Before refining the three “top-grade innate spiritual treasures” of “Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag”, “Southern Lidi Flame Light Flag” and “Falling Treasure Gold”, Qi Changfeng still has a very important thing to do.

That is, with the help of the “Ultimate Evolution” talent, he can upgrade the red talent level in his talent slot to orange.

At this stage, among Qi Changfeng’s nine talents, there are still three red-level talents, namely “Fighting Heaven and Earth”, “Heavenly Array Master” and “Heavenly Treasure Master”.

Among them, “Fighting Heaven and Earth” is a pure combat power talent.

Not only can it provide Qi Changfeng with a 15-fold combat power increase, but it can also make his fighting spirit immortal, immune to the weak state under severe injuries, and fight with peak combat power until the last moment.

Combined with the abnormal recovery and defense of the “Chaos True Body” talent, and the powerful physical bonus of “Nine Revolutions Profound Art”, Qi Changfeng can become an invincible fighting maniac.

The two talents of “Heavenly Treasure Master” and “Heavenly Array Master” greatly improve Qi Changfeng’s “Array Dao” and “Artifact Refining Dao”, and can also increase the power of arrays and treasures.

It can be said that these three talents are very important to Qi Changfeng, and it is unacceptable to lack any one of them.

Now, only need to spend “Xian-level simulation points” to upgrade these three talents to orange grade, Qi Changfeng is a little impatient.

You know, in terms of the talents provided by the system, the red grade to the orange grade is a big leap.

Once the upgrade is successful, Qi Changfeng’s strength will surely usher in a surge.


Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, and his consciousness connected to the “Xianwu Simulation System”.

“Ding, three upgradeable red talents are detected, do you want to upgrade?”


Qi Changfeng did not hesitate at all.

“The host does not have enough fairy-level simulation points, and the talent upgrade failed.”

“Each talent upgrade requires 5 billion fairy-level simulation points, a total of 15 billion fairy-level simulation points, and the host is still short of 13.6 billion fairy-level simulation points.”

Qi Changfeng was slightly stunned after receiving the system prompt.

“So many?”

Qi Changfeng had saved more than 1 billion fairy-level simulation points in the “Xianwu Simulation System” before, and thought it should be enough, but he didn’t expect that he couldn’t even upgrade a red-level talent.

However, Qi Changfeng didn’t care.

A mere 15 billion fairy-level simulation points, that is, 15 billion fairy spirit stones, with his current wealth and status, it can be said that it is easy to get them together.

Qi Changfeng didn’t have so many fairy spirit stones on hand. He took out a batch of natural treasures from the “Chaos Bell” and contacted several fellow disciples of the Chan Sect. In just half a day, he exchanged these natural treasures for 20 billion fairy spirit stones.

Although these fellow disciples of the Chan Sect were somewhat puzzled as to why Qi Changfeng suddenly needed so many fairy stones, no one would delve into such a trivial matter.

The reason why this batch of natural treasures was not directly exchanged for fairy-level simulation points was that it was more cost-effective to exchange them for fairy stones.

In the current “Honghuang World”, most natural treasures need to be purchased at a premium, and even in many cases, no fairy stones can be bought.

Save where you can, spend where you can, ride a bicycle to the bar, this move can be said to have saved Qi Changfeng at least 50% of the resources.



After charging 20 billion “fairy-level simulation points” into the Xianwu simulation system, Qi Changfeng chose to upgrade again.

A warm current came over, and Qi Changfeng’s body shook, and the three red-level talents were upgraded in a breath.

War Saint of the Universe (Orange): Your fighting ability is unrivaled. You can exert 25 times your own combat power in battle, and you have a high probability of seeing through the enemy’s weaknesses and anticipating the enemy’s moves. You can consume “Chaos Simulation Points” to increase your combat power to 30 times for a short time.

Chaos Array Master (Orange): You have the array talent of Chaos Master, and the speed of learning and understanding arrays is increased by 5000%; when performing arrays, the power effect is increased by 200%; when facing array attacks, all effects are weakened by 60%.

All array diagrams and array plates you refine will be given chaos attributes, and any array can be arranged and take effect in “Endless Chaos”. At the same time, when the location of the array is Endless Chaos, the array effect is increased by an additional 50%.

Chaos Instrument Master (Orange): Your talent for refining instruments and controlling treasures is hard to find in chaos. When refining treasures, the speed is increased by 200%, the consumption is reduced by 70%, and the success rate is increased by 80%; when controlling treasures, the treasure compatibility is increased by 60%, and the treasure power is increased by 100%.

You can melt the “chaos energy” into the treasure, give your own artifacts the chaotic attribute, so that it can exert its full power in different worlds.


Looking at the talent position, three brand new orange itemsQi Changfeng couldn’t help but breathe faster after reading the description of the talent.

“It’s worthy of being an orange-grade talent. The improvement is really big!”

The “War Saint of All Heavens” talent is an upgraded version of the “War Heaven and Earth” talent. The effect is simple and rough. The combat power increase is increased from 15 times to 25 times, and there is also an additional burst method of burning simulation points.

However, this burst method requires burning “chaos simulation points”. Considering Qi Changfeng’s emphasis on “chaos simulation points”, it is estimated that he will not use this method unless it is absolutely necessary.

He would rather burn his own essence and blood essence, anyway, the recovery power is abnormal, and the “chaos simulation points” will not automatically increase after consumption.

In addition, a new abnormal effect of insight into the enemy’s weaknesses and anticipating the enemy’s moves has been added. Although it is probabilistic, once triggered, it is likely to determine the outcome of a war.

In addition, although the talent description does not mention “immortal fighting spirit, immune to serious injury and weakness”, but based on past experience, Qi Changfeng knows that high-grade talents will retain all the effects of low-grade talents of the same type.

Therefore, these effects did not disappear, but were not displayed.


“Chaos Array Master” is an upgraded version of the “Heavenly Array Master” talent, providing a 5000% increase in the speed of array comprehension, and the array power has also increased from two times to three times.

At the same time, there is an additional state in which the effect received is reduced by 60% when facing array attacks.

With this talent, Qi Changfeng can freely swim in many large arrays that were originally very dangerous.

More importantly, Qi Changfeng can arrange arrays in “Endless Chaos”. After the array diagram and array plate have chaotic attributes, he no longer needs to worry about the problem of array materials.

In addition to the significant increase in the amplification value, the “Chaos Instrument Master” talent has also added an extremely important effect.

That is, Qi Changfeng can melt the “chaos energy” into his own treasures, giving them chaotic attributes, thus solving the problem that some treasures become fire sticks in the other world.

In this way, treasures like “Falling Treasure Money” and “Nine Nine Souls Gourd” will have the opportunity to show their power in the simulated world.

The artifacts refined by Qi Changfeng in the simulated world, such as “Chaos Heaven Map” and “Red Sun Fist Gloves”, will also have the opportunity to travel with him in the “Endless Chaos” in the future.

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