“It’s a small matter.”

Qi Changfeng waved his hand.

Then, he calculated with his fingers and knew that letting “Haotian God” escape billions of years in advance would not be able to offset the entire cause and effect of the Queen Mother offering the “Western Plain Cloud Realm Flag”.

Not wanting to owe a favor, Qi Changfeng thought about it, and a jade slip flew out of his sleeve and landed in front of the “Queen Mother”.

“This is a practice method for the ‘Chaos Stubborn Stone Body’ that I accidentally obtained. I give it to you and Haotian as a gift to congratulate him for escaping the catastrophe.”

“You two can refer to it. I think it will be helpful for your practice.”

This practice method is part of what Qi Changfeng gained in the “Chaos Wuji Palace”.

Many “Chaos Practitioners” have the habit of enlightening some “Chaos Stubborn Stones” as boys or subordinates.

Therefore, it is normal for the dominant power of “Chaos Wuji Palace” to have such a method for practitioners of “Chaos Stubborn Stone Body”.

“Queen Mother” was stunned when she heard this.

She didn’t expect that “Qingxuan Daozun” could take out such a thing.

You know, in the entire “Honghuang World”, there are only two people whose original body is “Chaos Stubborn Stone” – her and “Haotian God”.

As for the method of practicing “Chaos Stubborn Stone Body”, even when they were boys in Zixiao Palace, they had never heard of it.

A ray of soul power came out and roughly glanced at the contents and outlines in the jade slip, and “Queen Mother” looked shocked.

Although she didn’t read it carefully, just a rough glance gave her some new inspiration and benefited a lot.


“Dao Zun, how can this be done?”

Although “Queen Mother” said polite words, her right hand tightly grasped the jade slip.

“Don’t be polite. Let Haotian escape the calamity and this technique are the rewards of the plain cloud world flag.”

“When Haotian ascends the throne of the Heavenly Emperor again, you should persuade him not to be too obsessed with power. Improving his own strength is the right way.”

“Otherwise, no matter how great the power is, it is just a castle in the air and will be blown away.”

Qi Changfeng waved his hand and said lightly.

“Follow the teachings of the Taoist Master.”

“Queen Mother” carefully put away the jade slip.

How could she not know the reason why “Haotian God” suffered a calamity? She hoped that after this calamity, she would have some enlightenment after returning.

Afterwards, “Queen Mother” did not stay in the “Qingwei Tian Daochang” for long.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, she breathed a sigh of relief and stood up to say goodbye.

To be honest, after seeing the terrifying power of Qi Changfeng who slapped “Zunti Saint” to death with one slap, and hearing that he had collected four of the “Xiantian Five Directions Flags”, Queen Mother has been worried for a while.

She always felt that this “Qingxuan Daozun” wanted to attack her and take the last “plain cloud world flag”.

This trip to “Qingwei Heaven”, in addition to the purpose of letting “Haotian God” escape the calamity as soon as possible, “Queen Mother” also had the idea of ​​getting rid of the “plain cloud world flag” this hot potato.

Now that it has been successfully sent out and she has gained a lot of benefits, a big stone has fallen from her heart.

As for the matter of “Haotian God” escaping the calamity a hundred years later, Qi Changfeng does not need to worry about it.

Relying on the causal induction of many years of getting along, “Queen Mother” has long locked the reincarnation of “Haotian God” in every life.

In recent years, “Queen Mother” has occasionally separated her incarnation to the lower world to take care of the reincarnation of “Haotian God” whose memory has been blinded by reincarnation, so that he will not be able to get a wife, or find someone else as his wife.

It must be said that the “Queen Mother” is really devoted to the “Lord Haotian”. The friendship they have shared since their transformation has long become an inseparable part of their lives.


After sending the “Queen Mother” away, Qi Changfeng looked at the “Western Plain Cloud Boundary Flag” in front of him, and his mind moved slightly, and he imprinted the 48 “Innate Divine Prohibitions” inside it into the “Heart Power World”.

Before his real body entered the “Seven-Colored World Above Heaven”, he planned to go to the “Fat Heaven World” in the “Ordinary Simulation” way to see if he could solve some of the confusion in his heart.

