【”Master Immortal, spare my life!”】

【Seeing that you not only did not die, but returned to the peak, the group of strong men who came to seize the Immortal Venerable’s Dao field were horrified, their hearts and galls were broken, and they begged for mercy. 】

【You turned a deaf ear to it, and your heart was not moved at all. You suddenly exerted your strength, and the four immortal kings and a group of heavenly monarchs died in an instant, and all their cultivation was taken into your sleeves. 】

【”Master, you are back!”】

【Seeing that you suppressed a group of strong men with a flip of your hand, and your combat power seemed to be intact, “Tian Zulong” couldn’t help but secretly rejoice that he didn’t run away. 】

【”Well done.”】

【You nodded, took out the cultivation crystals of the two immortal kings, and gave them to “Tian Zulong” as a reward. 】

【Although they didn’t contribute much in the battle, their attitude made you very satisfied, and in addition, the resources for cultivation were no longer useful to you, so I gave them these rewards. 】

【”Tian Zulong” was overjoyed when he saw this. ]

[He noticed that the two Immortal King cultivation crystals you bestowed were from the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth epochs. ]

[Although these two crystals are of little use to the “Heavenly Ancestor Dragon” with the cultivation of twenty-six epochs, the Taikoo Tianlong clan is likely to create two new Immortal Kings with them. ]

[This can be said to be a great opportunity. ]

[The other eight “Taikoo Tianlong” clan Tianjuns showed an unconcealable passion in their eyes, constantly planning how to get a Immortal King cultivation crystal. ]


[Soon, you did not fall under the “Gate of Eternal Life”, but your strength did not decrease. The news of your strong return quickly spread to all major forces. ]

[This caused a sensation in the entire “Eternal Life World”. ]

[You did not care much about this, but returned to the Taoist temple to practice in seclusion, quietly waiting for the end of the epoch and the arrival of the epoch catastrophe. ]

[According to your speculation, there is not much time left in this era. ]

[10.162874311 years old: In the blink of an eye, more than a billion years have passed. ]

[In these years, you have been in seclusion to comprehend the great way. ]

[Through the briefly opened up inner world, you continue to perfect your “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture”. ]

[10.162875288 years old: You wake up from seclusion and practice, and according to the deduction of the heaven, the end of this era is coming soon. ]

[In tens of millions of years or hundreds of years, the great catastrophe of the era will surely come. ]

[You left the dojo, rode the nine-dragon chariot, and headed for the “world above”. ]

[It is worth mentioning that now among your nine ancient dragons, there are already three immortal kings. ]

[With the help of the two Immortal King cultivation crystals you gave, the Taigu Tianlong clan gave birth to two new Immortal King strongmen. ]


[After arriving at the “Shangjie”, you went straight into the central area, which is closest to the main body when the “Gate of Eternal Life” descended. ]

[In addition to you, there are many strong men with cultivation of more than twelve epochs gathered in the “Shangjie”. None of these strong men who arrived in advance dared to occupy the central area. ]

[Because everyone knows that only you, the supreme existence, are qualified to enjoy it. ]

[10.162917865 years old: On this day, the “Eternal World” shook a little, and countless cold breaths were transmitted from the void. ]

[“The epochal catastrophe is coming!” ]

[I don’t know which strong man said it, and all the realms, whether they were born or opened up by strong men, lost their luster, turned into meteors, and fell into the bottomless abyss. ]

[Suddenly, the “Eternal World” fell into darkness. ]

[The suns of many realms are extraordinary. They are not stars, but symbolize the mighty, blazing, and masculine power. ]

[Now they have fallen into the abyss and completely perished and disintegrated. This marks that the decay of heaven and earth has begun, and the “epoch catastrophe” has officially arrived. ]

[The first to suffer the catastrophe were the three thousand small realms. One planet after another collapsed, the five decays of heaven and man descended, and all life withered. ]

[Even those who have achieved success in cultivation quickly aged, their bodies stunk, turned into mummies, and finally disappeared. ]

[The Central World, the Mysterious World, the Holy Light World, the Infinite World… One by one, the realms collapsed. ]

[Soon, the catastrophe affected the heavens and the “Upper Realm”. 】

【Around you, the earth, the ocean, the mountains, the sky, all tremble slightly, and the air is filled with foul and pungent smells. 】

【Sewage is everywhere, and the pure vitality turns into poisonous miasma. Even if a strong man at the level of Tianjun accidentally inhales it, it will be difficult to withstand it. 】

【AlmostNot long after the epochal catastrophe began, all living beings below the realm of the Heavenly Monarch disappeared from the entire “Eternal World”. 】


【10.162924199 years old: Just as the “epochal catastrophe” intensified, a loud noise was heard, and an endless black storm swept across the “world above”. In the center of the storm, a majestic portal slowly appeared. 】

【The body of the “Gate of Eternal Life” has descended! 】

【Looking at the “Gate of Eternal Life” exuding a supreme aura in front of you, you are slightly uneasy. 】

【Before coming to the “world above”, you were a little worried that because of the last catastrophe, you escaped and whether the “Gate of Eternal Life” would attack you again after noticing it. 】

【Later, you figured it out. The “epochal catastrophe” affected the entire “Eternal World”. Whether you come to the “world above” or not, you can’t escape. ]

[If the “Gate of Eternal Life” will continue the Dao Tribulation and suppress you again, even if you find a way to survive, it will not help your path of cultivation. ]

[At your level, if you want to further improve yourself in the “Great World of Eternal Life”, the “Gate of Eternal Life” is a key point that you can never avoid. ]

[You can’t hide forever. ]

[You think that this is just an ordinary simulation, not the arrival of the real body. You will die at most. There is no need to look back. ]

[Moreover, the “Gate of Eternal Life” may not continue to attack you. After all, the last Dao Tribulation has ended. It is your ability to escape smoothly. Why should it hold on to you? ]

[On the other hand, you also want to test whether the “Gate of Eternal Life” will continue to suppress you to see if the spirit of the weapon has been bred. ]

[Based on your perception and understanding of the Dao of the world, if it is based on the basic rules of the world, the “Gate of Eternal Life” will definitely not attack you again when you meet again after the Dao Tribulation ends. ]

[However, if the “Gate of Eternal Life” breeds a spirit and possesses a certain level of intelligence, it is hard to say. ]


[As the “Gate of Eternal Life”‘s true form is fully revealed, the gate opens, and countless divine objects spew out from it, all around, like a rain from heaven, affecting the entire “World of Eternal Life”. ]

[For you who are so close, the “Gate of Eternal Life” has no reaction at all, as if you are no different from other powerful people. ]

[“It seems that my bet was right!” ]

[Seeing this, you are delighted. ]

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