【”What’s going on!?”】

【”Is it this World Tree Seedling?!”】

【The surrounding strong men were extremely horrified. 】

【That was the “Saint Lord” who dominated the heaven for several epochs, with a strength that was unprecedented in history. He was a terrifying immortal king with 29 epochs of cultivation. He was actually killed by a fist mark that appeared out of thin air, leaving nothing behind. 】

【”Dare to attack me, you have already chosen your death.”】

【Your voice sounded again, with no intention of stopping. 】

【The six immortal kings who took the “World Tree Seedling”, except for the “Saint Lord” who had already died, the other five saw that the situation was not good and fled frantically. 】

【However, they found that any means of escape were difficult to perform. They seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, with difficulty in taking a step, and their combat power was reduced by 80%. ]

[You used the “half-step mixed primordial level” mental power to display the “Great Thousand World Realm” mental power world, which directly enveloped the entire upper world, cutting off all their thoughts of escape. ]

[“One person, if you can withstand it, you are lucky and should not die here.” ]

[A faint voice came from the “World Tree Seedling”, but it sounded like a death warrant to the ears of the five immortal kings. ]

[Five light gray fist marks appeared above the heads of the five immortal kings, smashing down on their heads. ]

[“Senior, spare my life!” ]

[The tragic death of the “Saint” just now scared the five immortal kings. ]

[The “Saint”, who was more powerful, could not withstand the attack of this terrifying fist mark, let alone them. 】


【However, the five fists did not stop for a moment because of their pleas for mercy. 】

【With a loud bang, the five immortal kings and their “artifacts of creation” instantly followed the footsteps of the “holy master”. 】

【However, under the restraint of the power of the fists, the bodies of the five immortal kings looked intact, but there was no trace of life. 】

【”It seems that your life is not strong enough.” 】

【You said lightly, swaying the branches and roots. 】

【After speaking, a leaf flew out and wrapped up the bodies of the five immortals and their remains after death. 】

【High in the sky, in front of the majestic “Gate of Eternal Life”, a green seedling took root on the bodies of the five immortal kings, constantly absorbing power. ]

[This scene looks so weird that all the “Heavenly Lords” and “Immortal Kings” watching the battle around are silent, fearing that they will be targeted by this terrifying existence that came out of the “Gate of Eternal Life”. ]

[As for running away, that is even more impossible. ]

[Didn’t the five Immortal Kings run away? Now their bodies are still lying in the air. ]

[You should know that in this era, there are only twelve or thirteen Immortal Kings in the entire “Eternal Life World”. You just came out and killed half of them. ]

[Within one day, six “Supreme Immortal Kings” died. Such a horrific incident has not happened in seven or eight hundred epochs. How can the powerful people watching the battle around not be afraid? ]

[You killed six “Supreme Immortal Kings” in succession, and your heart was not shaken. ]

[In this world of cultivation where “cannibalism” is the mainstream, if you don’t do it, others will do it. ]

[You don’t mind giving the strong men in this world a boost so that they can distinguish between the big and small kings. ]


[“Master Immortal, is that you?”]

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

[Just then, a powerful Immortal King present said excitedly with an incredible look on his face. ]

[You looked in the direction of the voice and found that it was the current Immortal King of the “Ancient Sky Dragon Clan”. ]

[“You, little dragon, actually recognized me. It seems that the inheritance of the Dragon Realm has never been cut off in the past eight hundred epochs.”]

[You said. ]

[“It’s really the Immortal Master in person!”]

[“My name is Taishi, and I am the current patriarch of the Ancient Sky Dragons and the current Lord of the Dragon Realm.”]

[“When you disappeared in pursuit of supremacy, my Ancient Sky Dragon clan has always kept your breath, and every generation of Dragon Realm Lords can recognize your breath.”]

[“Although you appear as the World Tree now, your soul breath cannot be faked, so I can recognize your identity at a glance.”]

[“The Great Ancestor Dragon” bowed to you and answered respectfully. ]

[“So that’s how it is. You guys are thoughtful.”]

[“Don’t worry, I’m not a bloodthirsty person. If those six hadn’t taken the initiative to attack me, I wouldn’t have done anything to them.”]

[You waved your branches and leaves, telling the powerful people around you not to take it too seriously. ]

[After that, you stayed in the central area of ​​the upper realm and began to collectGather the divine objects spewed out from the “Gate of Eternal Life”. 】

【While speaking, the five “corpses of the Supreme Immortal Kings” have been completely devoured by you, and the cultivation of the six immortal kings has been stored in your body. 】

【When you have time to digest the power of these immortal kings, you feel that you can definitely become the most powerful “world tree” in the past and present. 】


【”Fortunately, I did not take action to snatch the seedling of the world tree, otherwise I would have been one of the people who died today.” 】

【All the strong men present were shocked and sweated when they heard this, feeling as if they had unknowingly turned around the gates of hell, especially the other six or seven “Supreme Immortal Kings”. 】

【After a while, they found that you really stopped taking action, and the hearts of the strong men calmed down a little, and their minds began to become active. 】

【”The Great Ancestor Dragon recognized this mysterious being that emerged from the ‘Gate of Eternal Life’ and called him Immortal Venerable.”】

【”Could it be the supreme strongman who appeared more than 800 epochs ago and was suspected to be in the ‘Eternal Life Realm’ as recorded in the clan’s classics?”】

【”I thought it was because the time was too long, the information transmission was biased, and it was eventually spread by word of mouth and fabricated false news. I didn’t expect it to be true!”】

【”The supreme fairy king strongman couldn’t withstand a single blow. What else could he be but an existence in the realm of immortality?”】

【”More than 800 epochs! It’s incredible that he is still alive after such a long time.”】

【The deeds of your first visit to the “Eternal Life World” have become a myth and legend in this world after a long time of baptism. 】

【After so much time, except for the “Ancient Sky Dragon Clan” who still has your breath and inheritance, other forces have always believed that you are a person fabricated by our ancestors and do not exist. ]

[However, today’s battle, six immortal kings died, making all the strong men realize the reality. They know that from now on, there is a mountain on their heads. ]


[10092071 years old: As time goes by, this “epoch catastrophe” is coming to an end. ]

[The “Gate of Eternal Life” no longer spews out divine objects, and the broken realm has been repaired by the power of rules. A new era – the 1616th era has officially begun. ]

[After the catastrophe ended, you didn’t care about the strong men present. With a thought, you disappeared and left the “upper realm”. ]

[The heavenly monarchs and immortal kings breathed a sigh of relief, and did not stay for too long. Instead, they returned to their own forces and prepared to check your relevant information carefully. ]

[Because everyone knows that the times have changed! ]

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