【”You are such a stubborn person. How did I get into trouble with such a thing?”】

【”Lan Ying Da Zun” saw that you were not willing to listen to her, and couldn’t help cursing in her heart. 】

【At this moment, you suddenly made a move, ready to try your hand on the ten “Hunyuan Puppets” of the eighth and ninth heavens. 】

【The “Chaos Golden Wings” fluttered, and the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” suddenly thrust out, and you instantly got rid of the entanglement of “Chen Zun”. 】

【The next moment, a treasure bow appeared in your hand. 】

【This bow is the “Sun Shooting Divine Bow” formed by the muscles and bones of “Pan Gu Da Shen”, and it is also the top mental treasure of “Honghuang Great World”. 】

【Using mental power to lock the ten “Hunyuan Puppets”, you draw the bow and put the arrows. 】

【Instantly, ten invisible and transparent arrows shot out, piercing through the space and accurately hitting the hearts of the ten “Hunyuan Puppets”. ]

[These ten arrows are made of your purest mental power, and they also incorporate the true meaning of the Great Chaos Treasure Scripture, which has powerful lethality. ]

[However, lethality is secondary. After the arrows penetrated the heart of the “Hunyuan Puppet”, the mental power immediately invaded it. ]

[In just a moment, the dense silk threads in the “Hunyuan Puppet” collapsed from the regular nodes. ]

[The ten “Hunyuan Puppets” seemed to have lost power and froze in place, like corpses. ]


[At the same time, the “Chaos Bell” flew out, easily collected these puppets into the world inside the bell, and suppressed them. ]


[“This is impossible, what did you do?!”]

[After losing contact with the ten “Hunyuan Puppets” in an instant, “Lan Ying Dazun” was extremely horrified and showed an unbelievable expression on his face. ]

[She really didn’t expect that you, a mere Hunyuan cultivator, could not only sense the thread she left in the puppet’s body, but also break it so quickly. ]

[You should know that in the “Endless Chaos”, there are very few “Chaos Cultivators” who specialize in the way of puppet transformation. It is a very unpopular school. ]

[Anyway, “Lan Ying Da Zun” has never encountered anyone who can break his puppet method so cleanly since he practiced. ]

[After suppressing ten “Hunyuan Puppets”, you were delighted. The effect of “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” + “Puppet Transformation Orange Talent” + “Heart Power” was beyond your expectations. ]

[“Witch, your death is approaching, and you deserve this catastrophe today.” ]

[Ignoring the thoughts of “Lan Ying Da Zun”, you flashed to the side of “Chen Zun”. 】

【”The Light of Chaos Cave!”】

【Then, two rays of light shot out from your eyes, and at the same time, the sound of the “Chaos Bell” rang, and “Chen Zun” was immediately fixed in place for a short time. 】

【This is the great magical power of the “Chaos Cave True Divine Eyes”, which can cause damage, slow down the enemy’s speed, and even solidify the chaotic time and space around the enemy. 】

【You have not used it before, but you keep it as a trump card at this time to catch the enemy off guard. 】

【With the power of the “Chaos Bell”, the two are superimposed, and “Chen Zun” can hardly move at all. 】



【In the horrified eyes of “Lan Ying Da Zun”, you turned your fist into a palm and stabbed it into the heart of “Chen Zun”. 】

【The roots and leaves of the “Jianmu Divine Tree” extended in, and instantly twisted the silk thread wrapped around “Chen Zun” into pieces. ]

[The next moment, “Chen Zun” immediately quieted down, no longer had any resistance, and fell asleep. ]


[“Lan Ying Da Zun” was completely furious. After all, “Chen Zun” was her greatest reliance when facing you, and it was also her only puppet of the “Chaos Da Zun” level. ]

[Once she lost the “Chen Zun puppet”, she would definitely die. ]

[“The art of the heart puppet, turn the body into a thread, and manipulate the heavens!”]

[Without caring about so much, “Lan Ying Da Zun” twisted his figure and turned into endless “seven-colored silk threads”, shooting towards you and the motionless “Chen Zun”, trying to take back the control of “Chen Zun”. ]

[However, you did not follow the moral principles of martial arts, picked up “Chen Zun” by the back of his neck, and the “Chaos Golden Wings” flashed, and he fled far away in an instant, and then leisurely put “Chen Zun” into the “Chaos Bell”. ]

[Again, in terms of speed and escape, “Lan Ying Da Zun” can’t even smell anything behind you. ]

[The “Seven-Colored Silk Thread” lost its target and turned back into the shape of “Lan Ying Da Zun”, with despair in its eyes. ]

[She knew that with her strength, it was impossible to break your Chaos Spirit Treasure. ]

[This means that she has completely lost “Chen Zun”, the puppet of “Chaos Da Zun”, and has lost hope of escaping. ]


[“My Lord Immortal, I wonder if you can spare my life. I am willing to offer my soul seal and serve as a slave…”]

[Before “Lord Lan Ying” finished begging for mercy, you appeared behind her in a flash, and with six arms, you attacked without mercy. ]

[“Compared to being a slave, I still think it’s more lovely for you to enter the Human Emperor Banner and become a fierce spirit.”]

[The attacks of “Chaos Bell” and “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” also arrived, and you shot out “Divine Light of the Chaos Cave of the Heavens” in your eyes, blocking all the retreat routes of “Lord Lan Ying”. ]

[One punch broke all her defenses, two punches annihilated her body, and after three punches, only the remnant soul was left struggling. ]

[Then, “Supreme Human Emperor Banner” rolled up, and took “Lord Lan Ying’s” essence, energy, and spirit into the banner, and in an instant, a fierce spirit of “Lord Chaos” level was born. 】

【There is no other way. This is the fate of a “fragile puppeteer” who has lost her puppet and means of survival and is attacked by a high-burst assassin. 】

【She didn’t even have the chance to self-destruct and perish together, and was easily controlled by you. 】

【At this point, “Lan Ying Dazun” died and completely fell! 】

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