[This stone jar is where the “Master of the Three Generations Copper Coffin” stored his ashes. It also contains the “Flower Path Ancestral Seed”, which can be said to be a rare treasure of the same level as the “Three Generations Copper Coffin”. ]

[As for why the “stone jar” was lost inexplicably, this was the work of the “God’s Thought” you left in this world. ]

[Soon after Chu Feng was born in the “Earth’s Ancestor Land”, your “God’s Thought” noticed him. ]

[According to the instructions you left behind, the “God’s Thought” took this stone jar, and by chance it was obtained by Chu Feng, who had just embarked on the path of cultivation. ]

[At the same time, your “God’s Thought” personally came forward to instruct Chu Feng’s cultivation and accepted him as a disciple. ]

[There is no way, a disciple with a high probability of achieving “above the broken path” is really too fragrant. ]

[Not to mention other aspects, just the bonus of the “Peaches and Plums Full of Chaos” talent makes it impossible for you to give up accepting Chu Feng as a disciple. ]

[Of course, the “God’s Mind” hides its identity, so Chu Feng still doesn’t know the relationship between you and him. ]

[He thought his master was a big man who lived in seclusion and practiced, and didn’t think of the “Immortal Venerable” in the rumors. ]


[“The urn is paired with the coffin, just right, today we will meet the dark and strange source in the legend.” ]

[“Emperor Ye Tian” took the stone jar thrown by Chu Feng, held it tightly in his hand, glanced at Emperor Shi Tian beside him, and said seriously. ]

[“Well, in this case, let’s go together.” ]

[Seeing that Ye Fan had made up his mind, and with the stone jar in hand, he was qualified to participate in the battle, so he invited Ye Fan to form a team. ]

[Ye Fan clapped his hands, and a colorful Mercedes-Benz emitting brilliant light appeared out of thin air. ]

[This is a treasure of the Broken Dao level! 】

【”Get in the car!”】

【As soon as the Benz appeared, the door opened wide, and a strong suction came, sucking in all the strong men under the “Xianzun Lineage”. 】

【This Benz, which has been refined by your “God’s Thoughts” and Ye Fan’s hard work, can be said to be the top escape artifact in the “Great World Above Heaven”. 】

【It is precisely because of this that Shi Hao asked Ye Fan to escape with everyone before. 】

【Wushi, Liushen, and Henren were also unwilling to leave. 】

【As the strong men of the “Xianzun Lineage”, they have their own pride. How could they abandon their comrades who have fought side by side for many years and live in shame? 】


【”There is news about the World Cauldron. The Immortal Lord said that he was temporarily delayed by something and could not support it in a short time.” 】

【Just then, Duan De’s solemn voice echoed in Ye Fan’s ears, making his expression slightly changed. 】

【”Master can’t come?”】

【Soon, the other four Dao-sacrificing masters also learned the news. 】

【”It seems that luck is not on our side this time.”】

【”Then let’s fight!”】

【After practicing to this point and experiencing countless baptisms of war, Shi Tiandi, Ye Tiandi and others have long been calm in the face of adversity and have cultivated an invincible heart. 】

【Suddenly, a figure appeared on the battlefield, it was your “God’s Thought”. 】

【As the saying goes, do the whole show. In order to make the effect better, you directly let the “God’s Thought” come over. 】

【Since no longer sacrificing Ye Fan’s Mercedes-Benz, the “God’s Thought” has been idle, traveling around the world, and its whereabouts are uncertain. 】

【Except for occasionally teaching some rising stars, He has nothing to do and lives a very carefree life. ]

[With the continuous improvement of your cultivation and strength, this “God’s Thought” now has the power comparable to that of a “half-step Primordial Master”. ]


[Inside the colorful gallop, Chu Feng looked at the “God’s Thought” that suddenly appeared and was shocked. ]

[He didn’t expect that his mysterious master would actually come. ]


[After the “God’s Thought” descended, before Chu Feng could ask his comrades around him in detail, the “red-haired phantom” in the sky suddenly moved. ]


[A chaotic sound came from the phantom’s mouth, and all the “Immortal Master” masters present suddenly looked solemn. ]

[Because they found that the surrounding time and space were sealed, it was almost impossible to escape unless they broke the seal. ]

[No one can escape now. 】


【Endless red hair penetrated the void and strangled the five “Dao-breaking Powers” and “God’s Mind” of the Immortal Venerable lineage. 】

