[He has not yet reached the level of “Great Lord of Chaos”, and the cultivation level of the visitor is not beyond your expectations. ]

[When not in the “real body simulation” state, your combat power is weaker. If a “Great Lord of Chaos” really comes, you may need to consider running away. ]

[“Yes, such an opponent is just what I want. It is perfect for practicing.” ]

[Although this “tiger-headed ten-armed existence” has not yet entered the realm of “Great Lord of Chaos”, the distance is not too far. ]

[He has already walked out of his own Great Lord’s path. Given time, he will get some opportunities and go through a lot of polishing. There is a great hope that he will break through the “Hunyuan realm”. ]

[In terms of strength, he is definitely a rare existence in the “Endless Chaos”. ]

[In the “Great World of Chaos”, if you and Daozu do not take action, all the “Hunyuan Saints” will probably not be able to beat him with a few slaps. ]

[The battle is imminent, and you have equipped yourself with nine carefully selected orange-grade combat talents, with no intention of holding back. ]

[The nine talents of “True Body of Chaos”, “Immortal Soul of Chaos”, “Fist of the Heavens”, “Great Luck”, “War Saint of the Heavens”, “Chaos Formation Master”, “Supreme Human Emperor”, “Peaches and Plums in Chaos”, and “Chaos Hunting God” have increased your combat power to an extremely strong level. ]

[Since it is a normal simulation and you cannot bring any valuables, you did not choose to equip the “Chaos Weapon Master” talent, but instead used the “Chaos Hunting God” talent. ]

[On the one hand, this talent can lock the opponent, so that he does not hide and slip away. ]

[On the other hand, the locked enemy’s strength decreases and the damage he receives increases, which is very helpful for the battle. ]


[The “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” did not notice that you were hiding in the Chaos Void. ]

[He stared at the “True Immortal Realm” for a moment, hesitant, and seemed to be struggling with which direction to track down the non-existent “Chaos Spirit Root”. ]

[At this moment, you attacked. ]

[“Chaos Transformation!” ]

[A terrifying fist intent appeared in the endless chaos, covering the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence”. ]

[You immediately performed the thirteenth move of “Myriad Worlds Fist”. Facing the sudden attack, his mind was blank for a moment, but the breath of death made him react quickly. ]

[Without thinking about why he was attacked and who attacked him, the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” instantly activated his own life-saving means. ]

[He saw his ten arms shake, and hundreds of terrifying “time and space force fields” appeared in an instant, emitting a gray halo, wrapping his entire body. ]


[The chaotic energy spread out, cracks appeared in the space, and after a huge movement, the hundreds of force fields were all shattered, but your punch was also received by the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence”. ]

[“Sure enough, the existence that can roam in the endless chaos to this level of cultivation must have means that cannot be underestimated.”]

[“I didn’t expect this beast to be proficient in such technological means. I just don’t know whether these force fields are one-time means of refining, or His own ability.”]

[You punched out, but it didn’t work as expected, thinking to yourself. ]


[Although the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” took your move, it was not easy to deal with it in a hurry. ]

[After the hundreds of “space-time force fields” were shattered, the “Chaos Transformation” fist still had some strength left, so He had to hold up ten arms to block it. ]

[If he had not achieved great accomplishments in the way of the physical body, it would not be as simple as just breaking three arms. ]

[“Who are you? Why did you attack me?”]

[The “Tiger-headed Ten-armed Being” looked extremely solemn. As soon as we fought, he knew that your strength was definitely not simple. ]

[Although judging from the aura of your cultivation, you have not even reached the Hunyuan level, but the power of the soul of “Eight Turns of Yuan Gong” gave him a great sense of oppression. ]

[In his opinion, the realm you showed was definitely a disguise. It is very likely that you are a powerful practitioner who is about to enter the level of “Chaos Great Venerable” like himself. ]

[And the terrifying fist that shattered the “space-time force field” confirmed his guess. 】

