【After the experiment is roughly completed, you have a general idea in mind. You put the talents that improve the understanding of a single attribute back into the “spare talent space”, and only equip the understanding talent of “the great way returns to one”. 】

【Where there are rules and order, there are naturally opposite chaos and distortion. 】

【This “land of all things forbidden” is a partial manifestation of the chaotic and distorted side of “endless chaos”. 】

【Although the current “endless chaos” is mainly based on rules and order, chaos and distortion are equally important for the “world way” that you are taking that encompasses everything. 】

【Talents such as “the Lord of Time and Space”, “the Lord of Yin and Yang”, and “the Lord of Creation” are not only unable to help you perceive “chaos and distortion”, but may even have a negative impact. 】

【After doing all this, you go deep into the “land of all things forbidden”, find a place, and start to meditate in seclusion. 】

【Since the formation method cannot be used in the “land of all things forbidden”, you did not devote yourself to practice, but instead divided a part of your energy to pay attention to the situation around you at any time. ]

[From the memory of the evil spirit transformed by “Li Ben”, you know that in this “land of absolute prohibition of all laws”, some “chaotic and twisted monsters” may be naturally bred. ]

[Under normal circumstances, these monsters come and go without a trace, and usually appear in groups. ]

[They can perfectly blend with everything around them. If they do not take the initiative to show up, it is extremely difficult to find them. ]

[Especially when most means cannot be used, it is even more difficult. ]

[As far as you know, these monsters are born in response to the “chaotic distortion” of this place, and will not leave this “land of absolute prohibition of all laws” and enter the “endless chaos”. ]


[However, these chaotic and twisted monsters show strong aggressiveness to outsiders. ]

[Although they do not have independent intelligence, they will choose to devour the existence of “rules and order” driven by instinct. ]

[It seems that this can make them complete themselves and gain great relief. ]

[You are very interested in these monsters, and you plan to catch a few of them to study and see if you can get anything out of them, and then store them in the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”. ]

[So you didn’t hide your aura at all, and used yourself as bait, hoping to lure some monsters out. ]

[The strength of this group of monsters is also very strange. ]

[Perhaps because of the “chaos distortion”, their strength is not fixed, and is changing all the time. ]

[And the amplitude of the change is still very large, and even a few can cross the “Hunyuan” chasm. ]

[However, the strength of most of the “chaos distortion monsters” fluctuates between the Daluo Jinxian and Quasi-Sage, and very few can really reach the “Hunyuan level”. ]

[As for whether these monsters can be dealt with once they appear, and whether they will cause a big threat, you are not worried. ]

[They rely on instinct and specialize in the soul, and you who have the “Eight Turns of Yuan Gong” soul are least afraid of this. ]

[Standing still and letting them swallow you will not break your defense. ]


[You did not conceal your own aura. As time passed, some strange fluctuations gradually appeared around you. ]

[At some point, not far from you, a large number of monsters of various shapes and colors have surrounded you. ]

[“It’s amazing!”]

[Feeling the ever-changing strength and aura of those monsters, you exclaimed in amazement. ]

[Maybe your aura is so intimidating that it scared these monsters. Out of instinct, they did not attack you rashly. ]

[They just gathered not far away, greedily devouring the regular order fluctuations emanating from your body. ]

[“Not a few, I have arranged a private seat, come and take a look in the banner.”]

[You opened your eyes, the pure “power of the soul” spread out, and the shadow of the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” appeared. ]

[The next moment, many “chaotic twisted monsters” were taken into your banner without any resistance. ]

[The leading monsters, whose strength could reach the level of Hunyuan, saw this and instinctively wanted to escape, but found it was too late. ]

[Faced with your spiritual power, they were suppressed and lost their ability to move, and became captives. ]

[After taking them into the shadow of the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”, you did not immediately transform these monsters into evil spirits. ]

[Instead, you studied their composition and structure to help you understand the “chaos and distortion” of this “land of all laws and no spirits”. ]


[Time flies, years pass, and in the blink of an eye you are in this special place.You have been in the earth realm for a long, long time. 】

【After practicing hard, you are very different from when you first entered. 】

【On the one hand, you have initially adapted to the environment of the “Land of Absolute Spirits of All Laws”, and the chaos and distortion here have little impact on you. 】

【Methods such as mental strength, boxing, and magical powers can be used normally. Although the power is slightly weaker than that of the outside world, it is much stronger than when you first came in and couldn’t even release a wisp of Dao fire. 】

【This shows that you have a very deep understanding and understanding of the chaos and distortion of “Endless Chaos”. 】

【During this period, some blind “chaotic distortion monsters” were attracted by your breath, and eventually all became guests in the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”. 】

【This made your Human Emperor Banner look even more unbearable to look at, and in the wisps of purple-black smoke that came out, there were some indescribable chaotic distortions. 】

【Next, you did not choose to leave this place, but continued to comprehend. ]

[This treasure land, once you leave this village, there will be no such shop. In the normal simulation state, you have as much time as you want, no need to rush. ]


[In the chaos, years are not counted. After an unknown period of time, you open your eyes and end this long retreat. ]

[Now, the mystery of this “land of all laws and spirits” has been fully understood by you, and your understanding of “chaos” has reached a height that ordinary chaos practitioners can hardly reach. ]

[This place is no different from the outside world for you. Your combat power will not be affected at all, and all means can be used at will. ]

[Not only that, you have also integrated these perceptions of the “chaos aspect” of endless chaos into the fundamental law – “Great Chaos Heavenly Treasure Sutra”. ]

[This makes this method close to perfection, and you have taken a big step forward in achieving enlightenment. ]

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