Of course, he was excited and thrilled, but besides being excited, the “Old Ancestor of the Styx” was also a little worried.

In order to compete for the “Hunyuan Saint Position” of the “Grand Competition”, the “Old Ancestor of the Styx” could be said to have bet his entire future on it.

Now, although he won the bet, he felt a little unreal, and at the same time thought a lot.

For example, when and how would “Qingxuan Daozun” let him break into the Hunyuan realm.

In order to win the final victory, would the operations he made to refine the “Three Corpses” have an impact on his proof of the Tao?

He was even worried whether the “Hunyuan Saint Position” would eventually fall on him.

After all, the “Old Ancestor of the Styx” had exposed all his cards, and all the “Hunyuan Saints” watching the game knew his current situation.

Without the life-saving artifact “Blood Sea Never Drys, Styx Never Dies”, any “Honghuang Saint” could easily kill him.

Maybe his original body in the Honghuang Upper Realm has been targeted by someone now.

“Minghe came to Qingweitian for a visit.”

Just when “Minghe Patriarch” was a little uneasy, Qi Changfeng’s voice sounded.

The next second, his body in the “Nine Nether Sea of ​​Blood” felt a dizzy sensation, and instantly appeared in the “Qingweitian Yongjie Palace”.

And Qi Changfeng was sitting at the top looking at him.


“Greetings to the Taoist Master.”

“Minghe Patriarch” hurriedly saluted, not as rebellious as when he first met Qi Changfeng.

“Minghe, you won the first place in the Quasi-Saint Group, you can make a reasonable request to me, I wonder if you have thought about it.”

Qi Changfeng said lightly.

“Reply to the Taoist Master, I haven’t thought about it yet.”

“Minghe Patriarch” thought for a while and replied.

“It’s okay. You can tell me anytime you want.”

“As for the Hunyuan Sainthood that I promised you, I will grant your wish in tens of millions of years at most.”

After hearing what Qi Changfeng said, the “Ancestor of the Styx” had many thoughts in his mind.

“Ten million years is not a long time, but in my current state, the variables are too great, and I may not be able to hold on until then.”

Thinking of this, “Old Ancestor Minghe” stepped forward and bowed:

“Master Daozun, I have thought about that request.”

“I believe you are also aware of my current state.”

“I only hope that you can protect me and keep my life safe before I can prove my Dao.”


“Minghe, you worry too much. Since I have promised you the ‘Hunyuan Saint’, I will naturally guarantee that you can obtain it smoothly, unless I am in trouble and die.”

“If you are worried, you can practice in seclusion in ‘Qingwei Heaven’ or ‘Supreme Sun Star’.”

“However, I have said in advance that if you accept the ‘Hunyuan Saint’ given by me, you will join my lineage.”

“If you don’t want to, it’s not too late to regret now. I can help you restore your identity as the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood.”

Qi Changfeng said with a smile.

“Master Daozun is joking. Minghe would love it!”

Hearing this, “Minghe Patriarch” was overjoyed and bowed without hesitation.

Just kidding, how could he miss such a good thing?

Everyone knows that in the prehistoric world, “Qingxuan Daozun” is the thickest thigh. If there is a chance to hug him, no one will refuse.

Only the “Qingweitian Lineage” usually does not recruit disciples, otherwise, the threshold would have been trampled by people, and there must be a group of great masters who practice in seclusion to come and become disciples.

It is worth mentioning that the “Xuanhuang Realm” can be said to be a hot commodity in the prehistoric upper realm today, because ascending from the lower realm “Huangting Sect” is the only normal way to join “Qingweitian”.

Many great practitioners in the “prehistoric upper realm” choose to send their talented children or descendants to the “Xuanhuang Realm”, hoping that they can enter the “Huangting Sect” to practice.

If he ascends to the upper realm in the future and makes some achievements in “Qingwei Heaven” and is noticed by “Qingxuan Daozun”, then he will be prosperous and it can be called a great opportunity.


After the worries in his heart were swept away, “Minghe Patriarch” suddenly felt refreshed.

He chose to keep the request for the “quasi-saint group” champion reward and prepare to use it later.

Since he joined the “Qingxuan Daozun”, this is a key trump card, which may be of great use in the future.

