【This situation also happened to Hongmeng, Qin Yu, Che Houyuan and other “Hongmeng controllers”. 】

【Everything in more than a dozen “mirror parallel worlds” is returned to the “main world”, which makes the level of the “main world” continue to rise. 】

【You stare at everything that happens, your perception is fully open, your mind covers the entire world, and you also change nine talents that help improve your understanding in your talent position. 】

【Don’t worry about whether the major is suitable or not, just change it first, it’s better than nothing. 】

【The process of “mirror parallel world” integrating into the “main world” is not long, it can even be said to be extremely short. 】

【If you don’t have the “Chaos Cave True God Eyes” that have been cultivated to a very high level, you will find it difficult to perceive this fusion process even if you are in the “Hongmeng Universe Space” that is being promoted. 】

【When you go all out, your soul power is consumed rapidly in a short period of time, but the gains are also huge. 】

【This is an improvement in the understanding of the rules of the higher level of the Dao that is difficult to describe in words. ]

[Just like a frog in a well breaking free of its cage and seeing the vastness of the sky for a moment, you have a lot of new understandings of the true side of “Endless Chaos”. ]

[These understandings can be said to have comprehensively improved your attainments in the “Chaos Rules” and increased your foundation. ]


[As the “Mirror Parallel World” merges into the “Main World”, the strange fluctuations that penetrate the “Barrier Law” become stronger and stronger. ]

[All the hundreds of Chaos practitioners in the surrounding “Chaos Zone” were alarmed, and the few knowledgeable ones immediately understood that this was an “Eighth Level Great World” being promoted to the Ninth Level. 】

【”The world was promoted to level nine. I was lucky enough to see it once near the ‘world community’ of a major force.”】

【”The fluctuation is so strong. I think there is no means to weaken or cover it up. Could it be that a naturally nurtured world is being promoted?!”】

【”It is very likely. As far as I know, there is no chaotic force around the location where the fluctuation came from.”】

【”Of course, it is not ruled out that a major force has cultivated a level nine world there, but the probability is too low.”】

【A “chaos practitioner” sensed this fluctuation and woke up from his retreat, thinking secretly in his heart. 】

【He knew very well that in the chaos where he was, he had never heard of any “chaos great master” born locally, so naturally there was no major force. 】

【Due to the difficult-to-move nature of the “level nine world”, the “chaos forces” outside would never choose to promote the world here unless they were crazy. 】


【“A naturally nurtured nine-level world is really a windfall. This seat cannot miss it.”】

【Thinking of this, the “Chaos Practitioner” immediately came out of retreat, found the right direction, and rushed to the location of the “Hongmeng Universe Space”. 】

【He is still very confident in his own strength. 】

【As a leader in the “Nine Heavens of Chaos”, as long as the “Chaos Great Venerable” does not come out, he will be the top combat force in the hundreds of “Chaos Areas” around. 】

【At that time, even if there are other “Chaos Practitioners” competing with him, he will not be afraid. 】

【The same happiness happened in the dojo of “Hunyuan Powerful” everywhere, and some beings who are confident in their own strength chose to go and find out. 】

【There are also a few who like to watch the excitement, and they also set off. 】

【Just as a group of “Chaos Practitioners” were on their way, the promotion of “Hongmeng Universe Space” was nearing its end. 】

【All the “mirror parallel worlds” and the “main world” are completely integrated, and the size of the world is rapidly expanding. 】

【The stagnation of time and space is lifted, and Lin Lei, Qin Yu, Che Houyuan and other “Hongmeng controllers” only feel a trance, and it seems that there are many more things in their bodies. 】

【The “Hongmeng Golden List” is completely transformed into the heavenly way of the new “Seven-Colored Grade World”. 】

【However, at this time, the “Heavenly Way” is just an aggregate of rules and has no consciousness of its own. 】


【You realize that there are inextricable connections between yourself and the “new Heavenly Way”. After counting with your fingers, you understand the reason. 】

【It turns out that when you preached to a group of “Hongmeng controllers” back then, the “qi” generated greatly promoted the evolution of the “Hongmeng Golden List” and left traces in it. 】