【”The one who wants you dead! Die!”】

【”Open the sky and destroy the gods!”】

【”Open the earth and kill the gods!”】

【Since you have already started, you will naturally not waste too much time talking to him. You will directly mobilize the “heart power world” and integrate it into the soul. The “great supernatural power of the soul” recorded in the “Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong” will instantly pierce his forehead. 】


【”Tiger head and ten arms existence” can’t help butHe let out a shrill wail. ]

[However, a golden light flashed through his soul, and a vague pagoda-shaped shadow appeared, blocking your “great magical power” from the core of his soul, saving him from severe damage to his soul. ]


[“He has quite a few tricks!”]

[You couldn’t help but admire him. ]

[And this “tiger-headed, ten-armed being” didn’t sit still and wait for death. Even though he realized how terrifying you were, he still endured the severe pain in his soul and launched a counterattack. ]

[He refined a precious pill in his body, and his injuries healed instantly. His ten arms shone with ten colors of light, turning into ten short guns, sweeping towards you together. ]

[You felt ten kinds of terrifying “chaos rules” from these ten short guns, and didn’t dare to take them head-on. ]

[After all, his physical body was only at the “seventh level of Xuan Gong”, and he didn’t have the capital to waste. If he was arrogant, he might be annihilated by these “chaos rules”. 】

【”Hunyuan Ten Directions Meteoric Formation, rise!”】

【As soon as you think about it, the formation diagrams and formation plates that have been arranged around you have formed a chain formation, covering the two of you. 】

【However, due to the material of the formation, this formation can only be used as a trap, and it plays a certain auxiliary role. It is impossible to completely trap and kill the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” with the formation. 】


【You are in the formation, integrating the world of mind and power into the fist, urging the “Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art” to show the “Infinite True Body” and “Three Heads and Six Arms”. 】

【As the fist moves, the ten short guns containing the “Chaos Rules” are all pushed back. 】


【”What a terrifying boxing method! This person’s boxing attainments can definitely be ranked among the top three I have ever seen!”】

【The “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” was secretly shocked when he was blown away with his gun. ]

[And you were so eager to fight that you grabbed the opponent’s breath with one hand. ]

[“Chaos Hunter, lock on!”]

[You used that breath to activate the lock effect of the “Chaos Hunter” talent. ]

[Suddenly, the face of the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” not far away changed drastically, and the huge tiger head frowned. ]

[“This person is also proficient in curses? All aspects of my strength have been greatly weakened. Now I estimate that I can only exert 80% of my strength!”]

[At this time, he had already retreated. ]

[After fighting with you for several rounds, the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” also figured it out. The breath that seemed to be the “Chaos Spirit Root” was definitely a trap set by you to lure him here. 】

【”This beast is strong, and I was tricked first. The situation is not favorable to me. Who knows what other tricks he has? It is better to retreat first.”】

【Thinking of this, the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” no longer hesitated. With a thought, the seven tails on the buttocks swung, and a string of “hand strings” emitting a terrifying sense of oppression appeared in the formation and pressed down on you. 】


【Feeling the breath of the “hand string”, your face changed. 】

【This string of “hand strings” has a total of 109 beads. You can see at a glance that each bead is a complete world! 】

【Among the 109 beads, there are 90 small ones and 18 large ones. 】

【Among the 108 beads, there is also an extra-large bead. 】

【This represents 90 “red-level worlds”, 18 “orange-level worlds”, and one “seven-color-level world”! ]

[The power of the 109 worlds is perfectly combined, forming an effect of 1+1>2, with infinite power. ]

[This “bracelet” puts a lot of pressure on you, making you want to dodge and temporarily avoid the edge. ]

[However, seeing the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” approaching the edge of the chain formation, you instantly understand His intention. ]

[“Want to run? Can you get away?” ]

[“Chaos Annihilation!” ]

[You go all out and perform the 14th move of “The Ten Thousand Worlds Fist”, and all your mental strength and the true meaning of “The Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens” are integrated into this punch. ]

