“Start talent selection.”

“Please select nine talents from the talent slot and the following talents and bring them into this simulation world.”

Shadow Master (Red): You are the incarnation of shadows, very good at hiding and assassination. The power of attacks launched outside the enemy’s perception is increased by 500%.

Chaos Charm (Colorful): You are born to be the most beautiful woman in endless chaos, charming everything. All living beings fall under your charm. Even the invincible Chaos Master wants to be your Taoist partner.

Ultimate Evolution (Exclusive) (Orange): You can consume the corresponding simulation points to upgrade the talents in the talent slot to a higher grade of the same type, with the upper limit being the orange grade. (Note: This talent is the only talent exclusive to the Xianwu simulation system and does not exist in the outside world.)

Daoyou, please stay (Red): When you call the other party from behind with a sentence “Daoyou, please stay”, you can choose to use 30% of your own luck to reduce the other party’s luck by 70%, making him unlucky.

Pure Lotus Demon Fire (Pink): You are born with “Pure Lotus Demon Fire” and can control it at will. The Pure Lotus Demon Fire is a top-level fire in a certain world, with extraordinary power.

. . . . . . .

After seeing the talents refreshed by the seven-color grade simulation, Qi Changfeng’s pupils shrank slightly, and his heart was shocked.


“Exclusive and unique talent?”

Qi Changfeng noticed the orange-grade talent called “Ultimate Evolution” at a glance.

This talent can be said to be tailor-made for the host of the “Xianwu Simulation System”, and there is no original version in the endless chaos.

Consuming simulation points can increase the grade of the talent in the talent position, up to orange. This talent may not be useful in the later stage, but it is very helpful to Qi Changfeng at this stage.

You know, among Qi Changfeng’s nine talent positions, there are four red-grade talents, namely “Fighting Heaven and Earth”, “Heavenly Array Master”, “Heavenly Treasure Master” and “Son of Time and Space”.

For the fairy-level simulation points corresponding to the orange grade, Qi Changfeng can say that as many as he wants, and there is no shortage at all.

This means that as long as Qi Changfeng chooses the “Ultimate Evolution” exclusive orange talent, he can upgrade all his talents to the orange grade!

As for the seven-color grade “Chaos Charm” talent, Qi Changfeng felt a chill all over his body as soon as he thought about it. He didn’t dare to choose this talent.

“The effect of the seven-color grade talent is really terrifying. It can be said to have reached the extreme in a certain aspect.”

“If I really choose this ‘Chaos Charm’, don’t think about going out to see people, otherwise I will be abducted to Zixiao Palace by Daozu in a minute.”

“I just don’t know what the ‘Chaos Lord’ in the talent description is, and I don’t know whether it is a respectful title for a big man or the name of a realm.”

Qi Changfeng couldn’t help complaining in his heart.

As for the talent “Daoyou, please stay”, Qi Changfeng was not interested.

He was unwilling to do this kind of loss-making business that would harm others and himself at the cost of his own luck to reduce the opponent’s luck.


Without much hesitation, Qi Changfeng prepared to choose the exclusive orange-grade talent “Ultimate Evolution”.

Since there are only nine “talent slots” at this stage, he needs to remove one of the four red-grade talents, “Fighting Heaven and Earth”, “Heavenly Array Master”, “Heavenly Treasure Master” and “Son of Space and Time”, to make room for “Ultimate Evolution”.


Without any thought, the useless “Son of Space and Time” became the unlucky one and was removed by Qi Changfeng.

However, the exclusive talent “Ultimate Evolution” will not stay in Qi Changfeng’s talent slot for long.

When the seven-color simulation returns, Qi Changfeng will spend “Immortal-level simulation points” to upgrade the three talents of “Fighting Heaven and Earth”, “Heavenly Array Master” and “Heavenly Treasure Master” to orange grade.

By then, he will have all talents of orange grade, and “Ultimate Evolution” will naturally lose its effect.

When the simulation is done later, a suitable new talent will be randomly found, and the functional talent “Ultimate Evolution” will be able to retire gloriously, making room for the new talent.

“It’s perfect.”

Qi Changfeng was very happy.


Before the simulation started, Qi Changfeng extracted a breath from the core of his own mental world, the “Jianmu Sacred Tree”.

This breath belongs to the world tree of the “Eternal World”.

In the past, he refined the origins of dozens of “world trees”, so it was not difficult to extract a breath of “world tree” from the “Jianmu Sacred Tree”.


Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, and this breath instantly sank into the “Xianwu Simulation System”.

“I hope it works.”

Thinking in his heart, Qi Changfeng chose the fist to suppress the heavens (orange), Chaos True Body (orange), Great Fortune (orange), Escaped One (orange), Great Dao Return to One (orange), Ultimate Evolution (orange), Heavenly Array Master (red), Heavenly Treasure Master (red), Fighting Heaven and Earth (red) these nine talents started this simulation.


[Simulation starts. ]

[0 years old: You are born in a “World Tree Seedling” in the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[The “World Tree” is a top treasure bred by the “Gate of Eternal Life”. Once it reaches maturity, it has the power of the Immortal King Realm comparable to the Quasi-Sage level. ]

[However, as a price, the “World Tree” itself cannot have spiritual intelligence and can only act on instinct. ]

[The rule power of the “Great World of Eternal Life” senses that the “World Tree Seedling” being bred is about to give birth to spiritual intelligence, so it brings down a disaster and wants to destroy the spiritual intelligence. ]

[However, facing your “half-step Hunyuan level” spiritual power, those disasters bombarded you for a long time, but could not do anything to you. You were just scratching your head the whole time. ]

[With your current strength and realm, nothing in the “Eternal World” can threaten you unless the “Gate of Eternal Life” takes action personally. ]

[5 years old: Your spiritual power is completely restored, but the “World Tree Seedling” is still in the process of being nurtured, and now is not the time for you to be born. ]

[You quietly wait for the “Era Great Tribulation” of this era to come, when you will be ejected by the “Gate of Eternal Life” to fill the gap of the previous “World Tree” that was cut down by an unknown old sixth immortal king. ]

[You are very excited about being successfully born into the “World Tree Seedling” after the start of this simulation. ]

[This shows that your plan is feasible. If you can be born as a “World Tree Seedling” at a fixed point, then becoming the spirit of the “Gate of Eternal Life” is also promising. 】


【Since you have already practiced the cultivation system of this world in the “Eternal World” last time, you are not going to go the old way again this time, and you will directly start with the “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens”. 】

【You have some new feelings when practicing the self-created method of proving the truth with force with the “World Tree Body”. 】

【However, the “World Tree Seedling” has not yet been nurtured, and you dare not practice too fast, so as not to affect the development of the “World Tree”. 】

【Anyway, there is still a lot of time, and there are thirty epochs in the future for you to squander, so there is no need to rush. 】

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