【After entering the “Pangu Domain”, you equip seven combat talents as well as “Good Luck and Heaven” and “The One That Escapes”. 】

【The power of the soul spreads out, and you are always on guard against possible situations. 】

【The danger that can make a “Second or Third Step Chaos Great Venerable” fall inexplicably is really terrifying. 】

【However, you went deep into the “Pangu Domain” and did not encounter the disaster you expected. 】

【Because you can’t figure out the location of the “Great World of Chaos” in the “Pangu Domain”, you can only bump around like a headless fly. 】

【Fortunately, your understanding of the “Chaos Space Rules” is not bad, so you don’t crawl around in the “Pangu Domain” like a turtle. 】

【After dozens of “Chaos Years”, you still have nothing. 】

【However, you discovered an obvious difference between the “Pangu Domain” and other “Chaos Realms”. 】

【That is, in the “Pangu Domain”, there is nothingness, and you can’t even see the shadow of half a world. ]

[In a normal “chaos realm”, although the proportion of worlds is very small compared to the vast space, the number is still numerous. ]

[Except for those countless low-level worlds, there are at least tens of thousands of high-level worlds of red and above. ]

[This is the first time you have seen a chaos realm like “Pangu Realm” where you can’t even find a ghost of a “white-level world”. ]


[“Maybe there is only the “primordial world” in this “Pangu Realm.” ]

[You think to yourself that there must be a huge secret behind this. ]

[After a long search without results, you simply put your hope on the “good luck” talent. ]

[You took out a pointer-shaped object, muttered something, and then threw it casually. ]

[The pointer kept spinning under the blowing of the “chaos energy” and finally pointed in one direction. ]

[You didn’t hesitate, put away the pointer and headed in that direction. ]

[In this way, you relied on this method to search for three more “Chaos Years”. ]

[For some reason, you had a premonition in your heart that you were getting closer and closer to your destination. ]

[However, just as you kept searching, suddenly, something strange happened in the “Endless Chaos”. ]

[A gray giant axe shadow appeared out of thin air, turning into a dazzling axe blade and slashing at you. ]

[“Pangu Gu Deng, it’s you!” ]

[You are very familiar with this axe blade. ]

[You have experienced the complete “Mark of Creation” many times, and those powerful “Chaos Demon Gods” have all fallen under this axe blade, and basically have no power to resist. ]

[Faced with the attacking axe blade, you still want to struggle, but you find that you are willing but unable. ]

[The terrifying pressure made you unable to move, just like a mortal facing the lofty “Heavenly Saint”. ]

[You knew that you would die. ]

[Or, the moment the giant axe appeared, you had already died and turned into ashes. ]


[“Is this a trace of the great power of Pangu God? It’s incredible!” ]

[“Facing this axe blade, let alone the second or third step of Chaos Great Venerable, even those with higher levels would be killed instantly.” ]

[“Pangu Gudeng, what realm are you in? You are already reading the bar in the spring, and you can still exert this kind of power.” ]

[Feeling the axe blade piercing through your body, your last wisp of consciousness dissipated. ]

[Fortunately, before entering the “Pangu Domain”, you hid all your belongings and attacked as a poor ghost, otherwise the loss would be great. ]

[In the depths of the “Pangu Domain” space, a golden man was sleeping. ]

[Suddenly, he unconsciously raised his arm, rubbed his nose, sniffed, and seemed to smell a familiar smell. ]

[At the same time, his eyelids trembled, and there was a tendency to open. ]

[But in the end, the golden man still did not open his eyes, but just turned over and continued to sleep. ]

[You are dead, this simulation is over. ]


After the simulation, Qi Changfeng’s consciousness returned to the “Qingwei Tianyongjie Palace”.

It took more than half a month for him to digest all the gains from this simulation.

The nearly perfect “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture of the Heavens”, the “Barrier Realm Method” and “Chaos Moment” passed down by the Chaos Lord, and the vast amount of skills and classics in the “Chaos Wuji Palace”.

These have greatly improved Qi Changfeng.

