[The “World Cauldron” leads everyone to the “Ancient Immortal World”. ]

[Seeing this, you waved your sleeves, and a hole was instantly broken in the thick world barrier, leading the “World Cauldron” over. ]

[Then, you released everyone from the World Cauldron, and green light rippled, alleviating everyone’s injuries. ]


[Several of your disciples were very excited to see you, and hurried forward to salute. ]

[Although your appearance has changed, your aura cannot be fake, and you can manipulate the “World Cauldron” at will, so they know that you are definitely not a fake. ]

[Glancing at the people you haven’t seen for many years, you nodded secretly. ]

[Among these “immortal masters”, in addition to Shi Tiandi Shi Hao who took the lead in entering the “broken path” level, there are also many immortal emperor-level beings. ]

[After years of hard training, Willow God, Burial Master, and Butcher have already entered the realm of Immortal Emperor. The medicine seller, chicken farmer, Meng Tianzheng, Shi Yi, Ten Crown King, and others have also reached the peak of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and are not far from the realm of Immortal Emperor. ]

[And the rising stars who came out of the “Red Dust Immortal Universe” are not far behind. Ye Tiandi, Ruthless Emperor, and Wu Shidi have all cultivated to the “Immortal Emperor Realm”. ]

[Sun Saint Emperor, Xue Yueqing, Qing Emperor, Duan De, Fighting Saint Emperor, Five-Colored Immortal Phoenix, and others have also broken into the realm of “Quasi-Immortal Emperor”. ]

[Many other emperor-level powerhouses of the year have also reached the level of Immortal King. ]


[“Master!” ]

[The Chiyang boxing gloves are very excited and fly around you. ]

[After so many years of not seeing each other, this Dao-proving weapon you refined back then has successfully merged with another “Chiyang Fist Gloves” without a weapon spirit in the “Ancient Immortal World”, reaching the level of “Divine Weapon of Dao Breaking”. ]

[A black dog wearing ragged flowered shorts quietly crawled from the side of the Wu Shi Great Emperor to your feet, and when its big tail swayed, it inadvertently exuded a trace of imperial power. ]

[This dog is the Black Emperor, and now it has also reached the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor. ]

[In addition to these familiar people, you also noticed the presence of several unfamiliar Immortal Emperors and Quasi-Immortal Emperors. Judging from their auras, you guessed that these should be strong men from “Shangcang”. ]

[Like “Ancient Immortal World”, “Shangcang” is also an independent realm in the colorful world “Above Shangcang”. ]

[Faced with the invasion of the “Dark Weird Clan”, “Shangcang” naturally rose up to resist. ]

[A long, long time ago, the “Pollen Emperor” who reached the “level of breaking the Dao”, fought his way to the “plateau ancestral land”, and finally fell in the hands of the “weird ancestor” was from “God”. ]


[“It seems that due to my existence, the timeline has changed a lot, and it has not developed as I remembered in my previous life.”]

[“The ancient world of immortals has not been broken, and Emperor Huang Tian has not fallen into a weak state because of taking care of the heavens.”]

[“After Ye Fan, Wu Shi and others walked out of the Red Dust Immortal Universe, they successfully repaired the immortal domain and successfully joined Emperor Huang Tian and others.”]

[You pondered in your heart. ]

[Then, you learned from Emperor Shi Tian and Emperor Ye Tian what happened in the years you were away. ]

[Because he knew the details of the ancestral land and the strange ancestor of the “Dark Weird Clan” from you in advance, after leaving the “Ancient Immortal World” with a group of people, Shi Tiandi did not act rashly, but fought a guerrilla war with the strange clan. ]

[With the assistance of “Brother Di Gu”, who is also at the level of the Immortal Emperor, and some other quasi-Immortal Emperors, Shi Tiandi can be said to be thriving in the new world, making the “Dark Weird Clan” restless. ]

[The subordinate forces of the Weird Clan such as “Soul River”, “Four Extremes Floating Earth”, “Emperor Burial Pit”, and “Ancient Hell” were disturbed by Shi Tiandi several times, and even the strong men at the level of Dark Immortal Emperor were killed. ]

[During this period, Shi Tiandi met the strong men who survived from “Shangcang” to resist the Weird Clan. ]

[In those days, “Pollen Emperor” fought against the ten “Weird Ancestors” and was eventually defeated, and “Shangcang Land” was occupied by the Weird Clan. ]

[The only remaining Immortal Emperor of “Shangcang” hid away with some living power. After countless epochs of cultivation, he gradually recovered. ]

[Now, there are two Immortal Emperors and several Quasi-Immortal Emperors in the “Shangcang” force, which is a force that cannot be ignored. ]


[After Emperor Shi Tian formed an alliance with the “Shangcang” force, the power to resist the “Weird Clan” became stronger. ]

[Moreover, since the three “Weird Ancestors” sitting in the “Plateau Ancestor Land” were imprisoned in the “World Cauldron” by you, the other seven “Weird Ancestors” are still in the ancientSleeping in the coffin. 】

【This caused the entire “dark weird tribe” to be leaderless and fall into chaos. 】

【Shi Tiandi and others took the opportunity to gain a lot of benefits, and everyone’s strength and cultivation were steadily improving. 】

【Later, after a long time, the chaos of the “dark weird tribe” alarmed the sleeping ancestors, so a “weird ancestor” woke up and took charge of the situation. 】

【After discovering that the three “weird ancestors” who were in charge of the ancestral land had lost contact and disappeared, the remaining “weird ancestors” were shocked. 】

【You know, even if they died, the weird ancestors could quickly revive in the ancestral land. Now they disappeared mysteriously, naturally they encountered an extraordinary event. 】

【Through some clues left behind that year, the weird ancestors finally discovered that the three companions disappeared after entering the “Xian Gu World”. 】

【Two dark immortal emperors also disappeared with them. ]

[And Shi Tiandi and others who were making trouble everywhere in “Above the Heaven” naturally attracted the attention of the weird ancestors. ]

[In order to prevent the weird tribe from targeting the “Ancient Immortal World”, Shi Tiandi took the initiative to expose the news that the three “weird ancestors” were suppressed by him in the “World Cauldron”. ]

[The two immortal emperors, Shi Tiandi and Di Guge, were born in the “Ancient Immortal World”. In addition, the aura of the three “weird ancestors” released by Shi Tiandi’s manipulation of the “World Cauldron” made the “Dark Weird Clan” believe what Shi Tiandi said. ]

[After sending spies to find out that there were no strong people in the “Ancient Immortal World” and all of them came to “Above the Heaven” under the leadership of Emperor Huang Tiandi, the weird tribe focused their attention on the resistance forces such as Emperor Huang Tiandi. ]

[In addition, the “Ancient Immortal Universe” was recognized as the great sacrifice pasture by the weird tribe, so they did not choose to destroy this world. 】

【In the eyes of the Weird Ancestors, as long as the Shi Tiandi and his gang of troublemakers are wiped out, all troubles can be stopped. 】


【However, Shi Tiandi was well prepared. He led a group of people to fight guerrilla warfare everywhere and never approached the “highland ancestral land” of the Weird Clan. 】

【Fire a shot and change a place. Even if the “Weird Ancestor” came out of the ancestral land and personally dealt with Shi Tiandi and others, it would have little effect. 】

【Unlike the “Ancient Immortal World”, the colorful world of “Above Heaven” is much larger, and the “Weird Ancestor” can hardly catch up with Shi Tiandi who is determined to run away. 】

【In this process, Liu Shen, Zangzhu, and Butcher successfully reached the “Immortal Emperor” level after several battles, further strengthening the power of the resistance forces. 】

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