【Since his cultivation reached the Heavenly Rank, “Zi Feng” has been wandering around the Six Realms. He is well-informed and has some knowledge of the secret rumors of the Heavenly Dao destroying the world. 】

【However, in his opinion, this is just groundless talk. How could there be such a powerful existence in the world that can destroy all beings in the Six Paths? 】

【This time, “Zi Feng” felt deeply powerless in front of you, a strong man with guaranteed anti-Heavenly King-level combat power. Coupled with the easily verified secrets you told him, he believed the truth. 】

【”If you are interested and have nothing to do, you can go to the territory of the Heavenly Dao minions above the Six Realms to explore and verify what I said.” 】

【”But remember, you must hide your identity well. There are many anti-Heaven-level strongmen among the Heavenly Dao minions. Once exposed, you may lose your life.” 】

【You continued. For a person with the personality of “Zi Feng”, he should be sent out of the Six Realms to harm the Heavenly Dao minions. ]

[“Zi Feng” nodded. He was restless and had this in mind. Even if you didn’t tell him, he would have left the Six Realms to investigate. ]

[“Remember, don’t tell others about my existence. Otherwise, even if you hide at the end of the world, I will skin you alive.”]

[You said to “Zi Feng” solemnly. ]

[After that, you threw a treasure and a few talismans to “Zi Feng”. ]

[“If you want to go to the territory of the minions of the Heavenly Dao, it can be regarded as a contribution to our Fatian camp. This trip is dangerous. These are treasures that I personally refined. They can conceal your identity and quickly escape. They can save your life at a critical moment.”]

[“Zi Feng”’s eyes lit up and he quickly put them away carefully. ]

[“Senior, do you have more? Give me some more.”]

[“Zi Feng” stepped forward and asked with a licking face. 】

【”Get lost!” You waved your sleeves and threw the guy away billions of miles away. 】

【”Come back and bother me again, I’ll break your dog legs.” 】

【After sending away “Zi Feng”, a dog-skin plaster, you went back into seclusion to practice. 】

【21399062 years old: In recent years, a strong man who called himself “Madman” in the Six Realms has risen rapidly, and his cultivation has reached the half-step heaven-defying level. 】

【You know something about this “Madman”. 】

【According to your memories of your previous life, in the original timeline, this person’s cultivation reached the peak of the heaven-defying level, and participated in the battle between the gods and the heavenly camp in the fourth realm during the ancient times. 】

【In this unprecedented battle, the “Madman” held the great banner of the King of Man, shattered most of the endless starry sky, and with one hand, the great magical power of “Eternal Haste”, almost beat “Qingtian” to death. ]

[Finally, the “madman” and the summoned human king’s residual soul rushed into the Heavenly Dao, shattered a large amount of the Heavenly Dao’s origin, and finally died. ]

[Chen Zhan, one of the “Four Souls of Fighting Heaven” in the later generations, is suspected to be the reincarnation of this “Ancient Madman”, because Chen Zhan can also perform the great magical power of “Eternal Haste”. ]

[However, this matter was denied by Chen Zhan himself. It is not known whether Chen Zhan lost his memory of his previous life or the two of them realized the same great magical power by chance. ]

[21420187 years old: Your direct disciple, the “Ghost Lord”, successfully achieved the half-step heaven-defying level. ]

[21430128 years old: You ended your retreat and secretly met with the “Great Demon King”. ]

[In your opinion, the “Great Demon King”, that is, the future “Demon Lord”, can be said to be the most determined element in the “Destroying Heaven World”. ]

[In order to destroy the “evil heavenly way” that has developed selfishness, he can sacrifice everything and disregard everything. ]

[In your memory of your previous life, in order to defeat the heaven, the “Great Demon King” was extinct several times, and each time he returned from the brink of complete death. ]

[In the decisive battle to defeat the heaven, the “Great Demon King” killed, killed himself, killed his relatives, and destroyed everything, just to bite off a piece of meat from the heavenly way and increase the hope of destroying the heaven. ]

[This firm will to destroy the heaven is difficult even for Dugu Baitian. ]

[Although the “Great Demon King” has an arrogant and unbridled personality and is full of desire for challenges, he acts reliably and never drags his feet. Therefore, for some plans that need to be carried out secretly, you are willing to let the “Great Demon King” do it. ]

[After meeting, you entrust the “Great Demon King” to secretly connect with the powerful people of the heavenly rank and above in the six realms who are worth pulling into the defeating heaven camp, and tell them the truth about the destruction of the heavenly way and the collapse of the six ways. 】

【Now, the number of strong men you need to set up the “Zhou Tian Xing Dou Great Array” has not yet been gathered, and a steady stream of fresh blood needs to enter the Fa Tian camp. 】

【As expected, the “Great Demon King” gladly accepted your commission. 】

【21521023 years old:After nearly 100,000 years of efforts, the “Great Demon King” pulled sixty or seventy Heaven-level strongmen into the Fatian camp. ]

[These sixty or seventy Heaven-level strongmen were carefully selected by the “Great Demon King” from more than a hundred Heaven-level strongmen in the six realms. Each of them is a hero who is unwilling to be harvested by the Heavenly Dao and wants to complete the great cause of destroying the sky. ]

[What is commendable is that all this did not attract the attention of many Heavenly Dao minions in the six realms. The situation was calm, as if nothing had happened. ]

[Now the power of the “Fatian Camp” continues to grow and is divided into two parts. ]

[One part is the strong men who survived the previous reincarnation era. Under the leadership of “Human King” Yu Xin, they rested in the shelter of the endless starry sky and refined the “Big and Small Zhoutian Star Banners”. ]

[Among them, there are more than two hundred Heaven-level strongmen and above. ]

[The other part is the fresh blood you have absorbed in this samsara era, represented by the “Great Demon King” and the Dugu family, and there are about eighty strong men at the heavenly level and above. ]

[This is not far from the number of strong men you need to set up the “Zhoutian Star Array”. ]

[However, the number of top strong men at the level of the Heaven-Defying Level is still too small, and you need to wait for these ancient strong men to grow up further. ]

[21512001 years old: You announced the list of heavenly materials and treasures needed to refine the “Big and Small Zhoutian Star Banners” to every strong man in the Fatian camp in the six realms, and asked them to secretly collect these materials and hand them over to the “Great Demon King”. ]

[As a reward, you refined some treasures with different functions, selected some powerful inheritances, and rewarded those strong men who collected more materials. ]

[Although the strong men in the Destroying Heaven camp did not know what the specific use of collecting these materials was, they knew that it was related to the plan to destroy the sky, so they all took it to heart. 】

【22136782 years old: With the formation of a united front by the six realms of the Heaven-Defying Camp, the Heaven-Defying Level is no longer a secret that few people know. 】

【In order to break through their cultivation and reach a higher level, a group of Heaven-Defying Peak and even Half-Step Heaven-Defying Level powerhouses began to make various attempts. 】

【22150129 years old: The “Great Demon King” who had been stuck at the threshold of the Heaven-Defying Level for a long time was the first to be unable to hold back. In order to reach the Heaven-Defying Level and become the top combat power, he decided to forget about life and death and fight desperately. 】

【22150131 years old: The “Great Demon King” rushed into the Nine Heavens alone and faced the Heavenly Guardian there. 】

【So many years have passed, and the Nine Heavens that were swept away by you and the “Human King” back then have been placed with many “Heavenly Guardians” by the Heavenly Dao again. If you challenge with a non-Heaven-Defying Level combat power, you will die. 】

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