[After watching for a while, you no longer delay, and under the wrapping of the “Great Destiny Art”, you directly enter the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[The moment you pass through and enter, you will feel the infinite power contained in the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[Without the help of the “Great Destiny Art”, even if you are a half-step Hunyuan cultivator + a physical body of the seventh turn of Xuan Gong, you will be crushed when you pass through the portal. ]

[As soon as you enter the “Gate of Eternal Life”, you look around and find that there are endless crystal wall systems condensed by the air of immortality everywhere, forming a vast world, like a honeycomb. ]

[You know, this is just the outermost part of the “Gate of Eternal Life”, that is, a threshold. ]

[Just a threshold, it is larger than all the realms in the outside world combined. ]

[“The power of the Hunyuan level is really terrifying!” ]

[You can’t help but sigh in your heart. ]

[Without staying too long at the periphery, you continue to cast the “Great Destiny Spell” and rush to the depths of the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[Since its birth, no one from the outside world has set foot here. You are the first one. ]

[I don’t know how long it has been, as if you have lost the concept of time and space, you have come to the core area of ​​the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[Here, a large amount of world origin and rule power flow. Under the operation of the rules, those origin powers are transformed into divine objects, and then transformed from divine objects into origin power. ]

[Occasionally, some “ancient characters” float by and are directly collected by you. ]

[Looking at the divine objects transformed by the origin power, you want to try to pick one up, but you find that it is like the moon in the water and the flower in the mirror, and there is no entity at all. ]

[And near the edge of the core area of ​​the “Gate of Eternal Life”, a yellow-green tumor is beating there. Every time it beats, a trace of poison gas and pus is released from it. ]

[This “tumor” is the source of the epochal catastrophe. ]

[Since the epochal catastrophe has just passed, the poisonous gas and pus produced by the “tumor” of the previous epoch have been completely emptied, and the “Gate of Eternal Life” has cleaned itself up, and the current environment is still okay. ]

[However, as time goes by, the poisonous gas and pus continue to accumulate. When the “Gate of Eternal Life” needs to clean itself again, the “epochal catastrophe” will come again. ]

[It can be said that this “tumor” has become an important part of the epochal cycle of the “Eternal Life World”, and it is also the culprit for the cultivators’ difficulty in living for a long time. ]

[You must know that in the basic rules of the “Eternal Life World”, if the cultivation reaches the eighth level of the Immortal Realm – the Immortal Realm, you can live as long as the heaven and earth and live forever. ]

[Not to mention the powerful Tianjun and Xianwang, the existence of such great supernatural powers comparable to the “Honghuang World” should not have to worry about lifespan. 】


【As for the origin of this tumor in the “Gate of Eternal Life”, there is no answer in your memory of the previous life, so you have no way of knowing. 】

【Perhaps, only by controlling the “Gate of Eternal Life” can you have a chance to solve this mystery. 】

【Then, you approached the tumor and felt it, and found that it had merged with the “Gate of Eternal Life”. With your current means, it is impossible to separate them. 】

【However, in your perception, this “tumor” does not have its own spiritual intelligence, and everything is done by rules and instincts, just like a ruthless poison-releasing machine. 】

【You believe that with your “Great Thousand Worlds” mental strength, you will never be wrong. 】

【Your memory of the previous life also confirms this fact. 】

【Unlike the “Gate of Eternal Life” that eventually gave birth to a spirit, this tumor has never had its own spiritual intelligence from beginning to end. 】

【At the end of the three thousand eras, the weapon spirit was reincarnated, and the “Gate of Eternal Life” changed drastically. The “Creation Immortal King” and other Immortal Kings used the “tumor” to plot against the weapon spirit. They also used a Heavenly Monarch to merge with the “tumor” to allow the “tumor” to reincarnate. 】


【Next, you walked through all the places in the “Gate of Eternal Life” and found no signs of the breeding of weapon spirits. 】

【”It seems that as I expected, only more than seven hundred eras have passed, and the threat of the tumor is not great. The Gate of Eternal Life has not begun to breed weapon spirits.”】

【Thinking of this, your eyes flashed. 】

【”It seems that I am lucky. The road to the eternal life in this world has not been completely cut off for me.”】

【”Only the spirit of the Gate of Eternal Life can hope to control the Gate of Eternal Life and reach the eternal life. Why can’t this spirit be me?”】

【”The spirit has not yet been conceived. Everything is still in time.”】

【”Unlike the native practitioners of this world, I have the help of the Immortal Martial Arts Simulation System. Even if I amEven if you die, you can still be reborn in this world with the help of ordinary seven-color simulations.”]

【”As long as you plan properly and seize the opportunity, you may be reborn as the spirit of the “Gate of Eternal Life” at the beginning of a new simulation! ”]

[This is the only way you can think of to control the “Gate of Immortality” and enter the “Realm of Immortality”.]

[If the spirit of the “Gate of Immortality” has been conceived or even born at this time, then you can only follow Fang Han and drink some tasteless soup.]

[And now, you will have the opportunity to become Fang Han!]

[To be honest, with your current cultivation and gains, if you can’t enter the “Realm of Immortality”, this colorful world is no longer of much use to you.]

[There is no need to consume a large number of chaos simulation points to enter.]

[However, as long as there is a glimmer of hope to enter the “Realm of Immortality” equivalent to a “Hunyuan Powerhouse”, you will not give up.]

[Because this can allow your mental power to break into the Hunyuan level, which is of great significance to your combat power and your body’s proof of the Tao with force.]

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