As soon as these words came out, the face of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva changed, and his eyes were full of entanglement.

After a long time, the “Golden Wheel of Merit” behind the head of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva trembled a little, and finally ended the struggle between heaven and man, and sighed.

“Amitabha, Daozun has shown great love to me, and I am flattered.”

“Since I started practicing, I have been taught by my master, so that I can reach the current quasi-saint state from a grass body.”

“Master has treated me well, and I have never thought of betraying my master.”

“However, I naturally know what the Hunyuan Sainthood means. If I say I am not moved, it must be a lie.”

“However, I will never be able to get over this hurdle in my heart to achieve the ‘Hunyuan Sainthood’ in this way.”

Hearing this, Qi Changfeng nodded and understood what Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva meant.

While he was slightly surprised, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he activated the “True Divine Eyes of Chaos Cave” to secretly look at “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”.

In the end, Qi Changfeng confirmed that “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” was absolutely not subjected to any means of conversion and enslavement by the “Guiding Saint”, which was his true thought.

“What an honest man, no wonder the Buddhist sect gave him the arduous task of entering the underworld, and no wonder he made the great wish of “not becoming a Buddha until hell is empty.”

“How many quasi-saints in the entire prehistoric world can keep their original hearts in front of the Hunyuan Saint? It’s really amazing.”

Qi Changfeng thought secretly in his heart, and the reaction of “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” really made him look at him with new eyes.


The reason why Qi Changfeng chose to promise a future “Hunyuan Saint” to “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” instead of helping him solve the problem of “not becoming a Buddha until hell is empty”

It’s not that Qi Changfeng can’t do anything about it, it’s just that compared to the former, the latter is a bit too troublesome.

If he really wants to help, Qi Changfeng can still do it with a bite of his teeth, but he has to trouble the “Daozu” to cooperate in a series of ways.

Therefore, Qi Changfeng wants to see a “Hunyuan Saint” in the future world in his body in one step, and at the same time gain a talent.

“What if your master agrees to let you leave Buddhism?”

Qi Changfeng continued.

“Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” obviously didn’t expect the “Qingxuan Daozun” in front of him to ask such a question, and was stunned.

“I am the disciple of the master, how could the master let me leave Buddhism?”

After a moment, “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” said this.

“You don’t need to worry about this, just answer my question.”

Qi Changfeng said lightly.

Without standing at a certain height, and knowing nothing about the information of “Endless Chaos”, “Nine Heavens of Chaos”, “Great Lord of Chaos”, “Pangu Domain”, “Heavenly Palace”, etc., “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” who still thought that “the dispute between Buddhism and Taoism” was a general trend obviously could not see the whole picture of the matter and could not have a correct understanding and judgment.

Qi Changfeng did not need to explain too much to him.

“If Master agrees that I will leave Buddhism, I will naturally be eager to get the ‘Holy Position of Chaos’ promised by Dao Zun.”

“Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” thought for a while and gave the answer.


“That’s good.”

Qi Changfeng smiled.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Then, without delay, he directly contacted “Saint Jieyin” and “Saint Zhunti”.

“Saint Jieyin, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva and I have a great cause and effect, so I want to promise him a ‘Hunyuan Saint’.”

“But he doesn’t want to betray his master and leave Buddhism, so he declined my offer.”

Qi Changfeng’s voice sounded in the “Two Saints of Buddhism”, which made the two saints who had been paying attention to the “Journey to the West” stunned.

However, before “Saint Zhunti” digested the message, the always taciturn “Saint Jieyin” spoke first.

“Tell him to get out quickly, I have taught him for billions of years, but I didn’t expect to teach him a stupid head!”

“Is that kid stupid!?”

“From now on, I don’t have a disciple like him!”

The voice of “Saint Jieyin” echoed in the “Eternal Realm Palace”, and “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” was stunned.


“Get lost!”


At this time, “Zunti Saint” also reacted, with an expression of shock and joy that could not be concealed on his face.

Although it was not clear how Qi Changfeng had the confidence to promise a “Hunyuan Saint Position” to “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”, he thought that with the other party’s strength and status, it would be impossible for him to lie.

This is the “Hunyuan Saint Position”!

In the entire Buddhist sect, “Zunti Saint” could not see any “quasi-saint” great supernatural power person who had hopeHope to achieve.

Now that the great fortune has come, a “Hunyuan Saint Position” has fallen on the head of “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva”, so what if he quits Buddhism?

Even the benefits of “Buddhism” in the six reincarnations are not worth mentioning compared to it.

In the eyes of “Zunti Saint”, even if “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” leaves Buddhism, the incense and love of the past are still there.

And “Qingxuan Daozun”, as the top combat force from “Honghuang Great World”, coupled with his terrifying talent, will probably rely on him in the future in “Endless Chaos”.

“Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” joins “Qingxuan Daozun”, which not only makes “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” have a chance to Hunyuan, but also greatly narrows the relationship between “Two Saints of Buddhism” and “Qingxuan Daozun”.

This is also what “Jieyin Saint” and “Zunti Saint” hope to see.

If this great opportunity is missed, the “Buddhism” will only retain a “quasi-saint” strongman, which is meaningless to the “Sage of Receiving” and “Sage of Zhunti” who are looking at the “Endless Chaos”.

In addition, as the first batch of disciples born and raised in Buddhism, “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” had already become a disciple of “Sage of Receiving” when “Buddhism” was still “Western Religion”.

For endless years, it would be a lie to say that there is no emotion.

Therefore, “Sage of Receiving” does not mind his disciples fighting for a good future.


A golden decree flew out from “Sumeru Mountain” and directly announced to the prehistoric upper world, announcing that “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” is no longer a “Buddhist”, but has joined the “Qingweitian lineage”.

It was not until this time that “Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva” reacted and looked at the fact that the matter was done, with a strong sense of unreality.

Bowing to the west, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva turned to look at the unfathomable Daoist Master Qingxuan in front of him.

. . . . . .

Something happened at home these days, and I had to go to the hospital. It is difficult to fix the update time. I hope all Taoist friends will forgive me. I will try my best to ensure the quantity.

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