Time passed by little by little, and all of Qi Changfeng’s preparations were completed.

On this day, an old Zen master came to “Qingwei Heaven” alone.

From a distance, Qi Changfeng felt that the old Zen master with a haggard face seemed to have a sun in his body, which made his “Sun True Fire Great Divine Power” produce a slight movement.

“The Tenth Prince of Jinwu is here.”

In the sea of ​​consciousness, the Chaos Bell transmitted the sound.

Qi Changfeng nodded. With such a scene, there was no one else in the prehistoric upper world except the only remaining Jinwu clan.

“Lu Ya Daojun, I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you doing recently?”

Qi Changfeng did not personally receive the demon prince, but Guangchengzi, who was very familiar with him during the Conferred God Tribulation, greeted him.

“Amitabha, I have now joined the Buddhist sect, and my identity as Lu Ya Daojun is a thing of the past.”

“But I have been practicing in Futu Mountain for a while, and everything is fine. Thank you for your concern, Mr. Guangchengzi.”

Zen Master Wuchao, the former Tenth Prince of the Demon Clan, said with his palms clasped together. He was completely different from the arrogance of the Ten Suns in the Sky and the unrestrainedness of the Conferred Gods.

“Haha, Zen Master, please come in.”

Guangchengzi didn’t care.

They have all reached the quasi-saint level. Who doesn’t know that all appearances are false? Whether it’s Lu Ya Daojun or Zen Master Wuchao, they are essentially practitioners who are seeking for a long time.

If you really think that this great supernatural being who sent many people to the Conferred God List with a sentence of “Baby, please turn around” in the past has changed his nature, started to eat vegetarian food and chant scriptures, and is dedicated to goodness, then you are absolutely stupid.

Master Wuchao was very curious about Qi Changfeng, the suddenly rising strong man. This time, he came to “Qingwei Heaven” to participate in the ceremony in person, which was also a sudden impulse.


After Master Wuchao, “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” also came late. With him, there was a strange beast with a tiger head, a single horn, dog ears, a dragon body, a lion tail, and a unicorn foot. It was the “Dingting” who could only listen to the prehistoric world.

Qi Changfeng personally received “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”. He suspected that the mysterious person who delivered the message to “Qingwei Heaven” was this person, but there was no evidence.

Glancing at “Dingting”, Qi Changfeng found that the ears of this strange beast were drooping, its eyes were looking at its nose, its nose was looking at its mouth, and its mouth was looking at its heart. It looked like it had nothing to do with him and was harmless to people and animals. He nodded secretly.

“I heard that this Di Ting is well versed in the way of survival. It’s interesting to see it today.”

Thinking in his heart, Qi Changfeng ushered “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” into the dojo.

As for the secret message before, Qi Changfeng did not ask much. He knew that even if he asked now, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva would not admit it.

Afterwards, several waves of guests came one after another, including representatives of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race.

Soon it was the day for the ceremony to begin.


The sun rose in the east, and the elegant seats on the fairy platform had already been arranged. Qi Changfeng and a group of fellow brothers were preparing to welcome the saint.

Just then, a voice came.

“The Queen Mother has arrived!”

A phoenix-shaped carriage came from the 33rd heaven of the heaven and soon landed outside the “Qingwei Heaven”.

Hearing this, Qi Changfeng frowned slightly.

He originally thought that for some reason, the Emperor of Heaven or his representative would not come to the opening ceremony of his temple, but he didn’t expect it to be stuck on the last day.

According to the previous custom recorded by the Chan Sect, the day when the ceremony started was the day when the “Saint of Heaven” descended.

And the “Queen Mother” chose to arrive early in the morning on this day. Although she was not after the saint, the meaning was worth guessing.

Moreover, the “Haotian God” himself did not come, which made Qi Changfeng a little unhappy.

The “Queen Mother” was also speechless. Before, she and the “Haotian God” decided to make friends with Qi Changfeng and decided to come to congratulate during this ceremony.

However, the “Haotian God” felt that as the current Emperor of Heaven, he was extremely noble and could not go to congratulate in person.

The Queen Mother felt that it was nothing, and it was also polite for her to be a representative alone, and there was nothing wrong with it.

However, who would have thought that the “Haotian God” thought that the “Queen Mother” represented himself and should go on the day when the ceremony started to show the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven.

“You really want to save face.”

“Queen Mother” couldn’t resist “Lord Haotian” and had to rush to “Qingwei Heaven” early in the morning.


Although Qi Changfeng was a little unhappy, today was a big day after all, and everyone who came was a guest, so there was no need to make any unpleasantness.

So, under the guidance of Yun Zhongzi, Queen Mother’s “Phoenix Carriage” successfully entered “Qingwei Heaven”.

After sensing the gift, Qi Changfeng foundThe gift from the “Queen Mother” was quite a lot, far exceeding the normal gift standard in terms of value.

“It seems that the Heavenly Court has no intention of targeting me.”

Combined with his usual understanding of the rumors about “Haotian God”, Qi Changfeng quickly figured out the reason.

“Haotian old man is really something. He doesn’t have the strength of the Emperor of Heaven, but he has the disease of the Emperor of Heaven, and he really thinks he is the supreme ruler.”

“Well, let him do whatever he wants. As long as he doesn’t mess with me, I don’t bother to pay attention to him.”

Qi Changfeng secretly complained in his heart, thinking about the Emperor of Heaven he met in the simulation world, and then compared it with Haotian God, and couldn’t help shaking his head.

In view of the good gift, Qi Changfeng decided to forgive the childish behavior of “Haotian God”.


As all the distinguished guests sat on the fairy platform, they saw purple air coming from the east outside, and strange phenomena appeared. Yuanshi Saint sat on his “Nine Dragon Agarwood Chariot” and descended to “Qingwei Heaven”.

“Welcome Master!”

“Welcome Yuanshi Saint!”

Everyone present bowed.

“Yuanshi Tianzun” smiled and nodded to Qi Changfeng, tapped his fingers lightly, and a golden light sank into Qi Changfeng’s arms, and then sat on the jade throne prepared for him.

As Yuanshi Saint sat down, an old Taoist holding a whisk and a young Taoist full of sharpness also came to “Qingwei Heaven”.

These two are the good corpse of “Daode Tianzun” – “Taishang Laojun”, and the evil corpse of “Lingbao Tianzun” – “Qingping Taoist”.

Speaking of which, “Taishang Laojun” lives in the 36th heaven above Qi Changfeng’s head – “Lihentian Tushita Palace”, which is considered a neighbor.

However, due to being busy with various things in recent years, Qi Changfeng has not had time to visit this famous Laojun.

Afterwards, Nuwa Niangniang sent her to sit Qingluan to represent her in the ceremony and send gifts.

The two Buddhist saints Zhunti and Jieyin also sent Buddhist voices, saying that they had important matters to attend to and were unable to come, and verbally congratulated Qingxuan Daojun on the successful opening of the Dao field.

In any case, the six Heavenly Dao saints expressed some expression after receiving the invitation.

These are what Qi Changfeng deserves for his strength and status. No one wants to offend a quasi-saint who is invincible and has a big backer for no reason, even if he is a saint.


Under the witness of a group of great supernatural powers and Heavenly Dao saints in the “Honghuang Upper Realm”, the opening ceremony of the “Qingwei Heaven Dao Field” went smoothly without any accident.

Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, and the “Central Wu Ji Xinghuang Flag” turned into a complete form that covered the sky and the sun, and hundreds of millions of golden lotuses enveloped “Qingwei Heaven”.

This treasure is the treasure that “Qingwei Heaven” suppresses the luck on the surface.

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