【You looked up and down at the purple-red tree, and a steady stream of information poured into your soul. 】

【Under the effect of the “Gardener of the Heavens” talent, you instantly mastered the origin, efficacy, and cultivation of this tree. 】

【Not long after entering the “Endless Chaos” from the “Hongmeng Universe Space”, you temporarily replaced the “War Saint of the Heavens” pure combat talent with the “Gardener of the Heavens” talent in the “Backup Talent Space”. 】

【This move was very wise, and you have gained a lot today. 】

【”It is worthy of being an orange-level pure functional talent. The effect is really outrageous. It can create something out of nothing and let me get most of the information of the spiritual plant in front of me!” 】

【You can’t help but sigh. 】

【The small tree in front of you is a “Chaos Spirit Root” bred by the “Endless Chaos”, which originally grew in a “Chaos Secret Realm”. ]

[Later, for some reason, the “Chaos Secret Realm” was broken, and this tree drifted in the chaos with the rooted “Chaos Fragments”. ]

[Because the “Endless Chaos” is too vast, and it is located in the center of the “Chaos Fragments” and is covered by the formation, it has not been discovered by any bigwigs who traveled in the chaos for such a long time. ]

[Now, you have sensed it by chance. ]

[This tree has nine branches, and it can produce nine flying feather-shaped fruits after growing to its full form. ]

[These nine fruits are the condensation of its essence. After picking, although it will not have any negative impact on the treasure tree itself, it is difficult to produce again under the restrictions of the chaos rules. ]

[Refining a fruit can grow “Chaos Golden Wings”, which greatly increases the speed of the user, and has the power to break through the chaotic space and shuttle through the turbulence of time and space. ]

[In addition, the “Chaos Golden Wings” can also use the rules of chaotic space to exert a series of powerful means against the enemy. ]

[However, a cultivator can only refine one complete “fruit”. Eating more is useless and will not grow new “chaos golden wings”. ]


[“What a great harvest!”]

[You look at the nine glass-colored flying feather-shaped fruits on the small tree, knowing that the tree has reached full maturity and has nine fruits, and you are overjoyed. ]

[“This tree is the first spiritual root I harvested in the endless chaos. It is purple-red in color and has flying feather-shaped fruits. It is better to call it the ‘Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree’, and its fruit is called the ‘Red Feather Dao Fruit’.”]

[You, who are good at naming, gave this “chaos spiritual root” a name as soon as you thought about it. ]

[Walked forward and gently stroked the trunk. The branches and leaves of the “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree” swayed, and the fruit trembled slightly. It looked very enjoyable. ]

[Without any hesitation, you released your soul power and probed into the treasure tree. It took you some time to leave your soul mark in it. ]

[This process went very smoothly. The “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree” not only did not resist at all, but also actively catered to your soul power, so that the master recognition mark was quickly formed. ]

[At this point, this “Chaos Spirit Root” is no longer an ownerless thing, but belongs to you. ]

[“Good luck, I blamed you wrongly. I will give you priority to upgrade to the seven-color grade in the future.” ]

[You thought to yourself, sighing that you are worthy of being a person with great luck, and you actually encountered such an opportunity. ]

[After successfully recognizing the master, you sat under the “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree” and carefully experienced the mystery. ]

[You know from the message sent by the “Heavenly Gardener” talent that this treasure tree was born from the creation of chaos. When it was born, it merged a wisp of the “Speed ​​Avenue” and “Space Avenue” of endless chaos. ]

[Without eating the fruit, but just meditating under the tree, your understanding of the chaos rules of “space” and “speed” has made great progress, which is much stronger than relying on “chaos energy” to comprehend. ]

[At this time, you will miss the “Son of Time and Space” talent that you ruthlessly abandoned. ]

[If this talent is still there, and it is upgraded to orange level with “Ultimate Evolution”, combined with the “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree”, you will definitely have a big breakthrough in “space”. ]


[With the “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree” successfully recognizing its master, its speed of absorbing “chaos energy” instantly increased by more than ten times, and the naturally formed “Nine Apertures Gathering Qi Formation” was faintly unable to support it. ]

[You know, this is the function of the “Heavenly Gardener” talent that “increases the growth speed of spiritual roots in endless chaos by 1500%” taking effect. 】

【At the same time, the treasure tree and the nine glass-colored fruits it produced gradually changed. 】

【The volume of each fruit increased by more than double, and the flying feather patterns on the fruit became clearer, and a number of Dao patterns appeared on its surface.. ]

[“In the endless chaos, the spiritual root effect is increased by 225%”, which is another effect included in the “Gardener of the Heavens” talent. ]

[As if it knew the changes that had taken place in itself, the “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree” instinctively exuded a sense of joy. ]

[Like most of the innate spiritual roots in the “Great World of Chaos”, this “Chaos Spiritual Root” did not produce independent consciousness and acted entirely according to the rules. ]

[However, you can perceive that this treasure tree has already transformed in the direction of giving birth to spiritual wisdom. ]

[Perhaps, after your cultivation, it will be able to transform in the future and embark on the path of cultivation. ]


[In this simulation, you learned from the last lesson. Before you transcended from the “Hongmeng Universe Space”, you refined a lot of array items, and you are no longer as poor as before. ]

[Next, you upgraded the “Nine Apertures Gathering Qi Array” so that the “chaos energy” gathered was enough for you and the “Chaos Red Feather Treasure Tree”. ]

[Afterwards, you transformed this “chaos fragment” and used the means of refining to make it a simple flying boat that can travel in the “endless chaos”. ]

[Under the treasure tree in the center of the “flying boat” is where you practice. ]

[With a means of transportation and a simple dojo, your journey in the endless chaos is much more comfortable. ]

[You separated a consciousness and drove the flying boat forward, while your real body sat under the tree, refining the “chaos energy” while comprehending the way of speed and space. ]

[In fact, as long as you pick a “Red Feather Dao Fruit” and transform it into pure energy, it will be enough for your “Xuan Gong Eighth Turn”. ]

[However, this fruit is so precious, there are only nine of them, and they cannot be regenerated. It is a treasure. It is a waste of resources to waste them so easily. ]

[Anyway, there is plenty of simulation time. If you grind slowly, you will eventually reach the eighth level of Xuan Gong. ]

[So, you will naturally not do such a stupid thing. ]

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