“This ‘ultimate evolution’ talent and ‘spare talent space’ are a perfect match. If it was replaced in the previous simulation, I don’t know when it can be extracted again.”

“It seems that I underestimated the luck-type talent ‘Hongyun Qitian’ before. It can actually take effect in this way.”

Qi Changfeng thought to himself.

With the “spare talent space”, the “ultimate evolution” talent can be said to be able to play its greatest function, worthy of being a system-exclusive talent.

After learning about the new functions of the “Xianwu Simulation System”, Qi Changfeng calmed down.

Although the effect of the new function is abnormal, it requires a large number of talents of various types to support it.

As Qi Changfeng continues to simulate and accumulate talents in the future, the power of the “spare talent space” will gradually show up.

The several treasures in the sea of ​​consciousness naturally felt the creation of the mysterious imprint and the changes in Qi Changfeng’s soul.

However, they were not surprised to experience Qi Changfeng’s “Soul Half Moon Breaking Hunyuan” and did not ask more questions.


After opening the new system function, Qi Changfeng did not choose to stay in the “Eternal Realm Palace”, but left the “Qingweitian Daochang” directly.

After countless years of hard training in the simulation world, he was ready to relax and travel around the “Honghuang Upper Realm”.

After his strength was not afraid of any existence in the “Honghuang Great World”, Qi Changfeng’s tension was slightly relaxed.

Speaking of which, after ascending from the lower world to the “Honghuang Upper Realm”, he has not had a serious tour.

Every time he was in a hurry because of some things, or stayed in the Daochang for retreat.

“Now, the “Honghuang Upper Realm” looks peaceful, it’s a good opportunity to travel.”

Qi Changfeng changed his body shape, restrained his breath, turned into a middle-aged Taoist priest, and went straight to the “Honghuang Land”.

Next, he planned to spend some time to relax, calling it “mortal experience”.

The first stop is naturally “Dongsheng Shenzhou”.

This is the territory of Taoism, where demons and evil spirits are not visible and living beings live in peace. It can be said to be a paradise.

Many of the disciples of the Chan Sect have their temples in “Dongsheng Shenzhou”. When they are on the way, Qi Changfeng will also visit them.

With his current strength and status in Taoism, he naturally received a warm reception.

Qi Changfeng has stayed in the “Jinxia Cave on Yuquan Mountain” of Yuding Zhenren, the “Jinting Mountain Yuwu Cave” of Daoxing Tianzun, the “Qianyuan Mountain Jinguan Cave” of Taiyi Zhenren, the “Qingfeng Mountain Ziyang Cave” of Qingxu Daode Zhenjun, etc. for a while.


One day, Qi Changfeng traveled to the coast of the East China Sea and a fairy mountain came into view.

“I didn’t expect to come to this place.”

Qi Changfeng counted with his fingers, understood in his heart, and smiled.

This place is exactly the “Huaguo Mountain” in his memory of his previous life, which is known as “the ancestral vein of the ten continents and the origin of the three islands”. It is also the hometown of the “Sun Dasheng” who will make trouble in the heavenly palace in the future.

Qi Changfeng looked up and saw a divine and restrained stone on the top of the mountain, which was constantly absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

The origin of this stone is not simple.

During the war between witches and demons, Gonggong, the “ancestor of water”, angrily hit Buzhou Mountain, causing the collapse of the pillar of heaven and a big hole in the sky, which made the creatures on the prehistoric land suffer.

Later, “Nuwa Niangniang” used the innate treasure “Qiankun Ding” to refine the magic stone to repair the sky. In the end, there was an unused magic stone left, which she casually threw on the “Huaguo Mountain”.

Now, after a long time, this magic stone has long been forgotten by the world.

The magic stone has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth for countless years, and gradually showed signs of gestation.

Qi Changfeng came to the side of the divine stone, looked it up and down, and felt that it contained a very strong source fluctuation.

“This should be one quarter of the source of the ‘Chaos Demon Ape’, one of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods who fell under the Pangu Great Axe. In the future, it will become the Lingming Stone Monkey, which is the Monkey King in my memory of my previous life.”

Qi Changfeng carefully comprehended it, and from this source of power, he sensed a hint of the charm of the great way of war.

This is somewhat similar to the “War Saint of All Heavens” talent in his talent position, but in terms of the improvement of combat power, it is naturally far inferior to the orange-level “War Saint of All Heavens”.


“Meeting is fate. I know that you will have a difficult life in the future and be calculated by all parties.”

“Today, I will lend you a hand. I hope you can get rid of many shackles.”

Thinking of this, a stream of light flew out of Qi Changfeng’s sleeves and sank into the Heaven-Repairing Divine Stone.

After doing all this, Qi Changfeng did not stay for too long., drifting away.

With his current strength, he no longer cares about the future prosperity of Buddhism, Journey to the West, etc.

He just did this on a whim.

After all, who doesn’t know the name of Monkey King in the Blue Star Dragon Kingdom in the previous life?

Soon, more than three thousand years passed, and Qi Changfeng basically visited the four continents and the four seas.

Just like returning from an outing, his soul was much more relaxed.

After returning to the heaven, he strolled around the newly built heaven, and drank a few small drinks with the Jiejiao disciples of “Shangqingjing Yu Yutian”. Qi Changfeng returned to the “Qingwei Tiandaochang” with satisfaction.

Practice emphasizes the combination of work and rest, and it is very taboo to work behind closed doors.

These more than three thousand years of experience have made Qi Changfeng relax a lot.

Next, he prepared to go to the “Colorful World Above Heaven” in his true body, block the springs of the strange ancestors, and explore the secrets of the “Ancestral Land of the Plateau”.


However, not long after Qi Changfeng returned to the Taoist temple, he was about to carry out the “true body simulation” with the six treasures in his body, when a wave swept across the world.

In the border area of ​​”Xi Niu Hezhou”, the space was broken, and nine groups of dazzling golden light were suspended in the air.

The light dissipated and turned into nine space channels, which were the entrances to the Nine-sided Secret Realm.

If a practitioner who is proficient in space carefully comprehends it, he will find that the Nine-sided Secret Realm comes from the same source and is interconnected.

“The true fire of the sun and the breath of the Golden Crow clan.”

Aware of the sudden changes between heaven and earth, Qi Changfeng paused the simulation that had not yet begun, counted with his fingers, and soon understood the cause and effect.

In the past, during the war between witches and demons, ten princes of the Jinwu clan came out of Tanggu together, and ten suns were in the sky. They burned Kuafu to death and committed a great sin.

Later, “Houyi the Great Wizard” used the Sun-shooting Bow and his strength to shoot and kill nine Jinwu princes in one fell swoop, and only the ten little Jinwu escaped.

After the nine Jinwu princes died, their bodies happened to fall into the turbulence of time and space and eventually disappeared.

The demise of the Jinwu princes and the death of Houyi the Great Wizard pushed the war between witches and demons to a climax, and the war between the witches and demons became white-hot.

At this time, the powerful demons naturally had no time to find the bodies of the “nine Jinwu princes”.

When the war between witches and demons ended, both tribes were completely destroyed, and the bodies of the nine Jinwu princes were transformed into a chain of secret realms under the evolution of heaven and earth, hidden in the turbulence of time and space.

Even for a powerful saint, it would be difficult to find this secret place without guidance.

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