【”Everyone is here, the show will naturally begin, I hope everything goes well.”】

【Your true body is in a very distant place.Watching everything, carefully controlling the “Red Hair Shadow”, lest he be careless and put too much pressure on the “Xianzun Lineage”, causing the disciples of the “Xianzun Lineage” to die on the spot. 】

【Shi Tiandi, Ye Tiandi and “Shenzhi Nian” were the main Cs at the front, using the power of the Three-Life Copper Coffin and the Stone Jar to resist the attack of the “Red Hair Shadow”. 】

【Wushi, Liu Shen and Henren followed behind to assist the three in front. The six strong men formed a battle formation and slowly moved towards the direction of the “Ultimate Weird Ancestor”. 】

【However, facing the great power of the “Red Hair Shadow” on the sacrificial path, even with the help of the “Three-Life Copper Coffin” and the “Stone Jar”, everyone gradually lost their strength. 】

【”That red-haired old monster doesn’t seem to be able to move. Just fight hard and kill the Ultimate Weird Ancestor quickly. Don’t delay too long.” 】

【With the angry roar of “Shi Tiandi”, the blazing fire of the origin ignited on them. ]

[Five “sacrificial masters” began to sacrifice their own origins, and “divine thoughts” also burned their own thoughts in exchange for a short period of powerful combat power. ]

[The “ultimate weird ancestor” was not stupid either. Seeing that the six masters were coming to kill him regardless of everything, he hurriedly stopped the sacrifice, climbed up, and ran away. ]

[In his opinion, as long as they were delayed, facing the power of the “lord of origin”, these guys would definitely die. ]

[If he died, although he could be resurrected, it would be very likely that the “red-haired phantom” would dissipate, resulting in a failure in this battle, allowing these “immortals” to escape. ]


[“He transformed the heavens!”]

[“The emperor of heaven is in ruins, and the great destruction!”]

[“Emperor Shi Tian” and “Emperor Ye Tian” had a flash of determination in their eyes, looked at each other, and directly used the method of burning everything together to destroy everything on their own! 】

【The brilliant divine light illuminated the entire battlefield. This battle caused the Great Dao to collapse, the rules to cease to exist, and several large realms to tremble. 】

【”Old dog, you are destined to die today!” 】

【With the roar of “Emperor Ye Tian”, a big crack appeared on the forbidden battlefield. 】

【In the sky, the “red-haired phantom” has dissipated, and the “ultimate weird ancestor” has been completely broken up. All ten ancestors have died and entered the resurrection reading state. 】

【A broken boxing glove, half a tree root, a big bell with two-thirds missing, and a ghost face mask with only the upper half left, protecting a scratched colorful Mercedes-Benz flew out of the crack and disappeared in an instant. 】

【Under the ten weird ancestors, the immortal emperors of the “dark weird clan” did not dare to pursue. 】

【Without the broken ancestor to support them, they would only be sent food. ]

[After a few breaths, the ten “weird ancestors” were resurrected with full blood, walked out of the “plateau ancestral land”, and looked at the messy battlefield with joy. ]

[“I really underestimated the Immortal Venerable lineage. I didn’t expect that they still had a Dao-breaking strongman who hadn’t taken action yet.”]

[“However, in front of the great power of the ‘Lord of Origin’, everything is illusory.”]

[“This battle is over, the overall situation has been decided, and my weird clan will once again sweep across the heavens and sacrifice everything to the supreme master.”]

[The “weird ancestor” in the lead laughed. ]


[In this battle, the “Immortal Venerable lineage” paid a very painful price. ]

[“Shi Tiandi” and “Ye Tiandi” sacrificed everything they had and fell into eternal extinction, and the Immortal Venerable’s “God’s Mind” also burned out all its own power. ]

[The three top warriors under Hunyuan sacrificed their lives and fought desperately to kill the “Ultimate Weird Ancestor”, causing the “red-haired phantom” in the sky to dissipate. ]

[Wushi, Liushen, and Henren were also severely injured, their bodies shattered, and only their souls escaped with the broken instruments of enlightenment. ]

[The other immortal emperors of the “Xianzun Lineage” were also covered with injuries, which were left when they broke out of the siege. ]

[The “Chiyang Boxing Gloves” also suffered great wear and tear, and the “World Cauldron” also exploded and dissipated between heaven and earth. ]

[At this point, the “Xianzun Lineage” was disconnected from you. ]

