[The first possibility is that after transcendence, you will end the simulation directly and return your consciousness to the “Honghuang World”. ]

[This situation is similar to your experience in the “Xian Gu World”. ]

[Since you don’t have Chaos Simulation Points, you can’t exchange for Seven-Color Simulation Times and can’t enter the higher-level “Above Heaven” world, so you can only be forced to end the simulation. ]

[However, the “Hongmeng Universe” is not connected to the higher-level Seven-Color World, so you are not sure whether you will be sent back to the “Honghuang World” by the system due to insufficient simulation points. ]

[This leads to the second possibility. ]

[If there is endless chaos outside the “Hongmeng Universe”, you may be alone in the chaos. ]

[Based on some information obtained from “Hongmeng” and a premonition in the dark, you think this possibility is quite high. ]

[You are still looking forward to the next situation. ]

[After all, all the goals of this simulation have been achieved. No matter what happens next, it will be a profit. The worst case is that the simulation ends and the consciousness is sent back. ]

[If you have the opportunity to experience the endless chaos, you will make a fortune. ]


[9.70895640.302888 years old: After tens of thousands of years of rest in the dojo, you have reached your peak state. ]

[Make all preparations. On this day, you will fully activate the world power of the big world in your body. At the same time, your mind will move, and you will send a signal that you want to leave. ]

[The next moment, you only feel a strong squeezing force coming, and you quickly penetrate the world barrier of “Hongmeng Universe Space” and are ejected outside like a catapult. ]

[The imaginary prompt of the end of the simulation did not appear. You came back to your senses and found that you have come to a new space. ]

[Around, a stream of gray air flows quickly. You recognize at a glance that these air currents are “chaotic air”. ]

[“I really came to the endless chaos!” ]

[You are quite surprised. ]

[This is the first time you have come to the chaos in person since you embarked on the path of cultivation. ]

[You looked around and found that apart from the chaotic energy, there was nothingness. Only a faint light spot could be seen in the distance. ]

[You know, that light spot is the “Hongmeng Universe Space”. ]

[“I didn’t expect it to spray so far away!” ]

[You were a little speechless and secretly complained. ]

[It seems that the current “Hongmeng Universe Space” doesn’t like you very much, and it wants you to stay away from it. ]

[Since you have practiced the “Nine Turns Mysterious Art” to the seventh turn, you can activate the “chaotic energy” yourself, so you don’t feel uncomfortable in the endless chaos. Instead, you feel like a fish in water and a dragon returning to the sea. ]

[This is also a hidden attribute of the “Nine Turns Mysterious Art”, a seven-color grade technique. ]

[Without the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art or the treasure to protect you, even a quasi-saint would have difficulty staying in this endless chaos filled with “chaotic energy” for long. ]

[You looked back at the light spot in the distance, and then rushed in the opposite direction. ]

[That’s right, you decided to stay away from the “Hongmeng Universe” and experience it in this endless chaos. ]


[In the endless chaos, it seems that the concept of time and space has been lost. You don’t know how long you have been rushing. Anyway, you can no longer sense the existence of the “Hongmeng Universe”. ]

[During this period of rushing, you tried all kinds of methods and found that the “chaotic energy” is all-encompassing and can be transformed into energy for various power systems. ]

[With the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art, you can already initially control the “chaotic energy” and can use most of your own methods. ]

[Powers like boxing and the way of the world have not diminished at all, and so has mental strength. The strength of the spiritual power at the quasi-saint level can also be effective. ]

[However, you can’t use any great supernatural powers like “the Great Law of Transformation and Freedom” that require superb time attainments to perform. ]

[In addition, you find that in the endless chaos, you can’t use means like teleportation to hurry up, and you have to run hard on your two legs. ]

[You know, this is not because the way of time and space does not exist in the endless chaos, but because your own understanding of time and space is too low. ]

[The way of time and the way of space are two very special ways, and they have different strengths and weaknesses in different worlds. The difference between them is huge, and it can be said that there is a world of difference. ]