【And practicing the “Great Chaos Treasure Scripture” several times has made your fundamental law deeply imprinted in this world, providing extremely powerful support for its breakthrough. 】

【Add to that several times of proving the way with force and transcending, this repeated jump has made the “World Basic Rules”” I have determined your transcendent status in this world.】

【“The world has been promoted, and the Heavenly Dao has been born. Then I will not be polite.”】

【With a thought, you separated a wisp of consciousness and directly entered the “New Heavenly Dao”.】

【With the help of this connection, your wisp of consciousness easily occupied the Heavenly Dao, replaced the Heavenly Dao with your own heart, and became the actual controller of the Heavenly Dao and the rules of the world.】

【So far, the promoted “Hongmeng Great World” has been completely obtained by you, and the seven-color grade world has been obtained +1.】


【Time flies, and billions of years have passed in the “Hongmeng Great World” in the blink of an eye.】

【After swallowing and absorbing endless “chaotic energy”, the initial evolution of the “Hongmeng Great World” after promotion came to an end.】

【World The expansion has been temporarily stopped, and the rules between heaven and earth have also become more stable. ]

[Because you have accelerated the flow of time in the “Hongmeng World” with your own great power, those “chaos practitioners” attracted by the “promotion fluctuations” are still on their way. ]

[With the help of the promotion power of the “Hongmeng World”, Hongmeng, Lin Lei, Qin Yu, Che Houyuan, the four “first-level Hongmeng controllers” of the year, began to embark on their own “Hunyuan Road”. ]

[This is the special feature of the “Outer Universe Law”. ]

[After all, many places in the “Hongmeng World” were transformed from the great universe they opened up before, and now it is time to reap the harvest. ]

[Don’t think that the “Outer Universe Law” It is easy to advance to the Hunyuan realm through the “Law of the Outer Universe”.

[First, the world you are in must have the potential to break through from the “orange level eight” to the “colorful level nine”, which will filter out most of the worlds.

[Second, whether the world is in the “main world” or the “mirror parallel world” when it is promoted is even more decisive.

[Take Lin Lei as an example. The dozen or so Lin Lei in the “mirror parallel world” are all victims of the main world “Lin Lei” entering the Hunyuan realm.

[In addition, the long time required for the evolution of the “Law of the Outer Universe” is also unmatched by other cultivation systems. It is often measured in “trillions of years”.

[These times are not comparable to the “Great World Above Heaven”. “In terms of the cultivation system, it is enough for Shi Tiandi, Ye Tiandi and others to prove the truth countless times.]


[As time goes by, the four “first-level Hongmeng controllers” step into the “Hunyuan level” as a matter of course, and have the cultivation of “Hunyuan First Heaven”.]

[And it is at this time that you choose to transcend the world and enter the “Endless Chaos”.]

[However, since a wisp of your consciousness is the heavenly way of the “Hongmeng World”, you can choose to come back at any time.]

[After Hongmeng, Lin Lei, Qin Yu and Che Houyuan completed the transformation of the Hunyuan realm, they woke up from their closed-door hard practice.]

[“Is this Hunyuan? ”]

[Feeling the surging power, they felt that they were much stronger than before.]

[So the forgetful “Lin Lei” challenged you to a sparring match again.]

[Then the other three “First-level Hongmeng Controllers” saw Lin Lei being pinned to the ground by your slap.]

[“I surrender, I surrender!”]

[Lin Lei shouted.]

[Then, he patted the non-existent dust on his body and stood up.]

[Several consecutive failures in sparring gave Lin Lei a good training of his mentality.]

[Although he was killed again this time, his heart was not shaken.]


[“Master, what level of strength have you reached?”]

[Qin Yu, who was watching the battle not far away, couldn’t help asking.]

[“Not very high, I can only compete with ordinary ‘Chaos Grand Masters’. ”]

[You said calmly.]

[“Chaos Great Lord!”]

[The four strong men who entered the “Primordial Realm” were secretly shocked.]

[They didn’t expect that you had reached such a level of strength after all these years in the “Endless Chaos”.]

[However, this also gave the four more confidence in the “human disaster” that might come from the “Chaos Practitioners”.]

