[Now, you have all the power of the five immortal kings at your disposal. ]

[Limited by the thirty-epoch cultivation limit of the “Eternal World”, you only need to plunder the “Hunyuan Immortal King” at the peak of the immortal king to reach the current cultivation ceiling of this world. ]

[As for the power of the remaining four immortal kings, you carefully sealed them and kept them for future use. ]

[6298 years old: You have completely refined the power of the “Hunyuan Immortal King” and successfully reached the peak of the immortal king of thirty epochs. ]

[At the same time, the strength of your mental power has also risen, breaking through from the late quasi-sage to the peak of the quasi-sage. ]

[“It took thousands of years to reach the thirty-epoch immortal king comparable to the peak of the quasi-sage. This is the fastest time in all my simulation experiences.” ]

[You thought to yourself, and couldn’t help but sigh again at the outrageous basic rules of the “Eternal World”. 】


【After killing the “Great Demon Saint King” and the five Immortal Kings, in addition to cultivation and massive resources, you also gained a large number of ancient characters. 】

【These ancient characters were ejected from the “Gate of Eternal Life” and then controlled by the five Immortal Kings. Now they are naturally your spoils of war. 】

【These ancient characters include but are not limited to “Buddha”, “God”, “Demon”, “Six-Character Mantra”, “Five Elements Ancient Characters”, “Nine-Character Taoist Talismans”, etc. 】

【Among them, “Buddha”, “God”, and “Demon” are the characters of the “Buddha Realm”, “Demon Realm”, and “God Realm”, and have the effect of governing the realm. 】

【And the “Six-Character Mantra” – Om, Ma, Ni, Ba, Mi, Hum, “Five Elements Ancient Characters” – Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, “Nine-Character Taoist Talisman” – Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Zhen, Lie, Qian, Xing each have their own wonderful uses, containing the ultimate truth of heaven and earth. ]

[You didn’t hesitate to refine all these ancient characters and put them in your pocket. ]

[In theory, when refining these ancient characters, you will be fed back a lot of cultivation. Unfortunately, you have reached the upper limit of thirty epochs and it is difficult to make any progress. ]

[The cultivation fed back by these ancient characters can only be transformed into pure power to nourish your body and consolidate your foundation. ]


[10288 years old: You ended this retreat, left the dojo, sat on the chariot pulled by nine ancient dragons, and headed towards the “world above”. ]

[Your cultivation has reached the current limit, and you think it’s time to start the original intention of this simulation – to comprehend the “innate divine prohibition” of the “Chaos Bell”. ]

[Unlike refining the “Hunyuan Immortal King” and “ancient characters” where it doesn’t matter where you are, you think it’s better to find a mysterious place to comprehend the innate divine prohibition of the “Chaos Bell”. ]

[The “Supreme Realm” created by the advent of the “Gate of Immortality” is undoubtedly the best place. ]

[Anyway, with your current strength and reputation, you are definitely an invincible existence in the “Great World of Immortality” at this stage. ]

[With the bloody examples of the six Immortal Kings, no one dares to trouble you and seek death. ]

[10289 years old: After arriving at the “Supreme Realm”, you opened a temporary retreat in the central area, and nine “Ancient Heavenly Dragons” with the cultivation of “Heavenly Lord” and above were guarding you honestly on the periphery. ]

[The Ancient Heavenly Dragons, headed by the “Heavenly Ancestor Dragon”, have long been planted with restrictions by you with the Supreme Fist Intention. Life and death are only between your thoughts, so you are not afraid of their little thoughts. ]

[11299 years old: After a thousand years, the first thirty “Innate Divine Restrictions” of the “Chaos Clock” have been thoroughly understood by you. ]

[Compared to the “Nine-Nine Souls Gourd” and the “Central Wuji Apricot Yellow Flag”, the innate divine prohibitions of the “Chaos Bell” are more profound and more difficult to comprehend. ]

[However, now that you have the spiritual power of the peak level of the Quasi-Sage, coupled with the blessing of the orange talent of “The Great Dao Returns to Oneness”, this is not a difficult task for you. ]

[The effect of the orange talent that improves your comprehension is so strong that you feel that your comprehension has improved a lot and you have come to another world. ]

[13843 years old: Another two thousand years, the progress of the comprehension of the innate divine prohibitions of the “Chaos Bell” has reached the 45th level. ]

[This speed was hard to imagine before. ]

[You know, when you comprehended the “innate divine prohibitions” of the “Nine-Nine Souls Gourd”, it took you a long time to reach the 45th. ]

[20288 years old: The difficulty of the last four “innate divine prohibitions” of the “Chaos Bell” is beyond your imagination, but after consuming nearly seven thousand years, you still overcame the difficulties. 】

【At this point, all the “Innate Divine Prohibitions” contained in the “Chaos Bell” have been mastered by you. You only need to return to the “Great World of Chaos” and refine it thoroughly, and you will be able to use this “Heaven-Creating Prohibition” as easily as your own arm.Holy weapon”.】


[After completing the basic goal of this simulation, you let out a long sigh and felt much more relaxed.]

[20289 years old: After leaving the retreat, you did not stay in the “Shangjie” for a long time, but returned to the Taoist temple in the heaven.]

[Then, you passed down the decree of the Immortal Lord, announcing to all the practitioners in the “Eternal World” that anyone can take the ancient characters sprayed from the “Gate of Eternal Life” to exchange for cultivation from you.]

[Limited by the upper limit of cultivation, the four Immortal King trophies on your hand are no longer of much use, but it would be a pity to throw them away.]

[So, you I came up with a way to split the cultivation power of the four immortal kings into many equal parts, and then seal each part. ]

[Any cultivator in this world can use “ancient characters” to exchange for these cultivations. Depending on the power and value of the ancient characters, the cultivation that can be exchanged will naturally be different. ]

[For example, if someone is willing to exchange the most powerful “Tao” character, you are willing to exchange for the entire cultivation of one or even two immortal kings. ]

[If it is some insignificant ancient characters, it is estimated that you can only exchange for one or several sealed cultivations. ]

[However, as long as it is an “ancient character”, you will accept it. ]

[Because from the “Gate of Eternal Life” There are absolutely no duplicate ancient characters, so you won’t have to worry about receiving two identical “ancient characters”. 】

【These “ancient characters” not only have many mysterious effects, but can also profoundly explain the great principles of this world, which is very beneficial to your practice. 】

【According to your memory of your previous life, there are probably tens of thousands of ancient characters, and you now only have hundreds of them seized from the six immortal kings. 】

【Although these hundreds of ancient characters are basically some powerful ancient characters ranked at the top, they only account for a very small part of the total number. 】


【Your “Immortal Lord’s Decree” has aroused the entire ” The sensation of “The Great World of Eternal Life”.]

[Compared to the mysterious ancient characters, for normal practitioners, cultivation is naturally more important.]

[The Supreme Immortal wants to break into the Heavenly Monarch, and the Heavenly Monarch wants to be promoted to the Immortal King. Only with a high cultivation level can they hope to survive the great catastrophes of the era and live longer.]

[So, the various realms became lively, and many forces fought to snatch the “ancient characters”.]

[If you win, you can not only plunder the opponent’s cultivation, but the seized “ancient characters” can also be exchanged for one cultivation level from you, which is equivalent to getting two salaries for one job.]

[Under the high returns, many great practitioners took risks, and many Heavenly Monarchs fell.]

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