In the past years, “Yuanshi Tianzun” and “Daode Tianzun” only triggered the “Mark of Creation” several times by chance.

Like Qi Changfeng, the two “Sacred Artifacts of Creation” had never thought of the means of actively guiding the “Mark of Creation” with the help of the power of “Cause and Effect”.

“It seems that Daozun Qingxuan’s control over the Chaos Bell is far beyond our expectations, as he can mobilize the “Mark of Creation” of the “Chaos Bell” at will.”

The two artifact spirits calmed their hearts and thought secretly.

Qi Changfeng ignored their thoughts.

After the “Mark of Creation” was collected, the “Pangu Banner” and “Taiji Diagram” were not very useful to Qi Changfeng. Without refining the “Innate Divine Prohibition”, it was meaningless to continue to comprehend.

Unless he took over the control of the two “Sacred Artifacts of Creation” regardless of anything.

However, with Qi Changfeng’s character and personality, he would never do such a thing.


In the “Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace”, “Yuanshi Tianzun” and “Daode Tianzun” who were meditating and practicing “Nine Turns Yuan Gong” perceived all this through two treasures.

They were also amazed at Qi Changfeng’s means, and asked themselves if they could do it to this extent.

At this moment, the two “Kaitian Holy Artifacts” turned into two streams of light and rushed out of the “Qingwei Tiandao Field”, and reached the sky above “Kunlun Mountain” in a breath.

“Thank you, Master, Uncle, for the treasures. I have gained a lot. I will return the treasures now.”

Qi Changfeng’s voice came into the “Yuxu Palace”, and the two “Heavenly Saints” waved their sleeves and put away the “Pangu Banner” and “Tai Chi Diagram”.

In the next plan, Qi Changfeng plans to practice in seclusion and improve his attainments in the “Nine Turns Xuan Gong” to the eighth turn.

By the way, conduct simulations below the seven-color grade and store some talents in the “spare talent space”.

Keeping the “Pangu Banner” and “Tai Chi Diagram” with him would risk exposing his secrets, so he simply returned the two light bulbs.

As for the “Kai Tian Seal” that merged the three “Kai Tian Sacred Artifacts”, the complete version was reproduced. This matter can also be put into the simulation process, and there is no need to spend a lot of time in the real world.


After adjusting for a few days, Qi Changfeng began to practice in seclusion.

Due to the existence of the exclusive orange talent “Ultimate Evolution”, when expanding the spare talent, it is not necessary to simulate the orange grade.

If you extract a low-level talent of the type you like, you can also use the “Immortal Grade Simulation Point” to upgrade it to the orange grade.

So, the first stop, Qi Changfeng chose to go to a pink grade simulation world.

It was an extraordinary and strange world he had visited a long time ago.

There, there was an “Angel King” who liked to wear a monocle and annoyed him.

Qi Changfeng had made up his mind to teach him a lesson sooner or later, but because the world power system was not suitable for him, Qi Changfeng had only been to that world once.

Now, it was just the right opportunity to expand his talent and go to that world again.

As for the simulation mode, it must be ordinary simulation.

If he went there in person, with Qi Changfeng’s current strength and realm, he might burst the whole world before he could squeeze in.

Without any hesitation, Qi Changfeng started this “pink simulation”.

Among the ten talents refreshed, there were several types that were okay. Qi Changfeng chose three of them and saved them in the “spare talent space”.

They were “Grandmaster of Alchemy (pink)”, “Planting Master (blue)” and “Master of Machinery (blue)”.

Qi Changfeng felt that these three talents were worth upgrading to a high level.


After choosing, Qi Changfeng was born directly into that world.

Without any secrets in the womb, he opened his eyes and found himself in the starry sky, overlooking the blue planet below.

In the world, no existence can withstand Qi Changfeng’s status, so he was directly born as an existence similar to the “outer god” of this world.

However, compared with other outer gods, he is much stronger.

His soul felt a little suffocated, but Qi Changfeng did not dare to move at all.

He knew that this was because the grade of the world was too low compared to him. Even if his soul had been restrained to the extreme, the whole world was a little difficult to bear.

Maybe if he took a deep breath, this world would break apart and turn into nothingness.

After a rough sense, Qi Changfeng found that the “Angel King” who liked to wear monocles was still alive in the blue planet in front of him.

However, he didn’t look very good, and his realm was not onlyIt has increased, and has fallen to the “Angel” level.

At the same time, Qi Changfeng also noticed that in the depths of this planet, a dormant will was slowly awakening.

“It seems that Mr. Fool is still the final winner. Now the timeline of this world has developed to the point where the next destiny protagonist has appeared.”

Feeling the other weak young man who was loved by the world’s will and blessed with good fortune on the planet, Qi Changfeng understood.


However, this is meaningless to Qi Changfeng.

He came here this time just for a thought to be clear, to give the “Angel King” more strength.

He just glanced around, and those foreign gods who attempted to invade this blue planet – such as “Desire Mother Tree”, “Original Hunger”, “Super Star Overlord”, “Fate Ring”, etc., all turned into ashes and disappeared.

All the believers of foreign gods on the planet also fell.

This was not intentional on Qi Changfeng’s part, but a natural phenomenon that occurred when these outer gods could not bear the pressure of high-level information after sensing Qi Changfeng’s soul.

That is, the life on the planet could not see him, otherwise, under the influence of the power of rules in this world, no existence could survive.

Qi Changfeng shook his head and did not care about it. With a thought, he directly mobilized the power of rules with supreme means, and instantly made this world “reverse time and space” and return to the past.

The “power of time and space backlash” acted on Qi Changfeng’s soul, like a gnat shaking a tree, not even tickling.

After restoring the timeline to the stage he wanted, Qi Changfeng nodded with satisfaction.

Now, the “ancient sun god” on the blue planet has just fallen, and the “angel king” named Amon was born not long ago.

Qi Changfeng was not going to bully him, but just played various whispers in his ears every day.

This made Amon, the “Angel King”, doubt his life for a while, and even asked his brother (crossed out) father Adam for help, but it was useless.

The whispers lasted for hundreds of years.

Soon, the timeline came to the time when Qi Changfeng first simulated entering this world.

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