By the way, he comprehended the “Innate Divine Prohibitions” of the “Plain Cloud Boundary Flag”.

To be honest, with Qi Changfeng’s current realm and understanding, it would not take long to comprehend and refine the “Plain Cloud Boundary Flag” even in the real world.

This trip is mainly to explore the mysteries of “Endless Chaos” and “Xianwu Simulation System”.

“In the last simulation, I encountered some parallel worlds that I had not experienced in the ‘Endless Chaos’, and I used the ‘Barrier Method’ to conceal and lock them.”

“Now, in my perception, these worlds can actually be entered through the system in a simulated way.””If I enter the ‘Fattian World’ that I had passed through before in a simulated form, I wonder where the ‘Endless Chaos’ it is in is?”

Qi Changfeng thought to himself.

This is a very important matter, involving his understanding of the most basic rules and logic of “Endless Chaos”, and it is necessary to figure it out.

With this in mind, Qi Changfeng did not delay any longer and directly chose to enter the designated orange world – “Fattian World”.

After taking a look at the refreshed talents, he found that there was nothing worth paying special attention to, so he randomly selected three.

They are the orange talent of “Pudu Lord”, the red talent of “Proving the Way with a Stick”, and the green talent of “Crazy Racer”.

Immediately afterwards, Qi Changfeng began this simulation.


Because this “Fattian World” was refined into a “Chaos Heaven Map” by Qi Changfeng.

As the owner of this treasure, Qi Changfeng was born in the “Origin of the World” without any surprise, becoming the natural “World Master”.

It has been a long time since he last came to this world in his true body to deliver the “Zhoutian Star Banner” that needed to be repaired.

In Qi Changfeng’s perception, all the “Star Banners” have been repaired, and his disciples and acquaintances in the world have also improved their cultivation.

This time, he did not choose to expose himself, but directly began to practice the “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture” in the “Origin of the World”.

During this period, he also understood the “Innate Divine Prohibition” of the “Plain Cloud Boundary Flag”.

With the continuous improvement of his cultivation, Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, ready to transcend the world and enter the “Endless Chaos” to find out.

However, the development of things exceeded his expectations.

At the moment when Qi Changfeng transcended, a majestic force came from the void and easily pressed him back.

The power was so strong that Qi Changfeng gave up his second attempt.

Because the feeling this power gave him was even stronger than the giant axe shadow in “Pangu Domain”!

Fortunately, this power only had blocking effect, not lethality, otherwise Qi Changfeng would have turned into ashes and ended this simulation.


“Cannot enter the chaos!”

Just when Qi Changfeng was in doubt, a message came from the system.

This was the system’s explanation for the situation outside the rules in the simulation.

“Ding, it is detected that the world the host is in has become the ‘mirror world’. With the host’s current strength, it is impossible to enter the endless chaos through this world.”

“The host can choose to consume a simulation point of the seven-color grade simulation times, forcibly break the barrier, and enter the endless chaos.”

“Note: In the endless chaos, the same world naturally nurtured below the seven-color grade is not unique, but is composed of several or even many ‘mirror parallel worlds’.”

“These ‘mirror parallel worlds’ have their own independent timelines, and the development of the world is also different, but under normal circumstances, the direction of the world trend is the same.”

“Before encountering the power of Hunyuan and above, the state of the world is not fixed, and the relationship between the ‘mirror parallel worlds’ is also equal to each other.”

“However, after this world comes into contact with the power of Hunyuan and above for the first time, the ‘chaos rule’ will randomly select one from the ‘mirror parallel worlds’ to become the ‘main world’, and the rest will become the ‘mirror world’.”

“From then on, the main world will be solidified to In the ‘Endless Chaos’, the rest of the ‘Mirror World’ will be isolated in another dimension by the ‘Chaos Rules’. ”

“If the power of Hunyuan and above comes from a ‘Mirror Parallel World’, then this ‘Mirror Parallel World’ will inevitably become the ‘Main World’. ”

“Powers below the ‘Lord of Chaos’ cannot perceive the existence of the ‘Mirror World’. Only the power of the ‘Lord of Chaos’ and above can freely shuttle between the ‘Main World’, the ‘Mirror World’ and the ‘Endless Chaos’. ”

“If a world can be upgraded to the Seven-Color grade, in the process of upgrading to Seven-Color, all the ‘Mirror Parallel Worlds’ will converge together and merge into one. ”

“The world that is not naturally conceived, but opened up by Hunyuan and above practitioners in the endless chaos, has uniqueness, and there is no ‘Mirror Parallel World’. ”


“So that’s it!”