To be honest, he already had a premonition that as long as he spent some time to complete the latest version of the “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture”, he could attract the legendary “Chaos” at any time.Dao Tribulation”, to prove the Dao with force.

However, with his current strength that can only compete with the “One Step Chaos Great Venerable”, it is highly likely that he will not be able to survive the “Chaos Dao Tribulation”, so he will not act rashly.

In addition to the above improvements, the biggest gain of this simulation is that Qi Changfeng has a deeper exploration and understanding of the “Endless Chaos” during the simulation.

Although there are still some mysteries that have not been solved, it is much better than the previous blindness.

Without delay, after Qi Changfeng digested the gains, the first thing he did was to improve the three talents he chose before the simulation – “Double Pupils”, “Charming Heart” and “God Nemesis”.

A familiar breath came, and a warm current appeared in Qi Changfeng’s body, and Before I could even shiver, the talent upgrade was over.


Chaos Cave True God Eyes (Orange): You are born with “Chaos Cave True God Eyes”. After training your eyes to the peak, you can see through the origin of anything at will and easily capture the enemy’s weaknesses. At the same time, no matter how fast the speed is in front of your eyes, you can easily capture it.

You can shoot “The Light of Chaos Cave” from your eyes, which can cause high damage and greatly slow down the speed of everything affected, and even temporarily solidify the chaotic time and space around the opponent.

(Note: “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” is difficult to take effect when facing “Chaos Master” and above. Please Host be careful. )

. . . . . .

Charm Master (Orange): You are a master of the “one way of charm” and the chaos of understanding. After emitting aura, you can charm all living beings with every move. When you comprehend the way of charm, your speed increases by 5000%.

And you can communicate the rules of charm and comprehend the way of charm anywhere.

. . . . . .

Ragnarok (Orange): All gods in the heavens and the worlds and the endless chaos will be afraid when they are enemies with you, and their morale will be reduced by 60%.

When the gods fight against you, the damage they receive increases by 100%, the combat power decreases by 50%, and the damage they cause to you is reduced by 70%.


Sweep After taking a look at the three new talents in the “spare talent space”, Qi Changfeng nodded with satisfaction.

Apart from other aspects, at least they have been upgraded to “orange grade”.

Moreover, this orange talent of “True God Eyes of Chaos Cave” looks very good, which can make up for the shortcomings of Qi Changfeng’s lack of pupil-type means.

Needless to say, the orange talent of “Charming Lord” is a talent that improves unilateral understanding.

As for the orange talent of “Twilight of the Gods”, in Qi Changfeng’s opinion, this is a powerful talent for special attacks against “Gods”.

When facing enemies belonging to “Gods”, the effect can be comparable to two or three general combat talents.

“I don’t know how the system defines Gods.”

“However, since this orange-grade talent can be effective for all Gods in “Endless Chaos”, it means that there is no “Chaos Master” level among the Gods. ”

Qi Changfeng thought secretly in his heart.

Then, he chose to equip the “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” talent to the talent position.

Suddenly, bright light shot out from Qi Changfeng’s eyes, and severe pain filled his soul.

However, Qi Changfeng was not moved at all, and concentrated on experiencing the changes in his eyes.

He knew that this was a deep-level transformation of his eyes by this talent, and careful understanding would have many benefits for future cultivation.


The transformation lasted for nearly a day.

One day later, Qi Changfeng opened his eyes, and a glimmer of divine light flashed in his eyes, which disappeared in a flash, and it seemed that there was no change from before.

At the same time, a steady stream of information poured into Qi Changfeng’s soul, all of which were methods for practicing and improving the “Chaos Cave True God Eyes”.

Unlike other functions and bonus talents that can exert their full power as soon as they are obtained, “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” only gives Qi Changfeng these eyes.

This talent is more like giving him a special physique, and the subsequent development depends on himself.

In order to make the power of the eyes reach the peak, he still needs to practice step by step.

In this way, this talent does not seem to be very good compared to other orange talents. After all, it still requires a lot of resources to improve.

