[Unfortunately, during the breakthrough, a big problem occurred. ]

[In the years that followed, this big man had smoke coming out of his seven orifices, his body was covered with ominous red hair, and he had strange black blood flowing out. ]

[This symptom could not be resolved even with his realm of “above the sacrificial way”. ]

[In order to prevent this weirdness and ominousness from harming the world, this big man built a “three-generation bronze coffin”, cremated himself, and placed his ashes in a stone jar. ]

[Then, he buried the stone jar in the three-generation bronze coffin and buried it on a “secular plateau”. ]

[Countless epochs passed, the world continued to evolve, the plateau changed, and the ground veins were turbulent. The three-generation bronze coffin opened and the ashes in the stone jar fell out. ]

[Countless years passed again, and ten creatures came here, contaminated with these ashes, and their bodies mutated, becoming the first generation of “dark weird creatures”. ]

[They are the ten “weird ancestors” of the weird clan, and this remote plateau has become the ancestral land of the weird clan. ]

[With the help of the power of ashes, the “weird ancestors” have reached the “breaking the way” level, and also obtained the “three-life bronze coffin” made by the big guy. ]

[In the endless years that followed, the ten “weird ancestors” saw through the existence of the big guy and wanted to find a way to break through the breaking way, so they began to launch dark turmoil and sacrifice the heavens and the world, just to make the big guy reappear in the world. ]

[As the weirdness and ominousness gradually spread, the dark weird clan grew rapidly, and the ancestors no longer needed to fight in person. ]

[So, these “weird ancestors” began to comprehend the “three-life bronze coffin” in the ancestral land, wanting to find the mystery in it. ]

[However, the “Three Generations Copper Coffin” was built by the “Broken Dao Above” boss to deal with the weirdness and ominousness in his body. It is naturally opposed to the ancestors who have integrated the weird original material. How can they gain any insights from it? ]

[After countless years of meditation, the weird ancestors were helpless. ]

[So they came up with a way to send the “Three Generations Copper Coffin” out of the ancestral land and let it drift in the world, hoping to use the hands of later generations to comprehend the mystery contained in the “Three Generations Copper Coffin”. ]

[After countless years of waiting, the “Weird Ancestors” seemed to have some results in their waiting, and this discovery surprised them a little. ]

[In their opinion, the mystery of the “Three Generations Copper Coffin” may be related to whether they can go further, so they attach great importance to this discovery. ]

[“Humph, without the support of the power of the ancestral land, you should think about how to protect yourself.” ]

[Seemingly sensing the emotional changes of the three ancestors, you said in a cold voice. ]

[The three “weird ancestors” also knew that the current situation was not favorable to them. As the shadow of the ancient coffin behind them dissipated, their combat power did not decrease, but their abnormal recovery ability was gone. ]

[However, they did not care too much. At most, they would die here. Anyway, they could be resurrected in the “plateau ancestral land”. ]

[In this way, you can bring out the news that you have comprehended some of the mysteries of the “three-generation bronze coffin”. At that time, the ten “weird ancestors” will come out together, and the “immortal ancient world” will be doomed. ]

[For this situation, you naturally expected it and have thought of corresponding countermeasures. ]

[“Die for me!” ]

[You noticed that the abnormal recovery ability of the ancestors disappeared. Without any hesitation, you directly burned your own essence and soul, and fought with full strength, fearing that one of the ancestors would figure it out and kill himself directly and return to the “plateau ancestral land”. ]

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