[Even to be on the safe side, you also burned some “Chaos Simulation Points” to stimulate the thirty-fold increase in the combat power of “The War Saint of the Heavens”. ]


[Boom! ]

[The fist intention and the “World Bracelet” collided together, and the aftermath shattered the chaos and broke through the “Hunyuan Ten Directions Meteoric Annihilation Array”. 】

【Like a rotten wood, the “World Bracelet” was blown away, and the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” showed an incredible look. 】

【”How is this possible!”】

【This “World Bracelet” isThe most powerful treasure that he had kept in his chest cost him almost all of his wealth accumulated over countless years, and he also used a lot of favors and invited a master of refining from the “Great Lord of Chaos” to refine it. 】

【Let alone other things, the 109 worlds as raw materials alone are worth a lot of money. 】

【What’s more, one of the worlds has reached the “Seven-Color Grade”/”Ninth-Level World”, which is his home world. 】

【Endless years ago, he rose all the way from this seven-color world and walked into the “Chaos Stage”. 】

【”Run away!” 】

【”Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” was really frightened by your powerful strength. 】

【Without the obstruction of the chain formation, he quickly put away the “World Bracelet”, looked at the beads that were broken by the “Chaos Annihilation” with a heartache, and escaped directly into the Chaos Space and ran away. ]

[However, being locked by your “Chaos Hunting God” talent, how could He possibly escape? ]


[Watching the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” drill into the space turbulence, you took a step and drilled in as well. ]

[After eating the “Red Feather Dao Fruit” and growing the “Chaos Golden Wings” on your body, your understanding of the rules of “space” and “speed” of the endless chaos has made great progress. ]

[In terms of attainments, it is definitely not inferior to this “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence”, and even exceeds it by a lot. ]

[Unfortunately, as a treasure between magical powers and artifacts, the “Chaos Golden Wings” cannot be brought into the simulated world in the form of ordinary simulations, and only the original body can use it. ]

[Otherwise, using the “Chaos Golden Wings” would catch the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” in minutes and easily kill it. 】

【In this battle, you suffered a lot by using your magical powers and boxing to fight against the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence”‘s methods and treasures without any precious treasures. 】

【If he came in real body and fought with full strength, he might not be able to jump a few times before being crushed to death by you. 】

【If nothing else, the “Chaos Bell” suppresses time and space, and the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” can be rolled up to get “Hunyuan Evil Spirit” +1. 】


【”Brother Dao, I don’t know you, and I have no grudges against you. Why are you pressing me so hard?” 】

【”Is it possible that someone asked you to deal with me? If so, I am willing to pay double the reward and ask you to show mercy.” 】

【In the turbulent space, feeling that you are chasing him relentlessly and have no intention of letting him go, the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” begged for mercy and wanted to buy his life with money. ]

[However, once the arrow is shot, there is no turning back. Since you have chosen to end the cause and effect, you will naturally not leave such a big trouble. ]

[To be honest, the “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence”‘s methods and endless treasures make you secretly shocked. ]

[The fact that he can persist under your hands for so long makes you feel that he is likely to be the strongest among the group of existences under the “Chaos Great Venerable”. ]

[If nothing unexpected happens, there is a lot to be done in the realm of “Chaos Great Venerable”. ]

[Seeing that begging for mercy is ineffective, the terrifying fist intent behind him that blew away the “World Bracelet” gathered again. The “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” gritted his teeth, turned around, and threw out several round objects at the same time. ]

[As soon as the spherical objects touched the space turbulence, they exploded, forming a series of space storms, trying to slow down your pace and create opportunities for him to escape. 】

【He spent a lot of money to buy this from a Chaos boss who was proficient in technology. If he used one, he would have one less. Throwing them all out at once made him feel very painful. 】

【Of course, life is more important. The “Tiger Head Ten Arms Existence” felt that if he was caught, facing the terrifying fist, he would probably die in three hits. 】


Battle chapter, 4,000 words, two in one.

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