【After this episode, the five of you discussed the Dao for a while. 】

【From Qin Yu and others, you learned about the current development of the “Hongmeng Universe”. 】

【At this stage, the number of “Hongmeng Controllers” has grown to nearly a hundred. 】

【Among them, the 7749 “Second Level Hongmeng Controllers” on the “Hongmeng Gold List” have been filled, and the entire “Hongmeng Gold List” still has about half of the empty positions. 】

【”As the number of Hongmeng Universes opened up increases, the speed of the birth of Transcendents will continue to increase.” 】

【”It seems that it won’t take long before all the “Hongmeng Controllers” on the “Hongmeng Gold List” will return to their positions. By then, the Hongmeng Universe is likely to usher in a transformation.” 】

【You speculated in your heart. 】

【10872 years old: In the blink of an eye, more than ten thousand years have passed, and the discussion of the five of you is coming to an end. 】

【After coming out of Lin Lei’s dojo, you opened up a cave in the void as a place for cultivation. ]

[The dojo you opened up in the “Hongmeng Universe” has now disappeared. ]

[According to Che Houyuan, not long after you transcended this world, a force of rules descended and wiped out your dojo without leaving any trace. ]

[You are not surprised by this. ]

[After all, last time in this world simulation, after surviving the catastrophe of proving the Dao with force, you have been fleecing the “Hongmeng Universe”. ]

[The “world will” in the dark naturally dislikes you, a rebellious son who has already separated from the family but still refuses to leave and always wants to explode the old gold coins. ]


[2066581 years old: In the blink of an eye, millions of years have passed. During this time, you have been practicing the “Great Chaos Heavenly Treasure Scripture” and “Nine Turns Mysterious Art” in seclusion. ]

[After swallowing countless “Hongmeng Qi”, your body has once again reached the realm of the seventh turn of the mysterious art. ]

[Since you have not yet transcended by proving the Dao with force, you are still a part of the “Hongmeng Universe”. No matter how much “Hongmeng Qi” you absorb, no world rules will bother you. ]

[As for whether you will suck out the “Hongmeng Qi” in this world, you are not worried at all. ]

[Because when you first proved the Dao with force and stepped into the endless chaos, you looked at the “Hongmeng Universe”. ]

[It was discovered that it was absorbing the surrounding “chaotic Qi” and continuously converting “chaotic Qi” into “Hongmeng Qi”. ]

[Therefore, the “Hongmeng Qi” in this world can be said to be endless. ]


[As time passed, the news of your return gradually spread among the “Hongmeng Controllers”. ]

[Those “Second and Third Level Hongmeng Controllers” are very interested in you, the legendary immortal who transcended the world. ]

[Among these strong men, except for Qin Yu’s son, the first “Second Level Hongmeng Controller”, none of them has actually seen you. ]

[So, many “Hongmeng Controllers” came to visit with gifts. ]

[As the saying goes, don’t hit a smiling person. You specially separated an incarnation to meet these “Second and Third Level Hongmeng Controllers”. ]

[As far as you know, whether it is a second or third level “Hongmeng Controller”, as soon as it transcends, it has the strength comparable to the “Daluo Jinxian”. Even compared with the Tianzun existence in the main universe of the “First Level Hongmeng Controller”, it is much stronger. ]

[However, the “Third Level Hongmeng Controller” is not subject to the “Second Level Hongmeng Controller”. They are all directly governed by the four “First Level Hongmeng Controllers”. The gap between the two is not big. ]

[108695543 years old: It has been 100 million years since you came to this world. The “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens” has been cultivated to the peak. The next step is to prove the way with force. ]

[You called Hong Meng, Lin Lei, Qin Yu, Che Houyuan and other acquaintances, and told them that you were about to prove the Dao with force again, transcend and step into the endless chaos. ]

[They were not surprised by your choice. ]

[To be honest, if they had the ability, they would not want to stay in one world, and would definitely want to go to the “endless chaos” to see it. ]


[108695543 years old: You fully operate the “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens” and begin to prove the Dao with force. ]


[As the “world prototype” gradually takes shape, you turn it into reality and open it up from nothingness. ]

[Boom! ]

[The “Dao Tribulation” descended instantly, and endless disasters swarmed in, trying to block your way to transcendence. 】

【However, compared with the Dao calamity of the “Great World of Eternal Life” – “Gate of Eternal Life”, these calamities are simply not worth mentioning.You are not even qualified for scraping. 】

【You don’t tolerate this calamity, and directly use your fist to capture the “source of the calamity” and swallow it into your stomach. 】

【”This is the correct development of the calamity. The world of eternal life simply does not follow martial ethics. You can’t afford to play.” 】

【You secretly complained in your heart. 】

【However, although you succeeded in proving the Tao with force, you found that the world opened up in your body did not meet your expectations. 】

【In other words, proving the Tao with force in the “Hongmeng Universe Space” cannot bring out the full mystery of the “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens”. 】

【This is limited by the grade of the world where you prove the Tao with force. 】

【After all, you can’t expect to prove the Tao with force in an orange-grade world, and the world opened up in your body is of the seven-color grade. 】

【That doesn’t make sense. 】

【This is also why you have been obsessed with proving the Tao with force in the “Honghuang World” and achieving Hunyuan. 】

【The “Great World of Great Desolation” is the best among the seven-color worlds, and it is also the highest-level world you know. It contains many secrets, and it is naturally the best choice for you to prove your way with force. 】


【After you successfully prove your way with force, you feel a faint repulsive force that wants you to leave this world. 】

【This time, you did not choose to stay here, but followed this repulsive force, passed through the layers of world fetal membranes, and came to the “Endless Chaos”. 】

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