[“According to Master, the number of ‘Chaos Great Lords’ is extremely rare in the Endless Chaos. I don’t know how many ‘Chaos Realms’ can produce one.”]

[“This world promotion should not attract such a terrifying existence.”]

[“No wonder Master is so calm about the next disaster.”]

[Qin Yu and others thought to themselves.]


[In the following time, you taught the four newly promoted “Primordial Strong Men” some of the knowledge gained from the “Chaos Wuji Palace”.]

[And he also introduced the general situation in “Endless Chaos” to them in detail. ]

[At the same time, you passed on the two basic methods of “Barrier World Method” and “Chaos Moment” derived from “Chaos Master” to them. ]

[Looking at the 180% increase in combat power of the “Peaches and Plums Full of Chaos” talent, you are very satisfied. ]

[Counting the six “Above the Dao” strongmen in the “Above the Heavenly World”, the “Hunyuan Level” existence among your disciples has reached double digits. ]

[In addition, because a wisp of your consciousness has become the Heavenly Dao of the “Hongmeng World”, the human race in this world has also become a helper for your “Supreme Human Emperor” talent. ]

[Now, the combat power bonus of this talent has reached 439%. ]

[The improvement of these two talents has enhanced your combat power. ]

[Afterwards, you followed the previous operation in the “Great World Above Heaven” and took Hongmeng, Lin Lei, Qin Yu and Che Houyuan into the “Endless Chaos” to experience it. ]


[Time passed, and the first “Chaos Practitioner” descended to the chaotic area where the “Great World of Hongmeng” was located. ]

[This is a monster with a dragon head, a bull body, six arms and eight wings, exuding the aura of the “Eight Heavens of Chaos”. ]

[He is not far from the “Great World of Hongmeng” and has a deep attainment in space, so he can arrive first. ]

[Since the world has been promoted, the strange fluctuations have long disappeared. ]

[The “Chaos Practitioners” from outside can only rely on their original perception to roughly locate the location of the “Great World of Hongmeng”. ]

[Although this positioning is not very accurate, as long as the world is not covered by the “Barrier World Method”, any “Hunyuan Powerful Man” can easily find a “Seven-Colored Ninth-Level World” within this range. ]

[However, this “dragon-headed, bull-bodied, six-armed, eight-winged monster” came to the vicinity of the destination, and the power of the soul was fully activated, and it did not even find the ghost of the world. ]

[“Could it be that someone else got there first?”]

[“I came very quickly, who could it be? The one playing with swords? It doesn’t look like him.”]

[His dragon head’s eyes widened, scanning the surroundings, thinking in his heart. ]

[“It’s not hopeless to be beaten to it by someone else. As long as we search this small area bit by bit, it will be difficult to hide even if there is a “Barrier World Method” covering it.”]

[So, the monster spread the eight wings behind it and prepared to search thoroughly. ]


[After a while, two more “Hunyuan Powerful Man” of the seventh heaven came together. ]

[From the looks of it, these two are of human origin, and they look somewhat similar. They may be brothers, but of course, it is not ruled out that they are two clones of the same powerful person. ]

[“Prisoner, did you get the newly promoted ninth-level world?”]

[One of them asked the “dragon-headed, bull-bodied, six-armed, eight-winged monster” named “Prisoner”. ]

[“You really have no vision.”]

[“If I succeeded, would I still stay outside? I would have gone in to harvest and enjoy it long ago.”]

[“Prisoner” glanced at the two and said unhappily. ]

[The two looked at each other and felt that what Prisoner said made sense, and then joined the team searching for the “Hongmeng World”. ]

[Not long after, many more Chaos masters arrived one after another, and two of them had reached the realm of “Hunyuan Nine Heavens”. 】

【These two powerful ninth-level masters are both powerful beings that can shock the four realms. Their arrival changed the faces of the “chaos practitioners” present. 】

【Some practitioners who felt that they were not strong enough and could not become the final winners even if they found the whereabouts of the newly promoted ninth-level world began to have some small ideas. 】


【You are now inside the “Hongmeng World” and can clearly perceive the powerful people coming from the outside world. 】

【However, after seeing that they are all Hunyuan minions, you did not take it to heart and prepared to wait a little longer. 】

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