“No need to be polite, everyone.”

Qi Changfeng chuckled, and then stepped into the mountain gate surrounded by a group of high-level members of the “Tianyun Sect”.

The Tianyun Sect was quite lively. As soon as he entered the mountain gate, Qi Changfeng saw many ascended ancestors from the Huangting Sect gathered together, led by the previous peak master of Tianquan Peak who created the “Nine Yang Shattering Heaven Fist”.

The previous peak master of Tianquan Peak was named Gu Yang. He now had the cultivation level of a mid-stage Xuanxian. Seeing Qi Changfeng coming, he was slightly excited and immediately led the crowd to come forward and pay his respects.

“Greetings to Qingxuan Daojun!”

Qi Changfeng’s status is no longer the same as before. As a disciple of the Yuanshi Saint, he is of a very high generation. These Huangting Sect’s ascended ancestors can only call him by his honorific title when they meet him.

“Don’t be polite. Today, I am here to guide you. I wonder if you are interested in developing in Qingweitian?”

Qi Changfeng asked.

These practitioners who ascended from Huangting Sect would refuse such a great opportunity unless their brains were stuck in the door. Apart from anything else, after going to Qingwei Heaven, at least the chance of surviving the three disasters will be much greater.

“Daojun’s kindness, we are grateful!”

Hearing this answer, Qi Changfeng nodded without surprise.

“By the way, in addition to you, I promise that you can each bring three juniors or relatives you value with you.

“I will be here for three days, you can go back to deal with this matter, and after three days, gather here, and I will take you back to Qingwei Heaven.”

Qi Changfeng said lightly, but the voice could be heard by the entire “Tianyun Sect”.

“Thank you, Daojun! ”

These Huangting Sect ascenders who were about to go to “Qingwei Heaven” were overjoyed. They didn’t expect that in addition to themselves, they could bring three more close people.

The reason why Qi Changfeng made this temporary decision was because he found that the number of Huangting Sect ascenders who were still alive was not large, only about a thousand.

It sounds like a lot, but compared to the entire “Tianyun Sect” and even “Qingwei Heaven”, it is just a drop in the ocean.

You should know that the Huangting Sect has existed in the Xuanhuang Realm for countless years, and generations of Mahayana powerhouses have ascended to the upper realm, and there are many of them.

However, as time passed, most of the ascenders fell under the three disasters, and their cultivation turned into ashes.

After countless years of accumulation, there are still thousands of practitioners in the immortal realm. To be honest, it is not bad. If it weren’t for the back With the help of the great mountain of Chanjiao, there may be even fewer people who have survived to the present.

If you don’t survive the three disasters and cultivate the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, you will never be able to live forever.

Among the thousand Huangting Sect ascenders, the highest cultivation level is only the Xuanxian realm, and no one has reached the Golden Immortal realm.


Hearing what Qi Changfeng said, the entire Tianyun Sect was boiling. As soon as the thousand Huangting Sect ascenders left, the communication magic weapon kept ringing and was about to be blown up.

Since the number of places to “Qingweitian” has increased three times, and it is not limited to Huangting Sect ascenders, many people’s minds have become active instantly.

“Brother Yanyuan, can you give up a place? My son is gifted and has the talent of a Golden Immortal. If he can go to Qingweitian to practice, his future will be limitless. Brother, name a price. As long as I can afford it, I will definitely go all out. ”

“Brother Feihong, we have known each other for countless years. I wonder if we can use the Barrier Breaking Pill plus a mid-level immortal weapon to exchange for a quota?”

“Grandpa, you love your grandson the most. Can you take me with you?”


Looking at the various information in the communication magic weapon, these Huangting Sect ascenders were a little overwhelmed.

Three days is too short to deal with such a big thing, but since Qingxuan Daojun has spoken, there is naturally no room for delay.

The reason why Qi Changfeng only gave them three days was to prevent some people with ulterior motives from getting the news and secretly planting people, which might be a bad idea.

Moreover, since telling them the news, Qi Changfeng has quietly released the world of mind power and secretly monitored their every move. Even the information in the communication magic weapon is no secret in Qi Changfeng’s eyes.

This can also be regarded as an advance preparation for these future subordinates. We can do some investigation and understand their character and ability through their style of doing things and the decisions they made in the past three days.

At the same time, we can also see if any of these people have been bought in advance by forces with ulterior motives.

As for the three places selected by each Huangting Sect’s ascended predecessors, Qi Changfeng doesn’t bother to care as long as they are not those who harbor evil intentions.

Whether the ascended predecessors accept some benefits, sell the quotas, or use them for their own people depends entirely on their personal wishes. In Qi Changfeng’s view, this is to give them some small benefits in advance.