After receiving and digesting these messages, Qi Changfeng suddenly realized that many mysteries in his heart were solved.

“When I simulated the exploration of the Endless Chaos last time and found the ‘Fat Heaven World’, this is whereThe world came into contact with the power of the Hunyuan level for the first time. ”

“In fact, the moment my soul swept through the world, the ‘Fattian World’ was fixed in the ‘main world’ in the endless chaos. Before that, it was still in an uncertain state of the ‘mirror parallel world’.”

“Because I was outside the world at that time, the main world was randomly selected from the ‘mirror parallel world’ by the ‘chaos rules’, and the world I experienced was not selected, so it became the ‘mirror world’.”

“If I had not explored the endless chaos during the last simulation and retained the uncertain state of the ‘Fattian World’, then if I descended into the ‘Fattian World’ again this time, the ‘Fattian World’ I experienced would become the ‘main world’.”

“I don’t know if it’s good luck or there are too many ‘mirror parallel worlds’ in the same world. None of the worlds I experienced before my soul broke into the Hunyuan were fortunate enough to be selected as the main world.”

“Otherwise, if there are one or two exceptions, it is estimated that it will be more confusing and brain-burning when summarizing the rules. ”

“That’s why the practitioners in the endless chaos don’t know about the concept of ‘mirror parallel worlds’. Anyway, there’s nothing like that in Li Ben’s memory.”

“When they observe a world below level nine, the state of the world has solidified. In their eyes, this is the only world.”

“The supreme beings at the level of ‘Lord of Chaos’ should know this, but such beings only appear in rumors and haven’t appeared for many years.”

“Such a secret of chaos that seems useless, I don’t think the Lord of Chaos will tell others casually. ”

Qi Changfeng’s mind was full of thoughts.

Speaking of “mirror parallel world”, he naturally remembered the experience of being surrounded and beaten by “level 12 civilizations” from different parallel time and space in the “big world on the technological side”.

However, the “civilization of parallel time and space” and “mirror parallel world” are two completely different concepts.

The former is a different branch of the “long river of time and space” in the world, and the latter is a parallel world at the level of “endless chaos”.


After figuring this out, Qi Changfeng decisively He chose “no” in the system’s inquiry.

He was reluctant to consume one seven-color grade simulation time just to break through the barrier of the “mirror world” and enter the endless chaos.

Unable to practice in the chaos, and the innate divine prohibition of the “Western Plain Cloud World Flag” had been penetrated, it was meaningless for Qi Changfeng to stay.

Or the old way, integrating his own powerful soul power into the “Chaos Heaven Map”, which greatly improved the foundation and potential of the “Fat Heaven World”, and it became the top eight-level orange world.

Then, Qi Changfeng After finishing this simulation, he returned to the “Qingwei Tianyongjie Palace”.

As for upgrading the “Fatian World” to the seven-color grade, this cannot be achieved by simply improving the foundation and injecting energy.

It is also necessary to converge all the “mirror parallel worlds”.

Especially when the main body of the world to be promoted is not the “main world”, it is even more difficult.

Qi Changfeng is about to prove his Dao, and he has no intention to do these things for the time being.


After finishing the simulation and returning, Qi Changfeng took out the “Western Plain Cloud Realm Flag “, held it in his hand, and refined it in an instant.

So far, all the “Innate Five-Direction Flags” have been collected by him!

Due to their inherent “chaos attributes”, these five flags do not need additional modification to exert their own power in the endless chaos.

Next, Qi Changfeng equipped himself with the “Chaos Array Master” talent, used various precious materials at hand, integrated all his own array attainments, and spent thousands of years to refine a profound array diagram.

This array diagram plus the “Innate Five-Direction Flag” can form the “Chaos Five-Direction Life and Death Array”, which is an integrated offense and defense, and has infinite power.

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