[You watched all this and silently put away the “Law Pool”, “Emperor Destroying Sword” and “Emperor Cauldron” in your palms. ]

[These are the instruments of enlightenment of “Shi Tiandi” and “Ye Tiandi”, which you kept and prepared to return to them after the two returned from eternal annihilation. 】

【After the war, you look through endless time and space, following the cause and effect, and see that Shi Hao and Ye Fan’s consciousness are sleeping in a mysterious space somewhere. 】

【A wisp of rule power is transforming them, causing them to undergo some important transformation. 】

【With you as a solid anchorAt this point, there is no possibility that Huangshi and Ye will fall forever. In addition, with their own strong paths, it is only a matter of time before they return. ]

[When they return, it will be the time when the two emperors step into the Hunyuan level of “above the Broken Dao”. ]

[“Not bad, two are dealt with.” ]

[You nodded with satisfaction. ]

[The reason why only Shi Tiandi and Ye Tiandi were sent to extinction in this battle is because they have the deepest foundation and have reached the end of the Broken Dao level. ]

[Compared to them, Wu Shi, Liu Shen and Hen Ren still have room for further improvement in the Broken Dao level. ]

[So, you are going to wait for them to settle down, and then find an opportunity to let the red-haired monsters appear, and send them in to accompany Shi Hao and Ye Fan. ]


[As the remaining strong men of the “Immortal Venerable Lineage” retreated to the “Immortal Ancient World”, the “Dark Weird Clan” went out in full force and began to recover their original territory. ]

[It didn’t take long for the strange strongmen to sweep across the heavens again. ]

[Out of fear of you who might come to the “Ancient Immortal World”, the “Weird Ancestors” did not rush into the lair of the “Immortal Venerable Lineage” at the first time, but took steady steps and tested step by step. ]

[There was no way. When you held the Chaos Bell, the psychological shadow left on these “Weird Ancestors” was too deep. ]

[No matter what form you take, you will be killed instantly. Who can bear this? ]

[In the eyes of the ten “Weird Ancestors”, it is still unclear whether the summoned “Red Hair Shadow” can defeat you. ]

[So they are ready to sacrifice again to strengthen their connection with the so-called “Lord of Origin”. ]

[In a blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and all realms including “Shangcang” have fallen except for the “Ancient Immortal World”. 】

【The “Dark Weird Clan” launched a grand ceremony, and everything in the many realms was turned into nothing, and was sacrificed to the “Lord of Origin” in the dark. 】

【You feel the energy that is constantly transmitted, and wave your sleeves and put it away. 】

【For you, the power generated by the ceremony is useless, after all, the level is too low. 】


【This ceremony lasted for nearly a million years. 】

【After the ceremony, the ten “Weird Ancestors” came out together, leading countless weird armies to the outside of the “Ancient Immortal World”. 】

【After more than a million years of cultivation, the vitality of the “Immortal Venerable Lineage” has recovered. 】

【Wushi, Liushen, and Henren not only recovered to the peak, but also went a step further on the original basis and reached the level of breaking the road. ]

[In addition, there are several more “Immortal Emperor” level strongmen, and even several “Immortal Emperor Peak” existences have the momentum of stepping into the broken path. ]

[After the death of Shi and Ye Tiandi, the leaders of the “Immortal Venerable Lineage” became Wu Shi and Liu Shen, your two direct disciples. ]

[Over the years, they have been trying to get in touch with you. ]

[Unfortunately, since the last tragic battle, after the “World Cauldron” was broken, they have not succeeded. ]

[In addition, you have not descended to the “Immortal Ancient World”. Wu Shi, Liu Shen and others feel that the destruction of the “World Cauldron” is equivalent to losing the anchor point for positioning, making it difficult for you to descend. ]

[After the war, Chu Feng returned to the “Immortal Ancient World” in a colorful Mercedes-Benz. From his comrades such as Duan De and Hei Huang, he learned that his master was the “God’s Thought” of that Immortal Venerable. ]

[This shocked him greatly, and at the same time secretly vowed to avenge his master. 】

【After more than a million years of practice, Chu Feng has risen from a small “Red Dust Immortal” to the “quasi-Immortal Emperor” level, and is only half a step away from the “Immortal Emperor”. 】

【The arrival of the strange clan army broke the countless years of tranquility of the “Ancient Immortal World”. 】

【The war started again, and the “Immortal Venerable Lineage” headed by three peak-level masters of breaking the Dao, faced the powerful enemy in front of the realm channel. 】

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