For a time, undercurrents surged in the Tianyun Sect.

Afterwards, the top leaders of the “Tianyun Sect” held a grand welcome ceremony and announced to the public that three days later at the mountain gate,A farewell ceremony will be held for those who are going to “Qingwei Heaven”.

At that time, anyone who is interested can come to watch the ceremony, even casual cultivators are no exception.

Qi Changfeng did not object to the arrangement of the “Tianyun Sect” high-level leaders, and then entered the fairy flying boat and waited quietly.


At this time, in the Heavenly Demon Realm, the two great demon lords of the quasi-saint level, “Wuxin Demon Lord” and “Wuxiang Demon Lord”, were gathered together and talked about something.

In the Heavenly Demon Realm, as long as you reach the level of Daluo Jinxian and step into the ranks of great supernatural powers, you are a powerful demon lord. And the quasi-saint level of the Heavenly Demon is honored as the “Great Demon Lord”.

“Brother Wuxiang, according to the information sent back by the spies in the prehistoric upper world, as expected, the Taoist Master Qingxuan went to the Tianyun Sect on time to receive his subordinates.”

“According to their speculation, Taoist Master Qingxuan should have come alone this time and was not on guard.”

“It’s normal to think about it. With the status of the Chan Sect in the prehistoric upper world, no one would dare to attack him openly.”

“It’s just a trivial matter for him to receive some ant-like subordinates who are not even in the Golden Immortal Realm. He will definitely not take it too seriously.”

“I think this is a godsend opportunity. Now that my spies of the Tianmo clan have not been exposed, the enemy is in the open and we are in the dark. As long as we take action, we will be able to kill them with one strike.”

“Wuxin Demon Master” said.

“Brother Wuxin is right, but the old Demon Ancestor has entrusted you with this matter. How did you find me?”

“He is just a small cultivator in the Xuanxian realm. You can definitely catch him easily.”

“Wuxiang Demon Lord” thought about it and answered after thinking of something.

“Haha, brother Wuxiang, you are so reserved.”

“You also know that most of my strength is in the spiritual power, and that Taoist Qingxuan has cultivated the world-level mental power. It can be said that he is the type of enemy that I am least good at dealing with.”

“There is only one chance. For the sake of my magic lineage, I think I should be cautious.”

“This time, I came here to ask you to kill this Taoist Qingxuan on my behalf.”

“Brother, your magic skills are unprecedented, and your immortal demon body has been fully developed. The intelligence shows that the cultivation and physical defense of this Taoist Qingxuan are shortcomings. If you take action, it will definitely be foolproof.”

“Wuxin Demon Venerable” laughed and stated his purpose.

“Brother Wuxin, don’t be so pretentious here. It’s not impossible for me to help.”

“With the talisman given by the old Demon Ancestor, as long as the benefits are in place, let alone the mere Taoist Qingxuan, I dare to do it even if it is a quasi-saint in the upper realm of the prehistoric world.”

“Wuxiang Demon Lord” said directly without beating around the bush.

Hearing this, “Wuxin Demon Lord” was not surprised. After countless years of working together, he knew “Wuxiang Demon Lord”‘s character very well.


“A blood bodhi pill as a deposit. After the matter is done, I will report to the Demon Ancestor that you have 80% of the credit for this matter, and there is a great probability that you can enter the Heavenly Demon Pool once.”

“Wuxin Demon Lord” said lightly, spreading his palm, and a black jade bottle appeared in his hand.

Wuxiang Demon Lord was delighted when he heard this.

“Blood bodhi pill” is the holy pill of the Heavenly Demon Clan, even for him, a great demon lord at the quasi-saint level, it has a great effect.

The “Heavenly Demon Pond” is the holy place of the Heavenly Demon Realm, which is personally managed by “Demon Ancestor Luohou”. It is rumored that it contains part of the original power of the Heavenly Demon Realm.

For countless years, with the status of “Wuxiang Demon Lord” in the Heavenly Demon Realm, he has only been fortunate enough to enter it twice, and each time he has greatly improved his strength and gained a lot.

The conditions offered by “Wuxin Demon Lord” made “Wuxiang Demon Lord” very tempted. After a calculation, he felt that it was very cost-effective.

Anyway, even if the action failed, the old Demon Ancestor would not punish him. Moreover, with the “Heavenly Demon Escape Talisman”, as long as the Heavenly Dao Saint and Dao Ancestor did not take action, there was basically no danger.

In the eyes of “Wuxiang Demon Lord”, Dao Ancestor and Heavenly Dao Saint were so great that they would not go to a small Tianyun Sect?

However, based on the principle of taking more advantage, “Wuxiang Demon Lord” still wanted to bargain.