[Just like in some low-level worlds, many strong people can perform space teleportation, and even more so can make time go backwards. ][However, once they ascend to a higher level world, this ability disappears. ]

[This is because different worlds have different rules of time and space. ]

[Generally speaking, the higher the level of the world, the more mysterious the rules of time and space are, and the more difficult it is to understand. Of course, this is not absolute, there are exceptions. ]

[As the place that accommodates all the heavens and the worlds, and the source of all the great ways, the “Endless Chaos” itself must have the most profound and mysterious way of time and space. ]

[If you can fully understand and control the great way of time and space in the “Endless Chaos”, it will be a great thing. ]

[With such attainments in the way of time and space, the time and space of all worlds can be played with in your hands. ]

[Of course, this is an almost impossible task. The difficulty is hundreds of millions of times higher than proving the way with force. It is still unknown whether there is such a thing in the entire endless chaos. ]

[Your perception of time and space is still very far from this level. Let alone fully understanding the avenue of time and space, you can’t even move in space in the “Endless Chaos”. ]


[Another long time has passed, and you don’t know where you are. ]

[Except for the vast amount of “chaotic energy” around, there is still nothingness, and nothing can be found. ]

[“It seems that one world is too small compared to the endless chaos.” ]

[You deeply feel the vastness of the “Endless Chaos”. ]

[Originally, you wanted to try your luck and see if you could encounter a world in the “Endless Chaos”, but now it seems that you thought too much. ]

[The efficiency of your journey relying on your feet alone is much lower than finding a needle in a haystack. ]

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[The boring years of traveling have worn away most of your patience. ]

[You simply stretch out the big world opened up in your body, enter the world with your true body, and then let the big world go with the flow. ]

[As the place that accommodates all the heavens and worlds, the “Chaos Qi” will not cause any damage to the world barrier. ]

[If a big man who travels in the chaos passes by here, he will find that an orange-grade world appears out of thin air in the chaos. ]


[During the long years of rushing on the road, you naturally did not miss the opportunity to absorb the “Chaos Qi” to improve and perfect the big world you opened up. ]

[Compared to the easy-to-absorb “Hongmeng Qi”, your speed of refining the “Chaos Qi” is much slower. ]

[However, the advantage is that the quality is higher, and the speed of your cultivation improvement has not decreased but increased. ]

[During this period, you also tried to comprehend the eighth level of the “Nine Turns Mysterious Art”, and found it extremely obscure and difficult to understand, and even made your mental power produce a strong sense of oppression. ]

[After weighing the pros and cons, you temporarily gave up comprehending the eighth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art and turned to studying the mind and the time and space avenue of “Endless Chaos”. ]

[In your opinion, if you rashly travel through the chaos without mastering the means of spatial displacement in the “Endless Chaos”, you are simply seeking death. ]

[Not to mention the long and crazy years of rushing on the road, if you don’t master the means of spatial displacement, it is easy to get lost in the chaos and eventually die in some dangerous places. ]

[For example, you are now in a state of disorientation and can only leave it to fate and wander aimlessly. ]


[Another long time has passed. With the talent bonus of the Son of Time and Space (red), you have a deeper understanding of the avenue of time and space, but you are still far from being able to perform spatial displacement. ]

[After all, “Son of Space and Time” is only a red-grade talent. Facing the “Endless Chaos” Space and Time Avenue, this bonus is not enough. ]

[However, in terms of mental strength, you have taken another step forward. ]

[Your mental strength has reached the quasi-saint level, and you are qualified to enter the “Great Thousand World Realm” mental strength. ]

[The “Great Thousand World Realm” mental strength is the highest realm known to the “Honghuang Great World” mental strength lineage. ]

[From the relevant classics and records of the Chan Sect, you know that even the Nuwa Niangniang and the Jieying Saint, who have the highest mental strength among the Six Saints of the Heavenly Dao, have a mental strength realm at the peak of the “Great Thousand World Realm”. ]

[Of course, you don’t know whether the Taoist ancestors who passed down the mental strength have made a breakthrough and reached a new realm. ]

