[Faced with the powerful suppression of the “Gate of Eternal Life” itself, you have no time to use other countermeasures. ]

[With a loud bang, the “Great World of Eternal Life” seemed to shake three times, and you were pressed under the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[At this time, you can only be described as miserable. The powerful Xuan Gong Seven-Turn body only has a head left, and everything below the neck is annihilated. ]

[Although the “Eternal Body” talent is quickly repairing your injuries and your body is gradually growing, the “Gate of Eternal Life” suddenly lifts up and then smashes down again. ]

[Fortunately, with the blessing of the red talent “Fighting Heaven and Earth”, your fighting spirit is indestructible, and you are immune to all the weak states of the seriously injured state, and your combat power has not been reduced at all. ]

[If other ordinary strong men were hit by such a powerful blow and were so seriously injured, they would probably just lie there and wait for death. ]

[However, the next attack of the “Gate of Eternal Life” is coming soon, and judging by the momentum, it is even better than the first attack. ]

[You know, if you don’t take some measures, you will definitely die under this “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[“This time, the moment the Gate of Eternal Life descended, all hope of surviving it was lost.” ]

[“Only by acting decisively and cutting off one’s arm can one win a glimmer of hope.” ]

[In a flash, you did not hesitate at all and directly blew up the big world that had just been successfully opened up in your body. ]

[Boom! ]

[The huge power generated by the world’s self-explosion directly lifted up the “Gate of Eternal Life”, and the aftermath spread and swept away. Those onlookers who just felt that they had reached a safe area ran away again. ]

[Because the big world in your body is of the same origin as you, under your complete control, the power of the self-explosion will not affect you. ]

[The power generated by your self-explosion of the big world in your body is extremely strong, and has crossed the gap and reached the level of Hunyuan. ]

[Unfortunately, the price is huge. Billions of years of hard work have been destroyed in an instant, and your “proof of the truth by force” has also failed. ]


[However, you know that although the self-detonation of the big world in your body is powerful, it is simply a pipe dream to want to cause damage to the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[In your opinion, the power contained in the “Gate of Eternal Life” is definitely comparable to that of a Hunyuan strongman, and it is not something you can resist now. ]

[“Hehuazi Dafa!” ]

[Taking advantage of the moment when the “Gate of Eternal Life” was lifted up, you seized the opportunity and directly summoned three “Hehuazi incarnations” from time and space. ]

[At the same time, you threw out all the fragments of the broken world after the self-detonation, and with the power of the “Escaped One” talent, your body instantly concealed its breath and fled far away. ]

[The “Gate of Eternal Life” paused for a moment, then shook slightly, and those broken world fragments, along with your three “Incarnations of Otherness”, instantly turned into ashes and dissipated between heaven and earth. ]

[Then, the “Gate of Eternal Life” stood still in the void, as if hesitating about something. ]

[The entire “Great World of Eternal Life” was silent, and all the strong men stared blankly at the magnificent “Gate of Eternal Life”, not daring to make any movement. ]

[This is the first time in recorded history that the “Gate of Eternal Life” has descended in a place that is not the “Upper Realm”. No one knows what it will do next. ]

[After a while, the “Gate of Eternal Life” soared into the sky, broke through the void, and disappeared. ]

[After a while, seeing that no more changes occurred, all the strong men breathed a sigh of relief. 】


【“The Immortal Lord has fallen, fallen under the might of the Gate of Eternal Life!”】

【Someone shouted, and the masters all had their own thoughts. 】

【However, everyone felt sad. 】

【They probably guessed that your breakthrough this time was to enter the “Eternal Life Realm”. 】

【However, you, who could suppress several top Immortal Kings with one punch and sweep across the “Eternal Life World” without any rivals, failed to succeed, which made some masters who aspire to a higher level feel discouraged. 】

【“I am a little tired, so I will not stay here for too long. Please do as you please.”】

【Several top Heavenly Lords and Immortal King masters left in a flash and disappeared. 】

【Your failure to prove the Dao dealt a heavy blow to these people. I don’t know where you went to stabilize your Dao heart. 】

【Next, the crowd watching the battle gradually dispersed, and some strong men hid their bodies and sneaked into the heaven. 】

【In their opinion, you have fallen under the “Gate of Eternal Life”, and now is a good opportunity to go to your dojo to get some money. 】

【If they can find the secret of your strong fighting power, then they will be rich, and one day they may not be able to be as powerful as you.To the “Great World of Eternal Life”. 】


【”Tianzu Dragon” and the eight Tianjun-level ancient dragons are your foot soldiers, and they are naturally watching your breakthrough. 】

【After seeing you fail to break through and turn into ashes under the power of the “Gate of Eternal Life”, “Tianzu Dragon” felt mixed emotions and a sense of relief. 】

【Just as he was about to return to the “Dragon Realm” with his men and get rid of his identity as a foot soldier, the early warning innate magical power that had saved him many times once again sent a frightening breath of death. 】

【”Tianzu Dragon” stopped moving, thought a lot in an instant, and broke out in cold sweat. 】

【”You eight, follow me back to guard the Immortal Venerable Dojo.” 】

【However, “Tianzu Dragon” reacted quickly, without showing any abnormality on the surface, and spoke directly to the other eight Tianjun-level ancient dragons. ]

[“But, ancestor, the Immortal Master…”]

[A Heavenly Lord-level Taikoo Tianlong wanted to say something. ]

[“No buts, hurry back with me!”]

[“I always act like this, ancestor. Since I have chosen to follow the Immortal Master, I must do it to the end.”]

[“You dare to have any doubts, don’t blame me for being ruthless.”]

[“Tianzulong” interrupted the words of the Taikoo Tianlong directly, glanced around, and said righteously. ]

[As the absolute leader of the Taikoo Tianlong clan and the only Immortal King, no Taikoo Tianlong dared to disobey the words of “Tianzulong”. ]

[Soon, six Taikoo Tianlongs returned to your Immortal Master Daochang. ]


[You naturally did not fall. ]

[After you decisively self-destructed and abandoned the great world you had opened up inside your body, you successfully escaped at the cost of three “Other-Transformed Avatars”. ]

[After that, you did not choose to return to the dojo, but found a secret place to recover from your injuries. ]

[“It seems that I made the right bet. After solving the source of the great world you had opened up, the Gate of Eternal Life did not pursue me relentlessly, but ended this catastrophe.” ]

[“Fortunately, I reacted quickly enough, otherwise I would definitely not be able to withstand the second attack.” ]

[“The power of the Hunyuan level is really too strong!” ]

[Feeling that the “Gate of Eternal Life” had disappeared, you breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that you had successfully escaped this time. ]

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