With the lock of the martial arts world, Qi Changfeng can enter at any time by consuming the number of ordinary white simulations.

That is, 20 simulation points at a time.

Qi Changfeng calmed his mind and started the simulation.

“Ding, consume 20 simulation points, start simulation.”

“Target: locked white world.”

“Simulation is about to begin, world introduction: omitted.”

“Host, choose three from the following talents.”

Sunny boy (white): You have a sunny and cheerful temperament, which is more popular with the opposite sex.

Gun master (green): You have a high talent for using guns, and it is easy for you to become a sharpshooter.

. . . . . . .

Qi Changfeng glanced at the talents and found that there was nothing to improve, so he chose the three talents he had: boxing genius (blue), fighting master (blue), strong body (white).

Compared with the first time entering this world, this can be said to be a shotgun upgrade.

“Talent selection successful, start simulation.”

[0 years old: You were born, a girl. Your parents are very happy to have a daughter. ]

[6 years old: You grow up very fast, you are a head taller than your peers, and you become the leader of the children. ]

[12 years old: After graduating from elementary school, you expressed to your parents that you want to learn martial arts. Although your parents don’t agree, they still agree when they see that you are almost catching up with their height. ]

[13 years old: Enter the martial arts school to study, and suddenly find that the founder of the martial arts school is actually yourself who imitated last time, the martial arts madman. ]

[15 years old: You show a terrible talent for martial arts, and the male students in the martial arts school are not your opponents. ]

[16 years old: You break through the realm of Ming Jin and reach the realm of An Jin. The owner of the martial arts school is shocked by your talent and thinks you are a martial arts genius that is rare in a century. ]

[20 years old: Your breakthrough seems to have no bottleneck. You break through the realm of An Jin and Hua Jin continuously and become a Dan Jin strongman. At this time, you are already the best master in the martial arts school. ]

[25 years old: You traveled around the world, made a great name for yourself, and continued to improve your cultivation. ]

[30 years old: You successfully broke through to the Gangjin realm and became a master comparable to the founder of the martial arts school. At this time, you are still full of energy. ]

[40 years old: Ten years of hard training have allowed you to reach the limit of Gangjin. The energy and spirit of your whole body have become more condensed, and you can no longer find an opponent who can fight. ]

[43 years old: You are in confusion. You have no way forward. You have no idea about breaking the void and seeing the gods. ]

[60 years old: Your energy and blood began to decline, your combat power began to decline, but your mental power became more terrifying. ]

[70 years old: Knowing that you have no hope in this life, you decide to fight to the death. ]

[You are on the ground, facing various firearms and hot weapons from a distance. At this time, thousands of bullets are fired at the same time. Facing the high-pressure danger of death, your mental power finally undergoes a transformation. 】

【Seeing nothing, hearing nothing, avoiding danger, your mental power finally breaks through, and you see the way forward. 】

【You died of serious injuries with a smile on your face. 】

The simulation ended, and Qi Changfeng received the insights in the simulated world, and his sea of ​​consciousness was cool.

At this time, his mental power transformed again, reaching the superb realm of seeing nothing, hearing nothing, avoiding danger.

According to the literature in the simulated world, this is the prerequisite for breaking through the void and seeing the gods indestructible.

It took a long time for Qi Changfeng to recover from the transformation of his mental power, and he felt that he had a vague perception of everything around him, even if he did not see or hear anything.

“It’s amazing.” Qi Changfeng exclaimed.

With the transformed mental power, coupled with decades of hard practice of boxing in the simulated world, Qi Changfeng felt that he was only one step away from understanding the meaning of boxing.


Qi Changfeng was ready to reach the realm of seeing the gods indestructible in one go.

He simulated three times in a row.

Unfortunately, each simulation can only reach the Gangjin realm at most. Even if the mental power reaches the level of sensing danger and avoiding it, it is difficult to achieve the state of being invincible.

Qi Changfeng knew that this was because there was no master in the simulation world who could give him life and death pressure.

With the strength of the peak of Gangjin plus the bonus of three talents, even if ordinary Gangjin masters join forces, they can’t pose any threat to him.

However, in the continuous simulation of the same world, Qi Changfeng discovered something.

The timeline of the simulation world is also moving forward, and it is coherent. After entering this simulation world again, I can find traces left by the previous simulation.

Could it be that these simulation worlds are real?

Qi Changfeng pondered.

But he didn’t think too much, after all, it was too far away from him. It won’t be too late to explore it when he reaches a higher level in the future.

Looking at the 210 simulation points he had left, “I hope I’ll have better luck this time.” Qi Changfeng sighed in his heart and continued to simulate.

. . .. . .

【35 years old: You have reached the peak of Gangjin, and have already reached the level of sensing danger and avoiding it. 】

【40 years old: You continue to practice hard in order to break through and reach the level of seeing the gods. 】

【43 years old: You heard that a master of the realm of seeing the gods appeared in the far north. You were extremely surprised and immediately set out to find him. 】

【45 years old: You found the master, he is an old man who herds sheep in the north. 】

【You can’t wait to challenge him to a life-and-death challenge. Although he is old, his blood and qi have not declined at all. 】

【You fought desperately, facing the strong man of the realm of seeing the gods, you who have not yet broken through did not lose the wind at all. 】

【In the end, you were both injured, and he knew he was no match for him, so he fled. 】

【50 years old: After the war, you closed yourself off for 5 years and broke through the realm of seeing the gods. 】

【60 years old: practice boxing. 】

【100 years old: practice boxing. 】

【120 years old: practice boxing. In the same year, you die of old age. When you die, your blood and qi are still extremely strong. 】

【You are dead. This simulation ends. 】

Exit the simulation, Qi Changfeng sits with his eyes closed, and a huge wave rises in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Entering the realm of seeing the gods, you can perfectly control your body and clearly feel every detail of your body.

And you can adjust yourself to a perfect state through mental control forever. Even if you live to the end of your life, your blood and qi will not decline and will always be in a peak state.

After about an hour, Qi Changfeng finally broke through.

His eyes opened, as if a ray of light shot out.

Qi Changfeng felt that his control over his body had reached the extreme.

With a flash of thought, Qi Changfeng’s bones and muscles all over his body squirmed, and he turned into a stranger with a completely different face and height.

Looking in the mirror, Qi Changfeng nodded with satisfaction and changed back.

This is the powerful control of the body in the realm of seeing the gods.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, Qi Changfeng just feels that ordinary innate masters are no longer his opponents.

At this time, there are still about two weeks before the entry test, and Qi Changfeng is no longer the same as he was a few days ago.

Looking at the remaining 190 simulation points, Qi Changfeng feels that the gains will not be great if he simulates again in a short period of time.

It is better to practice boxing in the real world, settle down, and improve more.

As for breaking through to the innate realm, after so many simulations, Qi Changfeng feels that it is not difficult.

However, breaking through to the innate realm is harmful rather than beneficial to participating in the entry test.

After all, the Huangting Sect tests talent, character and combat power. The peak of the acquired realm at the age of 16 is already very good. Who can not be called a genius when he shows the combat power of a top innate master in the acquired realm?

A hasty breakthrough will only reduce his own performance, which is not worth the loss.

Moreover, Qi Changfeng has practiced the Barbarian Bull Fist to the peak, and there is no more progress. There are countless profound books in the Huangting Sect. You can choose a skill that is more suitable for you, and it will not be too late to break through to the innate level then.

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