“There are tokens scattered in all realms that lead directly to the preaching place. Those who are unable to reach it can obtain them by themselves.”

Since the preaching place is chosen in the void between the realms, most creatures are unable to reach it.

Therefore, Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, and tokens appeared out of thin air in various realms, from the top realms such as “Great Thousand Worlds” to the remote small worlds.

After the world was upgraded, the area was much larger, which led to a significant reduction in the density of creatures. The acquisition of tokens depends more on luck, and the competition between each other is not so fierce.

There are a total of 3,000 tokens. If they fall into an area where there are no creatures, they will automatically look for the owner.

And those who have the ability to cross the realm can go to the preaching place by themselves.

The time of preaching is set to ten years later, which is enough for the creatures to get familiar with the world after the upgrade.

Ten years passed in a flash. On the day when the preaching began, there were nearly 10,000 practitioners on the fairy platform.

Qi Changfeng sensed it and found that all the masters of the “Heavenly Silkworm World” had arrived, more than ten in total, and there were also many lower beings.


“The sermon begins.”

Qi Changfeng did not show up, but his voice echoed between heaven and earth, telling all the listeners about the situation of the “Heavenly Silkworm World” after the promotion.

And he passed down the power systems such as the immortal way, the secret realm method, the ancient immortal method, the divine way, the law of the outer universe, the way of the inner world, the way of scientific and technological civilization, etc.

Because the rules of the world have integrated Qi Changfeng’s entire soul, these power systems can be practiced in this world.

The sermon lasted for two thousand years, and everyone was fascinated by it.

If the world had not just been promoted, and many innate substances had been born, which greatly increased the lifespan of all living beings, it is estimated that many listeners would have died in the place where the sermon was preached, judging from the lifespan of the original realm.

“Xiao Yan, why don’t you come up.”

After the sermon, Qi Changfeng said lightly.

“Greetings, Master!”

Xiao Yan hurriedly stepped forward and bowed.

A cushion fell from the sky and landed in front of him.

“Xiao Yan and I have a master-disciple relationship. He is my personal disciple in this world. Today’s lecture is over. I want to accept a few more registered disciples.”

“Zhou Yuan, Yao Chen, Lin Dong, Muchen, are you willing to be my registered disciples?”

Qi Changfeng’s voice sounded again.

“Disciples are willing!”

The four “Domination Realm” masters bowed without hesitation.

A big man who can upgrade the world and pass down thousands of great ways is willing to accept disciples. How could they miss such an opportunity?

Moreover, Lin Dong, Muchen, Yao Chen are very familiar with Xiao Yan. From a few words, they have some understanding of his mysterious master and know that he is a supreme being far beyond their cognition.

Four more cushions appeared and landed behind Xiao Yan, symbolizing the positions of the four “Domination Realm” masters as registered disciples.

“Lin Dong, I heard those artifact spirits mention you. Read more books and improve your cultural literacy in the future.”

At this time, Qi Changfeng’s voice sounded in Lin Dong’s mind.

Hearing this, Lin Dong was slightly stunned, and then suddenly realized.

He realized that the four friends who traveled with him back then were actually the treasures in the hands of his master!


Seeing this, a group of people who listened to the teachings bowed down and begged Qi Changfeng to accept them as disciples, including some “Domination Realm” masters from other realms.

“I have the grace of preaching to you, but we are not master and disciple.”

“But if you can reach the realm of Daluo, you can become my disciple.”

After that, a wave of power came, and all the listeners except the five disciples were teleported back to the old nest.

Afterwards, Qi Changfeng explained to the disciples, so that they had some understanding of “Endless Chaos”. He also passed down some of the true meaning of “Great Chaos Treasure Sutra” and some powerful means of various power systems.

He also distributed some treasures born from the upgraded “Heavenly Silkworm World” to the five disciples.

“This matter is over, and I will go to the Endless Chaos to continue my journey.”

“Practice well, there is still a long way to go, you should encourage each other.”

After that, Qi Changfeng’s consciousness dissipated, ending the simulation, leaving only a little spiritual light as the way of heaven in this world, maintaining the operation of the world.

“Farewell, Master!”

The five disciples bowed to the void.


After the simulation, Qi Changfeng didn’t have much to digest.

In addition to upgrading the “Heavenly Silkworm World”, the most important thing about this simulation was to brush up on talents.Without delay, Qi Changfeng equipped the exclusive orange talent of “Ultimate Evolution” and directly chose to upgrade the three new talents he chose.

“Ding, three upgradeable talents detected, upgrade?”

“Yes, upgrade to the highest grade.”

Before Qi Changfeng had time to carefully experience the mysterious breath coming from the void, the three talents were upgraded.

However, he was slightly stunned when he saw the upgraded grade.

“Two orange and one purple?”

Flashing Eyes (Purple): You can emit strong flashes from your eyes, temporarily blinding the enemy in front of you, accompanied by high temperature. Under normal circumstances, observation ability is improved by 30%, and dynamic capture ability is improved by 50%.

At this time, a message came from the “Ultimate Evolution” talent, which made Qi Changfeng understand why the upgraded “Colorful Eyes” white talent was only purple grade.

It turned out that among the talents provided by the system, not every “low-grade talent” has a corresponding “high-grade talent” that directly reaches the orange grade.

Many branch talents, red, pink and even purple are the upper limit of this branch.

This is the case with the “Colorful Eyes”, and the purple talent of “Shining Eyes” is its ultimate upgraded version, and there is no more above it.

“So that’s it.”

Qi Changfeng understood.

But he didn’t care. It was just a talent. Anyway, there was no storage limit for the “Backup Talent Space”. Just think of it as wasting one-third of the simulation opportunities. It’s no big deal.


Without thinking too much, the two new talents upgraded to “orange grade” attracted Qi Changfeng’s attention.

Lord of Time and Space (Orange): You are a natural emperor of the human race, and your comprehension of the “One Way of Time and Space” is chaotic. When you comprehend the Great Dao of Time and Space, your speed increases by 5000%.

And you can communicate the rules of time and space and comprehend the Great Dao of Time and Space anywhere.

. . . . . . .

Supreme Human Emperor (Orange): You are a natural emperor of the human race, and the respect and love of the human race under your command increases by 5000%.

The more human races you command, the stronger your combat power will be, with the maximum increase limit being 2500%.

You can actively summon the human race’s treasure – “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”.

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