After further discussion, several Taoist masters including Qi Changfeng left the consciousness space opened up by the “Yuanshi Saint”.

Qi Changfeng learned from Guangchengzi and others that it would take some time for the three Taoist religions to take action, which could be as short as more than 100,000 years, or as long as it was hard to say.

After all, there is still a lot of preparation to be done.

Before the action, they will inform Qi Changfeng of the final plan in advance.

Returning to the fairy platform from the “Yongjie Palace”, Qi Changfeng continued to greet the guests who attended the ceremony.

In a blink of an eye, ten years passed, the ceremony was coming to an end, and almost all the guests left.

As the Yuanshi Saint left “Qingwei Heaven” with the disciples of the Chanjiao, the ceremony of opening up the Taoist temple was completely over.

After completing the finishing work, Qi Changfeng rested for a few days, and when he calculated that the time was almost up, he got up and left the “Qingwei Heaven Taoist Temple” and went straight to the “Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace”.

On this trip, he had something very important to ask the master “Yuanshi Saint”.


As Qi Changfeng expected, Yuanshi Saint had just returned from “Qingwei Heaven” not long ago, and had not yet practiced in seclusion, wandering in the sky.

Qi Changfeng met the head of the Chan Sect smoothly.

“Hello, Master, I wish you a long life.”

Arriving in Yuxu Palace, Qi Changfeng bowed to Yuanshi Saint.

“My disciple Qingxuan, I wonder what made you come all the way to see me?”

Seeing Qi Changfeng coming, Yuanshi Saint was a little confused.

With Qi Changfeng’s current spiritual power level and mental strength, even if he was in person, it would be difficult for him to deduce the purpose of Qi Changfeng’s trip through the secrets of heaven.

“Master, I have something to ask you about my path of cultivation.”

“It was not convenient to attend the grand ceremony because there were too many people around, so I came to Kunlun Mountain to ask Master for your guidance in person.”

Qi Changfeng said respectfully.

“Tell me about it.”

Yuanshi Saint heard this and became interested.

In Yuanshi Saint’s eyes, his little disciple was extremely talented, his path of cultivation was smooth, and he had great luck.

After reaching the peak combat power of a quasi-saint, there were not many things that could confuse him in his cultivation and he came to ask for advice.

“Master, when I was comprehending the eighth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, for some reason, my mental power produced a great sense of oppression.”

“Every time I was just one step away from understanding something, my soul would be torn apart and it would be difficult to make any progress.”

“Does Master know the reason?”

Qi Changfeng did not hide anything and described to “Yuanshi Saint” the problems he encountered when comprehending the eighth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art.

He felt that Yuanshi Saint, as the “Pangu Authentic” transformed from the Yuanshen of the great god Pangu, must know the reason.


“What? You have already begun to comprehend the eighth level of the “Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art”?!”

Hearing this, “Yuanshi Saint” was shocked and couldn’t help asking.

“Indeed, although my disciple’s “Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art” is only at the sixth level of perfection, it is because of limited resources and has not yet had time to break through.”

“In terms of skills, my disciple has thoroughly comprehended the seventh level and has also studied the eighth level. However, due to the reasons of the soul, it is only a hair’s breadth away and it is difficult to fully comprehend it.”

Qi Changfeng said “honestly”.

As for his talent in comprehension, he didn’t mind showing off a little more in front of “Yuanshi Saint”.

This is a person’s innate fate, which cannot be forced, and will not cause others to covet it, because it cannot be taken away.

“I didn’t expect that I still underestimated my disciple’s comprehension. In such a short time, despite the limitations of his soul, he almost comprehended the eighth level of the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art.”

“It’s really terrifying. In terms of comprehension alone, we, who have become saints, are far inferior to him!”

“The Yuanshi Saint” was in a state of shock.

You know, as a “Pangu authentic”, the Yuanshi Saint naturally practiced the “Nine-Turn Mysterious Art”, the supreme physical practice passed down by the great god Pangu.

However, after so many years of becoming a saint, the Three Pure Ones, including the Taoist Lord of Dao and the Lingbao Tianzun, all stopped at the Seven-Turn Great Success.

A large part of the reason is that as the “Three Pure Ones Saints”, they did not meet the conditions for comprehending the eighth level of the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art, which caused them to be stuck here.

If they could cultivate the Eight-Turn Mysterious Art, they could rival the Hunyuan strongmen with their physical strength alone. When facing other Heavenly Dao Saints, the Three Pure Ones Saints would have a much greater advantage.

It’s definitely not like now, when fighting one-on-one with a Buddhist saint, he just has the upper hand.


After calming down with difficulty and showing no abnormality on his face, Yuanshi Saint said:

“I didn’t expect your attainment in the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art to reach such a level.”

“I didn’t expect you to progress so fast before, so I didn’t tell you some of the secrets.”

“The Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art is the supreme physical method passed down by the great god Pangu. If you reach the eighth revolution, you will have the power comparable to that of a saint of the Heavenly Dao.”

“But it is so difficult to reach the eighth revolution. No one has ever succeeded since the beginning of the world, not even the Pangu master.”

“The eighth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art is profound and mysterious. It is extremely difficult to comprehend, but the most important thing is that no one has met the prerequisites for comprehending the eighth revolution of the mysterious art.”

“According to the memory of the inheritance left by the great god Pangu, I know that in order to comprehend the eighth level of the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, I must also practice the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong.”

“From the name, you can guess that the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong is a technique that is closely related to the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art. Yes, it is the main method of the soul of the great god Pangu.”

“Two supreme techniques, one to refine the body and the other to cultivate the soul, combined together, is the supreme technique passed down by the great god Pangu – the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Yuan Gong.”

“If you only practice the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art, no matter how talented you are or how strong your comprehension is, the seventh level is the limit, and it is impossible to comprehend the eighth level of the technique.”

“This is the limitation of the soul.”

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