From the discovery of this beast to the completion of the kill, it only took less than two minutes before and after, that is, 5 energy points to start.

This made Jiang Wen's already small energy points finally increase.

In addition, Jiang Wen also used a short knife to cut off the two sharp front paws of the dreadclaw wolf, which is the most ferocious weapon on the dreadclaw wolf, and it is also the most valuable part of its body.


addition to its claws, its skin is also very valuable, but Jiang Wen's weight is limited, and he only has one backpack for loading, so he can only carry so many things, so he only took two of the most valuable claws.

At this time, Jiang Wen suddenly thought that maybe he could learn some more methods of refining the body, so that his strength would skyrocket, and his body would be as strong as an ox, and he would be able to carry more things.

You can also try to learn a knife technique.

He had just killed the Dreadclaw Wolf with a short knife, relying only on speed and precision, just one word, reckless!

If he could master a knife technique, then he would be more efficient in killing fierce beasts, and it would be safer, and in the battle of low-level martial artists, the use of weapons was still very advantageous!

After pondering for a while, Jiang Wen moved forward again and continued to search for the traces of the Dreadclaw Wolf.

Jiang Wenhua became a cheetah, acting carefully and quickly in this dense forest, and soon found several lone dreadclaw wolves, all of which were killed one by one.

After a few battles, Jiang Wen became more and more proficient, and the speed of killing the dreadclaw wolf became

faster and faster! Quietly approached, sealed his throat with a knife, and then kicked it away

! It's that simple

! At the most dangerous time, Jiang Wen was besieged by two dreadclaw wolves, but he didn't panic, he dealt with it carefully, and slashed them one by one!

[Energy: 52]

The energy points broke through 50, and he could further improve the exercises.

"System, improve the dragon in the clouds. "

[Wandering Cloud Shocking Dragon] and [Dripping Water Concept] are now Jiang Wen's two main forces, and Jiang Wen decided to upgrade [Wandering Cloud Shocking Dragon], because this exercise gives him the most intuitive improvement in strength.

[Consume 50 points of energy

] [Wandering Cloud Dragon: Breakthrough to Dacheng in the first part]

Another familiar heat flow surged throughout the body, because Jiang Wen's current physical fitness was far beyond the beginning, so the improvement of the exercises was much faster, and after five minutes, the strengthening was over.

And there has been a major breakthrough in his attributes.

Name: Jiang Wen

Realm: Great Martial Artist's Physique: 4.0

Spirit: 1.5


Arts: Slightly Energy: 2

Great Martial Artist!

In the systematic explanation, it takes more than ten years of penance

for ordinary people to raise a low-grade martial art to the realm of Dacheng, and it also needs a little bit of luck before it is possible! And Jiang Wen has reached this realm at such a young age, and it is enough to shock the eyeballs

of the earth when he says it! Now Jiang Wen's physique is four times stronger than ordinary people, and if he clenches his fists slightly, he has the illusion of shaking the air and exploding

it! With a slight step forward, he runs the light kung footwork, and he is ten meters away in an instant!

The [Wandering Cloud Dragon] of the Dacheng realm endowed Jiang Wen with super mobility, and Jiang Wen's movement in the mountains and forests became extremely light and fast.

According to the assessment, the scale of this dreadclaw wolf nest in the north of Rongcheng is not large, and the number of dreadclaw wolves does not exceed a hundred, Jiang Wen is eager to brush up all of these dreadclaw wolves!

As long as he is careful and patient, Jiang Wen can do it.

In the next time, Jiang Wenhua became a monster farming machine with no emotion, and turned on the crazy killing mode

! Every dreadclaw wolf can provide Jiang Wen with 5-6 points of energy, and it is not too cool to brush

! Time passed quickly, and before he knew it, in the afternoon, Jiang Wen killed a total of 55 dreadclaw wolves before and after, and almost half of the dreadclaw wolves in this nest were killed by him!

If it was just against a dreadclaw wolf, Jiang Wen could easily win and kill it effortlessly.

Even if you are unlucky, it is not a problem to encounter two

dreadclaw wolves at once, you can win the battle with a little care! If the number exceeds three and Jiang Wen is defeated, he can also quickly withdraw from the battlefield with Dacheng's [Wandering Cloud Terror Dragon], these dreadclaw wolves can't catch up with him at all, and they can get rid of the pursuit of these fierce beasts with just a few breaths.

The super light skill gave Jiang Wen super mobility, making him invincible by his inn!

After Jiang Wen's savage sweeping, the dreadclaw wolf on the periphery of this lair was almost swept away by Jiang Wen.

The remaining dozens of dreadclaw wolves sensed that something was wrong, and all of them shrank into the depths of the nest, Jiang Wen approached carefully, and saw a large group of dreadclaw wolves gathered together from a distance, so he extinguished his desire to continue brushing.

Move your eyes to the system page.

Energy: 305

bumper harvest

! Not only the energy points, but the sharp claws of these 55 dreadclaw wolves are also a lot of wealth! Worth more than 550,000 yuan

! Earn over! It's almost rich overnight! It's already four o'clock

now, and it's going to be dark if you continue to stay outside the city, and

it's not safe to stay outside the city at night, Jiang Wen has gained a lot from this trip and is ready to return.

The dreadclaw wolf claws in his backpack were already full, a large bag bulging, and it was somewhat inconvenient to continue to move in the wild, and it was time to retreat.

Next time, let's farm the dreadclaw wolf.

Jiang Wen trimmed it slightly, twisted up his backpack and prepared to leave.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred

! A great sense of crisis enveloped the whole body

! A cold and stabbing pain in the back of the neck, as if there was a sharp knife against it

! "Flash!"

Jiang Wen only had this one thought in his mind, Jiang Wen's head jerked to the left, and then rushed out to the side with all his might!

"Bang-" A gunshot rang out, and a bullet grazed Jiang Wen's ear and flew over, making a small crater in the big tree in front of him!

Jiang Wen was furious, and suddenly looked back, and among the bushes a hundred meters away, a bearded man held a pistol and looked at Jiang Wen with a stunned expression.

This guy wants to kill me!

He actually put a black gun?!

And this big man with a gun also felt a burst of incredulity.

Jiang Wen reacted very quickly, threw away his backpack and other extra weights on his body, and his figure flashed, submerged into the woods and bushes next to him, and rushed towards this big man with a gun!

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