“Brother Wuxiang, this is my greatest sincerity. If it works, it works. If not, I will ask for someone else. Don’t ask for too much.”

“Wuxin Demon Venerable” seemed to see the little thoughts of “Wuxin Demon Venerable” and spoke before he could speak.

“No, no, brother Wuxin invited me, how can I not accept it?”

“Then it’s settled. This time, I will send that Qingxuan Daojun to nirvana!”

“Hmph, a saint, bragging is not afraid of leaking, I want to see if there is such a fate to cultivate to the saint level!”

“Upon hearing this, “Wu Xiang Mo Zun” stopped bargaining and agreed to it.

Afterwards, “Wu Xin Mo Zun” did not delay and directly handed over the mother talisman of “Blood Bodhi Pill” and “Heavenly Demon Escape Talisman” to “Wu Xiang Mo Zun”, and then said seriously:

“According to the news from the spies of Tianyun Sect, there will be a farewell ceremony in three days, and all practitioners can go to watch the ceremony. At that time, our spies can take the opportunity to sneak in and meet the Taoist Master Qingxuan.”

“When I sent the positioning talisman over, I also gave my clan’s spies a rare treasure. This rare treasure is not very powerful, but it can detect whether the one who came this time is the real body of Taoist Master Qingxuan.”

“I have said in advance that if this boy is cautious enough and it is just an incarnation, then all the agreements just now will be invalidated, and we will find another opportunity to attack him in the future. ”

“The Wuxiang Demon Lord” nodded.

“Don’t worry, brother Wuxin. If there is no need for me to take action, the previous agreement will naturally be cancelled, and the Blood Bodhisattva Pill will be returned in its original form.”

Then, the two great demon lords waited quietly, waiting for the Tianmo clan spies from the Tianyun Sect to use the sub-talisman to lead the “Wuxiang Demon Lord” over.


Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and the Huangting Sect’s ascended ancestors arrived as scheduled, and each of them had three people to lead.

At the gate of the “Tianyun Sect”, the farewell ceremony officially began, and many practitioners flocked to see the supreme style of Qi Changfeng, the disciple of the saint.

In the fairy flying boat, Qi Changfeng opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

“It’s about to begin. ”

Then, he flashed and appeared at the farewell ceremony, attracting a group of practitioners to greet him in unison.

In the crowd, a middle-aged cultivator who looked ordinary quietly took out a simple and small bronze mirror and shone it slightly at Qi Changfeng’s figure in the air.

Qi Changfeng’s eyes moved, as if he noticed it, but he did not take any action.

In a few breaths, the bronze mirror changed and finally showed a red color.

“This is the real body!”

The middle-aged cultivator couldn’t help but breathe a little hurriedly. Without any hesitation, he moved his mind, and a mysterious talisman in his sleeves broke silently in an instant.

In the dojo of “Wuxiang Mozun” in the Heavenly Demon Realm, the mother talisman of “Heavenly Demon Escape Realm Talisman” emitted a dazzling light.

“Qingxuan Daozun came with his real body, and the spy activated the son talisman!”

Without any hesitation, “Wuxiang Mozun” activated the mother talisman with all his strength, and a dark space channel formed in front of him.

“I’m leaving! ”

“The Formless Demon Lord” directly displayed his most powerful six-armed immortal demon body, took a step forward, and disappeared.


In the Tianyun Sect, the farewell ceremony was going on smoothly. Suddenly, a glimmer of light flashed in Qi Changfeng’s eyes, and he looked up at a void not far away.

The next moment, without any sign, the void broke apart, and a space channel appeared, and a large amount of demonic energy that did not belong to the upper world of the prehistoric world poured out from it.

“Die for me!”

In the channel, a dark and hideous demon squeezed out forcibly, and his six arms held a bright yellow long sword at the same time, slashing at Qi Changfeng’s head.


Qi Changfeng was prepared, and saw a big flag rushing out of his sea of ​​consciousness, and billions of golden lotuses emerged, protecting his whole body.

“The Great Funeral of All Realms! ”

Under the protection of the “Central Wu Ji Xing Huang Flag”, Qi Changfeng was unwilling to be outdone by the great master of the Sky Demon Clan who exuded the aura of a quasi-saint. The eleventh move of “The Fist of All Worlds” was blasted out, and a huge fist print appeared out of thin air, directly facing the long sword.

With a loud bang, the fist print that Qi Changfeng had integrated with the world of mind power was directly split apart, but the momentum of the long sword was also weakened a bit.


The long sword mixed with the supreme Sky Demon sword energy fiercely slashed on billions of golden lotuses, and countless golden lotuses shattered in an instant, and the “Central Wu Ji Xing Huang Flag” trembled slightly.

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