about this master and comrade who had accompanied him for countless years, and asked.

The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi pondered for a moment, and was about to speak, but Qi Changfeng on the side said first:

“Your Majesty Donghuang, Senior Chaos Zhong, I have two solutions here.”

“Oh? Tell me!”

Chaos Zhong’s eyes lit up when he heard it, and said.

“If your Majesty is willing, you can stay in the Chaos Bell. If I encounter any problems in my cultivation, I can ask your Majesty for advice at any time.”

“If your Majesty doesn’t want to, you can go to the Chixia Immortal Mansion in the void of the lower world to rest.”

“The Chixia Immortal Mansion has recognized me as its master. With the blessing of my talent of ‘The One I Escaped’, even a saint cannot figure out the true situation.In this case, Your Majesty can enter it without any risk. ”

Qi Changfeng bowed his hands and answered respectfully.

“The escape is so magical! It can even affect treasures that are not around.”

The Chaos Bell was very surprised.

It did not doubt the truth of what Qi Changfeng said.

Now they can be said to be grasshoppers on a rope. If one is exposed, no one can escape. It does not think that Qi Changfeng will joke with his own life.

The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi thought about it and finally decided to choose the second option and enter the Chixia Immortal Mansion.

“This seat is extremely involved in the cause and effect, so I’d better rest in the lower world and not follow you to travel around in the prehistoric upper world.”

Qi Changfeng nodded and said seriously:

“Your Majesty Donghuang, rest assured, I will find a way to make your majesty recover.”

“This seat only has a trace of remnant, and even the true spirit does not exist. How can it be so easy to recover? I have never heard of it from ancient times to the present. ”

“But I am satisfied that you have such a thought. Everything depends on God’s will.”

The remnant of Donghuang Taiyi waved his hand and said.

After that, without delay, a complex imprint appeared out of thin air with a thought. Qi Changfeng felt that the imprint contained infinite great principles.

“I have peeled off the origin imprint of the Chaos Bell. Changfeng, concentrate your mind and get ready to receive this origin imprint.”

After that, the remnant of Donghuang Taiyi tapped his finger lightly, and the imprint turned into a stream of light and sank into Qi Changfeng’s sea of ​​consciousness.

With the full cooperation of the Chaos Bell, the origin imprint did not have any backlash on Qi Changfeng.

Endless information poured into Qi Changfeng’s sea of ​​consciousness. Qi Changfeng closed his eyes and concentrated his mind, suppressed his sea of ​​consciousness with his mind and began the master recognition ceremony.

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