Afterwards, “Minghe Patriarch” did not leave, but practiced in seclusion in “Qingwei Heaven”, regulating himself, and comprehending the inheritance given to him by Qi Changfeng.

As for why he did not choose “Supreme Sun Star”.

On the one hand, the environment there is a bit bad.

On the other hand, the relationship between “Minghe Patriarch” and “Donghuang Taiyi” is not very good, and he does not want to be neighbors with them.

So, Qi Changfeng specially marked out a small piece of land in the corner of “Qingwei Heaven” for “Minghe Patriarch”.

And with a wave of his sleeves, he also took over all the strong men of “Asura Sect”.

At the same time, a decree flew out, announcing to the prehistoric world that Minghe Patriarch would join the “Qingxuan Daozun” lineage from now on.

It’s funny to say that after the entire “Asura Sect” was moved to “Qingwei Heaven”, “Jiuyou Blood Sea” became an ownerless land, leaving a lot of land vacant.

However, no one force showed any signs of getting involved, even the Wu clan, who had been restless in the past, turned a blind eye and pretended not to know about it.

Everyone knew that Minghe Patriarch, who won the “Hunyuan Saint Position” and joined the “Qingxuan Daozun” lineage, was very different from before.

No one wanted to offend this future “Hunyuan Powerful Man”.


Time flies, and tens of thousands of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The “Inner World” is becoming more and more prosperous.

Driven by the previous “Grand Competition”, Qi Changfeng gradually had a clear direction for his future “heart power road”.

As heart power continued to accumulate and his foundation continued to strengthen, Qi Changfeng felt that the “heart power world” and the “seed” that flew out of the “Xianwu Simulation System” were becoming more and more closely related.

He set his sights on the “seed” and continued to deduce his own path.

The deeper he comprehended this “seed”, the more Qi Changfeng could feel its wonder and mystery.

This “seed” seemed to contain a complete avenue, and any chaotic rules could be found in it.

This is also the fundamental reason why the “seed” can have no taboos, imprint various “innate divine prohibitions”, and even engrave the complete “opening of the sky imprint”.

Qi Changfeng tried to integrate heart power, seed, and “Great Chaos Treasure Scriptures of the Heavens” into one system.

After all, the avenue is simple, and when you practice deeply, the chaotic forces must be unified.


The Great Chaos Treasure Scripture is Qi Changfeng’s fundamental method, and it is the supreme method of enlightenment to open up the “big world in the body”.

Above the “world” is the vast “endless chaos”.

Because the “transcendent seed” contains many special rules.

In Qi Changfeng’s deduction, he wanted to turn the “seed” and the “heart and mind world” into reality and evolve into a “micro chaos”.

After the success of enlightenment and opening up the “big world in the body”, the heart and mind will be used as the hub to accommodate the “big world” into the “micro chaos”.

In this way, various forces form a complete system.

The “big world in the body” also becomes the “chaotic space in the body”, which greatly improves both power and potential.

This is the only way Qi Changfeng can think of to perfectly use this “transcendent seed”, and it is also the path that best fits his own practice, training, and enlightenment.

In addition, Qi Changfeng had a premonition that using this “transcendent seed” in this way would be of great help to his future control of the “system body”.

Of course, this road is not easy.

Although the foundation and source of power needed for the evolution of “micro chaos” are there.

However, how to make “heart power” and “transcendent seed” together to form “micro chaos”, and how to integrate “inner world” into “micro chaos” after enlightenment to form a perfect system, etc., are not easy to solve.


Having found the way forward, Qi Changfeng began to study with the power provided by the “inner world”.

At the beginning, this road was smooth.

Qi Changfeng grasped the key with his strong understanding and made good progress.

However, as he continued to practice, he gradually encountered some problems.

On the one hand, with the current scale of the “inner world”, the speed of accumulation and increase of “heart power” gradually slowed down.

On the other hand, the deduction of the evolution of the “micro-universe” requires a lot of time, and it is best to comprehend it in the “endless chaos”.

It may not be a good idea to practice in seclusion in the “Honghuang Upper Realm”.

Fortunately, these problems were all within Qi Changfeng’s expectations.

For the first problem, he plans to expand the “inner world” to the entire “Honghuang Great World” instead of limiting it to the “Honghuang Upper Realm”.