[In addition to Nuwa Niangniang and the Jieying Saint, there are people who have reached the “Great Thousand World Realm” in mental strength. Some veteran quasi-saints who have studied for many years and whose own ways are quite compatible with the mind power have also reached this realm. 】

【However, the power of the mind power is composed of two aspects – “mental power cultivation” and “mental power strength”. 】

【Both are “Da QianThe power of the “world realm” mental power, the power of the quasi-saint level and the saint level mental power is naturally very different. 】


[Not long after the end of the Four Religions Competition, you had an epiphany at the gate of Yuxu Palace and broke through your mental power to the “middle thousand world realm”. 】

[After experiencing two orange-level simulations of the “Ancient Immortal World” and the “Hongmeng Universe Space”, your mental power has made great progress and you have spent countless long years. 】

[In addition, during the time you traveled in the “Endless Chaos”, your mental power has already reached the limit of the “middle thousand world realm”. 】

[A few days ago, you successfully understood the mystery of the mental power of the “Great Thousand World Realm” and felt that you were fully confident to enter this realm. It’s just that you are a little entangled. Before breaking through, you should return to the “Great World of Great Desolation”. ]

[You should know that after the simulation, the spiritual power cultivation can be brought back to the main body. ]

[After a period of careful consideration, you finally decided to break through the mental power cultivation in this “Endless Chaos”. ]

[In the previous few times, you chose to break through the mental power in the “Great World of Great Desolation”. On the one hand, it was because the grade of the Great World of Great Desolation was higher, and there might be some benefits to breaking through there. ]

[On the other hand, the time consumed for mental power breakthrough is not long, hundreds of years are enough, and it will not delay cultivation. ]

[And this time, you are in the “Endless Chaos”, and the breakthrough environment is still better than the “Great World of Great Desolation”. ]

[Moreover, the “Endless Chaos” contains a large amount of “Chaos Qi”. Breaking through with the help of “Chaos Qi” can give you Save a lot of resources. ]

[You know, although they are all world realm mental power, compared to breaking through to the “middle thousand world realm”, the “great thousand world realm” requires much more energy. ]

[However, these consumed energies are not worth mentioning in the “endless chaos”. ]

[In addition to these, you also consider that if you break through to the “great thousand world realm” mental power in the “primordial world”, it will inevitably cause a lot of noise, and it is likely that you can’t hide it from someone with ulterior motives. ]

[Break through in the “endless chaos”, and after returning, you can still use the “great thousand world realm” mental power as a trump card. ]


[After making up your mind, you no longer hesitate and prepare to break through the mental power. ]

[Take the great world back into your body , you come to the “Endless Chaos” again, look around, and find that it is still a void, with nothing but “chaos energy”. ]

[Use the chaos energy to simply outline a few formations, and you sit in them. ]

[It’s not that you don’t want to arrange profound formations, nor does it mean that the way of formations is invalid in “Endless Chaos”. ]

[On the contrary, the way of formations is also a powerful means in chaos. This means of using external forces to increase oneself will never be outdated. ]

[However, due to the “chaos energy”, the materials for setting up the formation cannot be preserved in the “endless chaos” at all, and will be assimilated into pure power in minutes. ]

[So you have a lot of formation attainments, but due to the materials, you can only use the “chaos energy” to outline a few simple gas gathering formations. ]

[However, with the “chaos energy” as energy, these preparations are enough. 】


【As you use all your strength to activate the Huangting Sutra, strands of “chaotic energy” gather towards you. 】

【You feel that you have completely understood the Huangting Sutra, the strongest mental power method of the “primordial world” passed down by the Taoist ancestor. “】

【The mental power of the “Great Thousand Worlds” is its end, and there is no record of the cultivation method of higher-level mental power.】

【Your mental world begins to evolve and expand rapidly. In just one thought, countless reincarnation eras flash by.】

【The power of the various attributes of the Great Dao interweaves, making the rules in your mental world more powerful and more inclusive.】

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