【The battle ended in an instant, and you discovered that the “Great Demon Saint King” actually had a huge amount of resources stored in his body, which was almost comparable to the gains from the previous looting of the “Buddha Realm” treasure house. 】

【”Is this current demon lord so rich? He’s really a big fat sheep!”】

【You were slightly surprised, and refreshed your understanding of the wealth of the Immortal King. 】

【But you immediately glanced around and found that the shattered “Demon Realm” did not explode any gold coins, and instantly figured out the reason. 】

【Looking at the Demon Realm Heavenly Monarchs around who dared not run away, dared not stay, and were as silent as cicadas, you didn’t care much, and directly left this place with the harvested prey, leaving only a mess. 】

【These Demon Realm Heavenly Monarchs are still useful, anyway, they can’t pose a threat to you, it’s better to let them go. 】

【As for the Demon Realm practitioners below the Heavenly Monarch realm, they all naturally fell in the aftermath of your fight with the “Great Demon Saint King”. 】


【Soon, the battle between the Immortal Kings and the shattering of the Demon Realm affected the entire “Eternal World”. 】

【Powerful men from all major forces came to see what happened. 】

【The broken pieces of the Demon Realm shocked everyone. Soon, they learned the whole process from the surviving Demon Realm Heavenly Monarch. 】

【”What? A mysterious existence appeared and defeated your Demon Lord with one punch?!” 】

【The “Five Elements Immortal King” of the “Heavenly Realm” could not believe the description of the surviving Heavenly Monarchs of the Demon Realm, and thought that these demons were under an illusion and had hallucinations. 】

【”Don’t joke, where in the world can there be such a strong man?”】

【”Even if we let the Immortal King Hunyuan come, it will take some effort to defeat the Great Demon Saint King in your demon clan’s lair.”】

【”One punch suppressed the Great Demon Saint King, could it be that a strong man in the Eternal Realm appeared?”】

【”Five Elements Immortal King” said. 】

【After listening to the words of the “Five Elements Immortal King”, a group of demon world celestial monarchs also doubted the authenticity of the battle they had just witnessed. 】

【”It is this power! Finally found it!”】

【At this time, a magnificent voice sounded, and a strong blond man appeared out of thin air, with crazy murderous intent flashing in his eyes. 】

【”Hello, Immortal King Hunyuan!”】

【A group of strong men hurriedly greeted him, and even a strong immortal king like the “Five Elements Immortal King” bowed his head slightly to show respect. 】

【The person who came was the most recognized strongest man in the “Eternal World” today, the ruler of the heavens – “Immortal King Hunyuan”. ]

[In the heaven, there are two peak immortal kings who have cultivated for thirty epochs—”Hunyuan Immortal King” and “Taishang Immortal King”. ]

[Among them, “Taishang Immortal King” is about to reach the limit of thirty epochs, and believes that his strength is not as good as “Hunyuan Immortal King” who is at the peak, so “Hunyuan Immortal King” has become the strongest. ]

[It can be seen how high the status of “Hunyuan Immortal King” is. ]


[“Not long ago, my brother was killed, and this strange power was left at the scene.” ]

[“During this period, I have been busy tracking down the whereabouts of the real murderer, and I didn’t find any clues. Today, I actually found it here.” ]

[“Hunyuan Immortal King” said in a deep voice. ]

[“According to Brother Hunyuan, it seems that the one who attacked Lanhai Tianjun and the one who destroyed the Demon Realm and suppressed the Great Demon Saint King should be the same person.” ]

[The Lord of Zhenghao responded. ]

[He is also an immortal king, but he has just entered the immortal king realm for more than an epoch, and has only cultivated for twenty-two epochs, and is still in the early stage of the immortal king realm. ]

[“I have never seen this kind of power, but I can feel that it is acting on the soul.” ]

[“It seems that the battle scene seen by the demon world’s heavenly monarchs before was probably an illusion caused by the murderer’s power.” ]

[“Five Elements Immortal King” thought about it and expressed his opinion. ]

[At this time, the “Glass Light King Buddha” of the Buddhist world also came here. After understanding the cause and effect, his face changed. ]

[“This kind of power! The theft of my Buddhist world’s treasure house is probably also caused by this person!” ]

[When you suppressed the “Great Demon Saint King”, you used your mental power, so naturally you left some clues on the battlefield. ]

[These powerful Immortal Kings have lived for countless years, and they are knowledgeable, scheming, and even have empty eyelashes. Following the clues, even without using the power of deduction, they still guessed what you did before. ]

[After communicating with each other, the Immortal Kings were so angry that they decided to find you, the troublemaker. ]

[In their opinion, you must not have the strength to suppress the “Great Demon Saint King” with one blow. You just use that special power, that is, “heart power”, to make the Demon Realm Heavenly Kings have illusions.. ]

[So, after a discussion, several Immortal Kings jointly issued a “hunt and kill bounty order” to find your trace. ]


[With the “Great Demon Saint King” in your hand, you did not return to the heaven, but casually opened up a space in the void, set up formations around it, and used it as a temporary retreat. ]

[As for the outside world that was in chaos due to the “hunt and kill bounty order”, you were too lazy to care about it. ]

[Practice is the real thing, and now it is time to break into the Immortal King realm. ]

[6023 years old: You plundered everything from the “Great Demon Saint King”, and the powerful force made you transform again, breaking the bottleneck of nineteen epochs of cultivation and stepping into the Immortal King level. ]

[Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two… . . . . . . ]

[After the breakthrough, your cultivation level has risen all the way, directly reaching the twenty-fifth epoch. ]


[A powerful breath swept across, almost affecting the entire “Eternal World”. This was the noise caused by your breakthrough. ]

[“I found you!”]

[“You are a young man who just broke into the Immortal King realm. You really fooled us!”]

[“Damn you, give me back my treasures from the Buddhist world!”]

[“Today is the day you die. Comfort the spirit of my brother in heaven!”]

[Not long after you broke through, the roars of the Immortal Kings resounded throughout the universe. ]

[The next moment, five Immortal Kings came to kill you in seclusion. ]


[“Hunyuan Immortal King, Five Elements Immortal King, Glazed Light King Buddha, God, and Lord Zhenghao.”]

[Looking at the five Immortal Kings coming to kill you, a hint of coldness flashed in your eyes, and at the same time, a hint of sneer appeared at the corner of your mouth. ]

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