When countless subordinate lower realms and the “Demon Realm” are included in the scope of the “inner world”, this problem will surely be improved.

Now the “inner world” of the “Honghuang Upper Realm” has been extremely perfect and stable, and Qi Changfeng’s constantly increasing mental strength has also enabled him to continue to expand the “inner world”.

As for the solution to the second problem, it is simpler.Qi Changfeng was going to restart the simulation after the matter of the “inner world” was settled, and completely perfect this method in the “endless chaos” in the form of “normal simulation”.

Although the existence of the “inner world” temporarily prevented him from performing “real body simulation”, “normal simulation” was no problem.


After making up his mind, Qi Changfeng separated many “heart power incarnations” and went to every subordinate lower world, as well as the endless void between the lower world and the “primordial upper world”.

It took tens of thousands of years, and the footprints of Qi Changfeng’s incarnations were all over every area of ​​the lower world and the void.

As all the “heart power imprints” were placed, Qi Changfeng’s mind moved, and the power of his soul connected with the heart power imprint, extending the “inner world” to every corner of the lower world.

This sudden change alarmed countless creatures in the lower world, which can be called an unprecedented event.

In order to promote the communication between the lower world and the prehistoric upper world, Qi Changfeng did not set up any barriers in the “inner world”.

The authority of each practitioner in the lower world is exactly the same as that of the practitioners from the “prehistoric upper world”.

However, considering the problem of the realm bearing, those treasures that exceed the upper limit of the lower world cannot be transmitted through the “inner world”.

Even so, this is also a great benefit to all the “practitioners” in the lower world, and the probability of the Tianjiao growing up smoothly is greatly increased.

Although the information of the “prehistoric upper world” has a great impact on the practitioners in the lower world, in the long run, these small problems are simply not worth mentioning.


After the lower world was included in the “inner world”, more than ten thousand years passed.

The “inner world” gradually stabilized and improved, and Qi Changfeng’s mental strength accumulation speed increased a lot.

Don’t underestimate these subordinate lower worlds of the prehistoric upper world. Although the area of ​​each realm is not large, it cannot withstand the large number.

If we count the total number of living beings, it is an extremely terrifying number.

The improvement of Qi Changfeng’s mental strength in the “Inner World” comes from the sparks of the collision of thoughts between living beings.

This is an excellent resource for mental strength.

Next, Qi Changfeng turned his attention to the “Demon World”.

This area ruled by “Demon Ancestor Luohou” is the world second only to the “Honghuang Upper Realm”.

For some reasons, he had a conflict with Qi Changfeng and sent the Quasi-Sage Great Demon Lord to attack and kill him.

Unfortunately, he misjudged Qi Changfeng’s strength, failed in the sneak attack, and died in the “Honghuang Upper Realm”.

Over the years, Qi Changfeng has been obsessed with cultivation and was too lazy to find trouble with the “Demon World”.

However, this does not mean that he has forgotten this matter.

It is just the opportunity to expand the “Inner World” to go to the “Demon World” and settle this cause and effect.


After leaving enough power to sustain the “Inner World” for a while, Qi Changfeng left the “Qingwei Tiandaochang” with a thought.

In his opinion, this trip was to clear the obstacles of the “Demon World”, which would not take long at all.

And the short departure would not have any impact on the “Inner World”.

On this day, a figure in a green robe appeared in the sky above the “Demon World”, which did not attract the attention of any existence.

However, the next moment, a purple-black banner that covered the sky and the sun enveloped the entire “Demon World”.


In just a moment, all the “Great Demon Lord” level strongmen in the “Demon World” were collected in the banner.

As the banner fluttered, nearly ten more quasi-saint-level evil spirits appeared in the “Supreme Human Emperor Banner”.

With Qi Changfeng’s current ability to deduce the secrets of the heavens, plus the bonus of the talent of “Laplace Beast”, he knew with a simple calculation that the attack on him by the “Demon Realm” was decided by all the great masters of the “Demon Clan”.

So there was no problem in killing them all.

If he was not worried about killing off the strong men of the “Demon Realm” and affecting the effect of the “Inner World”, he would not have let go of those “Daluo Jinxian” level Demon Lords of the Demon Clan.

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