Now, there are less than a hundred years before the ceremony begins.

After Qi Changfeng came out of retreat, he found that the preparations in “Qingweitian” were basically complete.

A huge fairy platform stood in the air, which was the main venue for the ceremony.

For the opening ceremony of the Taoist temple, there are detailed procedures and records in the relevant classics of the Chan Sect. Qi Changfeng did not go beyond the rules and did everything as usual.

Below the fairy platform, the guests’ footholds had been arranged long ago. For convenience, Qi Changfeng even divided these footholds into spaces similar to secret realms.

Each space is managed by a “Qingweitian” disciple.

Many of these disciples are Qi Changfeng’s acquaintances in the lower world. This is also a chance for Qi Changfeng to give them a chance to contact the great masters of the prehistoric upper world.

Just like Murong Qing, Qi Changfeng asked him to be responsible for the foothold of Jiejiao, and the silly crocodile of Eba was responsible for the foothold of the four seas dragon clan. . . . . . .


In a blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Dozens of auras descended on “Qingwei Heaven”, and some of them were quite familiar.

Sensing the arrival of the people, Qi Changfeng flashed out of the dojo.

“My fellow brothers are so honored to be here. I am sorry for not welcoming you.”

Qi Changfeng said with a smile.

The visitors were Guangchengzi, Taiyi Zhenren, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Dafashi, Daoxing Tianzun, Chijingzi, Huanglong Zhenren and other eight great masters of the Chan Sect.

These are also the eight existing “Twelve Golden Immortals of Yuxu Palace”.

As for the other four, they had long since defected to Buddhism for some reasons after the Conferred Gods Tribulation.

In addition to these eight great masters of the Chan Sect, a group of direct disciples of the Chan Sect for three generations also followed.

Famous gods such as Yang Jian, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, Huang Tianhua, etc. were among them.

Of course, Yun Zhongzi, the reincarnation of the true spirit of the Red Cloud Patriarch, the Immortal of Fortune, and Qi Changfeng’s ancestor in the lower world, also came.

“Junior Brother Qingxuan, you are holding a ceremony to open up the Taoist temple, and as senior brothers, we naturally have to help.”

“Depending on the situation, we should not be too late.”

The leader Guangchengzi stepped forward and said.

The invitation to the opening ceremony of the “Qingweitian” Taoist temple had been sent out ten thousand years ago, and the news had spread. It can be said that it was the greatest prosperity of the “Honghuang Upper Realm” in the past tens of thousands of years.

With Qi Changfeng’s current peak strength of a quasi-saint and his great reputation in the “Honghuang Great World”, there will definitely be many great masters coming to participate in the ceremony.

Qi Changfeng, who has just ascended to the “Honghuang Upper Realm” for more than 100,000 years, basically cannot have any strong people under his command, and those crooked disciples are really not up to the standard.

If a great master or his representative came, it would be embarrassing to let the lesser immortals below the Golden Immortal receive him. It would make the Chan Sect lose face and make other major forces think that the Chan Sect had no one.

Therefore, the great masters of the Chan Sect came in advance in a group to help Qi Changfeng organize the ceremony and strengthen their momentum.


Soon, Qi Changfeng welcomed all the great masters of the Chan Sect into the “Qingweitian” Taoist temple.

Later, under the introduction of Guangchengzi, Qi Changfeng also got to know some of the Chan Sect’s direct descendants who met for the first time.

Among these Chan Sect’s direct descendants, Qi Changfeng felt that the “Yu Ding Zhenren” had the most profound foundation in cultivation.

With Qi Changfeng’s current “half-step Hunyuan level” mental power and heart power perception, he realized that this “Yu Ding Zhenren” who usually did not show off his skills actually had a powerful cultivation of the late Quasi-Sage.

Moreover, this “Yu Ding Zhenren” also practiced the “Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art”. In terms of attainments, his accomplishments would definitely not be lower than the realm of the Sixth Revolution.

“As expected of a tooth of Pangu, he has a deep foundation.”

Qi Changfeng couldn’t help but sigh in his heart.

The three generations of disciples of the Chan Sect looked at Qi Changfeng with a complicated look, with envy in excitement and admiration in envy.

It is impossible not to envy Qi Changfeng, the uncle who rose rapidly in a short period of time and suddenly jumped over their heads.

However, their highest cultivation level was only the peak of Taiyi Jinxian. They were stuck on the road to the Daluo level for many years and knew the hardships, not to mention the unattainable peak of Quasi-Sage.

When the gap was too big, they could not think of anything else, only looking up.


After settling the Chan Sect’s direct lineage, time flew by, and soon decades had passed. The date of the grand ceremony was approaching, and guests arrived one after another.

The first to come were the dragons, the Dragon Kings of the East Sea, North Sea, and South Sea came together.

“Greetings to the Taoist Master!”

After seeing Qi Changfeng, the three Dragon Kings bowed respectfully.

“Dragon Master., long time no see. ”

Qi Changfeng smiled at Ao Guang, the Dragon King of the East Sea.

Qi Changfeng was not surprised that the Dragon King of the West Sea was the only one missing among the four Dragon Kings.

I heard that some big demons had caused a lot of trouble in the West Sea in recent years, so it was normal for the Dragon King of the West Sea to be unable to leave.

Afterwards, Qi Changfeng arranged the dragon clan, glanced at the gifts, and was quite surprised.

“The dragon clan is really rich and powerful, and they are extraordinary. There is actually a middle-grade innate spiritual root in the gift!”

“And the amount of other treasures is enough to rival the entire fortune of a Daluo Jinxian.”

“It seems that this dragon clan wants to cling to my thighs. I guess the things in the West Sea are unusual, which makes the dragon clan feel a lot of pressure. ”

Qi Changfeng thought about it and quickly deduced the general idea.

While thinking about it, he analyzed the pros and cons, calculated many futures, and finally made up his mind.

“As long as the plan is properly made, this matter is still a good thing for me, not bad, not bad. ”

Accepting the gift, Qi Changfeng thought to himself.


Immediately afterwards, the disciples of Jiejiao, led by “Wudang Shengmu”, came to the “Qingweitian” dojo.

The great master Xuandu of the human sect and the Buddha of the Buddhist sect also came with their disciples.

Among them, the Buddhist team had the largest number of teams. The ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng clan came with all his descendants, including Jin Yi.

It was heard that “Tathagata” was still recuperating in Mount Xumi because of the previous defeat and had no time to take care of the ancestor of the Golden Winged Dapeng, so it came with the support of its brother Kong Xuan.

These guests were received by the great supernatural powers of the Chan sect, and Qi Changfeng was preparing for the ceremony.

Just then, Qi Changfeng received a message saying that the Buddhist venerable “Jin Zha” wanted to see him.

Qi Changfeng thought about it and sent an incarnation to meet “Jin Zha”.

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