However, Qi Changfeng is not dissatisfied at all.

Because, from the message he received, he knew an advantage of this talent, which can make up for all the above defects.

That is, the “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” practiced by Qi Changfeng will not disappear when this talent is removed from the “Talent Position”, and it can still exert its full effect.

Removing this talent only makes the “”Chaos Cave True God Eye” can’t be improved temporarily, and it won’t affect the effect of cultivation.

This means that Qi Changfeng doesn’t need to equip this talent in battle and normal use. He only needs to replace it when practicing to improve “Chaos Cave True God Eye”.

This saves him a “talent slot” in disguise.

You know, there are many talents in the “spare talent space”, but there are only nine “talent slots”. Saving one can be said to be a huge improvement.


As for the resources needed to practice and improve “Chaos Cave True God Eye”, it may be difficult to find for those who have not yet achieved enlightenment and are below the Hunyuan.

However, for a big man like Qi Changfeng who refines “Chaos Qi” as easily as eating and drinking water, it is not a problem.

In a word, the resources needed in the early and middle stages can be replaced by “Chaos Qi”, and in the later stages The resource is “chaos energy”.

After dealing with the talent-related matters, Qi Changfeng prepared to leave “Qingwei Tianyongjie Palace” and go to the outer chaotic space of “Honghuang Great World” to initially practice “Chaos Cave True God Eyes”.

However, before that, he still had one thing to verify.

In the simulation, Qi Changfeng had used the “Chaos Hunter God” talent to lock the four positions of “Daozu”, which means that “Daozu” is likely to have four equal real bodies.

Now, after the simulation ended and returned to the real world, he was ready to try again to see if it was different from the situation in the simulation.

Thinking of this, Qi Changfeng equipped the “Chaos Hunter God” talent and extracted a breath from the “Mind Power Cultivation Method” given by Daozu.

Using this as a medium, he moved his mind and used the active skill of the “Chaos Hunter God” talent.


“Fuck! ”

This test is fine. Qi Changfeng was shocked and managed to hold back his exclamation.

In addition to the four locations locked during the simulation, there are now three more.

A total of seven different locations appeared in Qi Changfeng’s perception, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

“What is going on!”

“The Daozu is really well hidden. There are actually seven real bodies at the level of ‘Chaos Grand Lord’!”

“Four of them are exactly the same as what I sensed in the simulation. From this point of view, the endless chaos in the simulation is likely to be a time point in the past.”

Qi Changfeng thought a lot in an instant, and his mind was full of thoughts.

“The seven locked locations are very far apart, separated by many chaotic areas, and I think they must not be from the same force.”

“During the simulation, the one I met was the ‘Leader of the Creation Alliance’ Daozu, and there was also a ‘Palace Master of the Heavenly Dao Palace’ Daozu, both of whom were leaders and founders of a chaotic force. ”

“Could it be that the seven true bodies of Daozu have each founded a powerful force? It is very likely that the cultivation level of ‘Great Lord of Chaos’ is already qualified to establish a sect in ‘Endless Chaos’ and lay a huge foundation.”

“It seems that I have definitely underestimated Daozu before. He is definitely not just a cultivator who has just entered the level of ‘Great Lord of Chaos’ not long ago!”

“Great God Pangu and Daozu, these two are worthy of being the top existences in the prehistoric world, and they are simply unfathomable.”

Qi Changfeng sat cross-legged in the “Eternal Realm Palace” and recovered for a long time, thinking about the reason why Daozu was in this situation.


“No way. . . . . . . ”

He suddenly thought of a possibility, and immediately released the lock on “Daozu”, and took out an item of the Chanjiao, and changed the lock target of the “Chaos Hunting God” talent to his master, Yuanshi Saint.

However, the sensing results showed that Yuanshi Saint was now staying in the “Kunlun Mountain Yuxu Palace”, and there was no other location.

Afterwards, Qi Changfeng verified the other several “Heavenly Saints” and found that they were all the same, and there was no abnormal situation.

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