[After entering the hall, you received a lot of information, and with the interpretation of the basic rules of the world, you roughly understood the current situation. ]

[The hall you entered is the “Hall of Gods”. ]

[In the era when the world rules changed and the gods gradually revived, it was this hall that bound all the gods tightly and formulated a series of interesting rules. ]

[These rules were automatically known when you entered the “Hall of Gods”. ]


[When this great world was first born, it was suitable for cultivation. After countless years of evolution, it became a paradise for the gods. ]

[Countless gods roamed the world, and the gods fought endlessly, writing magnificent epics. ]

[However, as time passed, the rules of the world gradually changed and were no longer suitable for individual cultivation. In order to avoid disaster, the gods fell into a deep sleep. ]

[Before the gods revived, the entire universe was dominated by technological civilization. Billions of races developed their own civilizations, and it was no longer a fantasy for ordinary life to cross the endless galaxy. ]

[However, although the technological civilization of billions of races has reached a certain level, it is far behind the orange technological world you entered before, which has developed many “level 12 civilizations” comparable to “quasi-saints”. ]

[It is simply the difference between a newborn baby and a galaxy mecha. ]

[This level of technological civilization is simply vulnerable in the face of the power of the gods. ]

[The first few low-level gods to revived easily devoured many races as food for recovery after countless years of sleep. ]

[If it were not for the appearance of the “Hall of the Gods”, which bound all the awakened and unawakened gods, it is estimated that billions of races in the universe would no longer exist. ]


[Through the information and your own perception, you know that the world rules of this orange world have changed again. ]

[After experiencing two different stages of cultivation civilization and technological civilization, these two different world rules actually began to merge. ]

[Technology and cultivation coexist, and the two do not conflict with each other. ]

[Although it is just a beginning now, if this momentum continues, complete integration is estimated to be not far away. ]

[“Is this cyber cultivation?”]

[You can’t help but complain in your heart. ]


[The emergence of the “Hall of the Gods” is a kind of protection for the fragile billions of ethnic groups, so that the gods cannot do whatever they want. ]

[However, the gods are not unable to influence the outside world. ]

[According to the rules formulated by the “Hall of the Gods”, the awakened gods can choose their own agents, give them power, and become their totems and beliefs. ]

[The larger the scope of influence and the more believers there are, the more rewards the “Hall of the Gods” will give back to the gods. 】

【And the “Relics of the Gods” also emerged from the void space one after another, and billions of races in the universe can enter and explore them, harvesting treasures and resources for practicing civilization. 】

【Some “Relics of the Gods” can even awaken the gods who are still sleeping in the “Hall of the Gods”. 】

【Because the power of the gods is too strong, the technological civilization of billions of races at this stage has no power to resist at all. 】

【Therefore, after the entire universe learned about the relevant rules of the “Hall of the Gods”, a wave of exploring relics and awakening gods was set off. 】

【This is related to the rise and fall, destruction and rebirth of their respective races, and there is no room for carelessness. 】

【In the face of races with the power of gods behind them, those races without backers have only one way to surrender and rely on. 】

【And awakening a sleeping god and gaining his recognition and protection is the beginning of the rise of a race. 】


【According to the rules of the “Hall of the Gods”, a god can only choose one tribe as the object of his gift and the base, and cannot cast a wide net, otherwise he will be backlashed by the “Hall of the Gods”. 】

【And a tribe can have many gods as their beliefs and totems, and use their power to conquer the world. 】

【In addition to giving power to agents, gods can also take action personally, that is, in the cruel “tribe plundering god war”. 】

【If the tribes that have the support of gods behind them want to annex each other, they can apply to the “Hall of the Gods” to start the “tribe plundering god war”. 】

【In the exclusive battlefield opened up by the “Hall of the Gods”, the gods can personally go down and kill and devour the other gods. 】

【If all the gods of the losing side of the “tribe plundering god war” fall, then everything of the entire tribe will beThe winner swallows it, the tribe becomes slaves, and the luck is plundered. 】


【Now, tens of thousands of years have passed since the “Hall of the Gods” came and the billions of tribes in the universe began to explore the “Relics of the Gods”. 】

【After the initial thousands of years of chaos, several powerful and lucky tribes rose rapidly and became the overlords. 】

【They have many subordinate tribes under their command, and behind them stand the powerful gods in the “Hall of the Gods”. 】

【In the “Hall of the Gods”, the gods naturally have strong and weak points. 】

【According to the information from the “Hall of the Gods”, you know that in this world, the gods are from weak to strong, from level one to level five. 】

【Among them, level one is the weakest, level five is the strongest, level four gods can be called “main gods”, and level five gods are “supreme gods”. 】

【You feel that you are at the top of the “Hall of Gods”, overlooking the kingdoms of Gods below, and you understand that the “Hall of Gods” has rated you as a fifth-level “Supreme God King”. 】

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