Artificial intelligence plays a very important role in the defense system of satellite cities.

Large-scale battlefields are changing rapidly, and all kinds of information are chaotic and complex, and only super-intelligent programs such as artificial intelligence can accurately and quickly process these battlefield information and provide strong data support for all parties to make decisions.

Everywhere in Qingshan City, there are a large number of sensors and surveillance, the data collection is accurate and detailed, and the error is extremely small, Jiang Wen also received an assessment report of the battlefield, which also includes his personal kill information.

[Jiang Wen's personal kill record

] [Killed 423 alligator rats

] [Reward contribution 8460 points]


Jiang Wen nodded slightly.

The statistics given by Zero are very different from the data in his heart, his mental strength is terrifying, his memory is far beyond ordinary people, and he knows how many alligator rats he has hacked to death.

"This artificial intelligence is quite reliable, and the contribution points are counted so quickly. "

Not only has his mission contribution been counted, but the power points he has slain in the beasts have also arrived.

Energy: 4336

Each alligator rat can provide him with 4-5 points of energy, and in such a short period of effort, Jiang Wen has gained nearly 2,000 points of energy, which is not inefficient.

I still remember that in the past, when he was still a backpacker outside the city, he still had to run around far and wide to find a large group of fierce beasts to hunt and harvest energy.

But it's much more comfortable here in Aoyama City.

As long as you stay here, there will be a steady stream of fierce

beasts taking the initiative to come to the door! All of these fierce beasts are so sensible?!It's

too polite

! Come here to do tasks, not only can you receive task contributions, but also have energy points to brush!

I like this here so much!

(* ̄) ̄*)

o o After repelling this wave of attacks from the crocodile, the remaining alligator rats knew how powerful they were and temporarily retreated.

Qingshan City has also lowered the alert level by one level, and troops from District 6 and District 7 will immediately enter the scene to deal with the aftermath.

Jiang Wen and the others glanced back before evacuating, and the soldiers who entered the scene threw some small things into the pit dug by the alligator rats, which were impressively miniature bombs!

There was an immediate muffled sound and vibration underground.

The pit that was temporarily dug by the alligator rat was not stable enough, and it was all blown up in an instant.

If the alligator rat wants to get in again, it has to dig again, and the previous potholes are gone.

In addition, there are soldiers who implant a large number of sensors on the ground in Zones 6 and 7.

As soon as there is any movement underground, it can be immediately captured by the sensor.

If these crocodile rats want to enter Qingshan City silently, it will not be so easy.

Jiang Wen nodded slightly, these soldiers did a good job in dealing with the aftermath, and they responded properly and quickly.

In addition, transport trucks entered the site to transport all the carcasses of the slain alligator rats.

The carcasses of these alligator rats are still relatively valuable, and they have a lot of valuable materials on them, and they can make a lot of money if they are sold.

It's just that this money doesn't have the share of the warriors.

Warriors only take mission contributions and fixed mission bonuses, and the money from beast materials is used to subsidize the soldiers of the satellite city, and the consumption of weapons to maintain the normal operation of the satellite city.

This is an unspoken rule on the battlefield, and everyone has no opinion.

Not only were the carcasses of the alligator rats that invaded the city quickly cleaned up, but several teams of armored vehicles drove out of the city and began to clean up the carcasses of the crocodile rats outside the city.

So many crocodile rats were splashed with blood, and the bloody aura was extremely heavy, almost to the point of being so thick that it was pungent, and it had to be cleaned up immediately.

If the bloody aura attracted the flow of demons, the consequences were not what anyone in Qingshan City wanted to see.

Jiang Wen and the others also returned to the Mu family's station, making a little repair, preparing to deal with the fierce beast attack on the city that would happen again at any time.


The battle came to an end temporarily, and the command center of Aoyama City was still operating at full speed.

"The first wave of alligator rats was repulsed, but the Life Radar detected a large number of alligator rats gathering outside the city.

"To the east of Castle Peak City, there are two colonies of alligator rats, 800 and 1,400 respectively.

"To the south there is a swarm of 3,200 alligators.

"There are three swarms of alligator rats to the west, with 2,000, 2,200 and 1,500 individuals. "

There is only one corpus of alligator rats in the north, but there are the largest numbers of 8,100 of them.

"There are an estimated 16,000 of all the alligator rats outside the city.

"Ordinary alligator rats have low intelligence, and it is rare to burrow into the city, and it is no accident that such a large-scale underground invasion can be organized, and Zero assesses the existence of a rat king behind these alligator rats, which is as high as 93.19%. "

A staff member is reporting the latest battlefield movements to Senior Colonel Chu, to be honest, the current situation is not optimistic, even the staff member who is reporting is frowning.

"How are the sensors installed to monitor movement underground? "

Colonel Chu is very concerned about these crocodile rats that come in from the ground, and he has to guard against this.

"Sensors in Zones 6 and 7 as well as Zones 15 are in place.

Colonel Chu frowned: "Although only these three areas have been hit by the alligator rat, you can't only install sensors in these areas. "

Sensors are installed in all 19 areas to form a full coverage and leave no dead ends. "


the staff member saluted, and immediately stepped back to arrange the matter.

Colonel Chu turned his head and his gaze fell on the huge central display screen again, on which was a map showing the situation of the fierce beast copies near Qingshan City.

Qingshan City was surrounded by dense red spots, this was the fierce beasts scanned by the life radar

, and each fierce beast was a red spot! And a large number of fierce beasts gathered together, it was

a huge red spot! Senior Colonel Chu's face was solemn, and he looked at the huge red spot in the north of Qingshan City: "This number is a bit too much..."

There are more than 16,000 alligator rats outside the city, and there are scattered crocodile rats coming from all directions.

The total number of alligator

rats is increasing! 16,000!

This number is close to the limit of Qingshan City's firepower output!

If he doesn't deal with it properly, if he really lets these crocodile rats break through the defenses and rush into the city, then this consequence is not something he can bear.

It's not just the number of troublesome crocodile rats, but the rat king hiding behind the rat colony makes him even more concerned.

It is clear that this rat king has a high level of intelligence.

Although the underground surprise attack launched by the Rat King failed to work and was beaten back by Jiang Wen and them, Colonel Chu would not underestimate this Rat King at all.

God knows what bad idea

this rat king is holding back now! I have to guard against

it! "Where are you hiding?" Now

the situation between the two sides is deadlocked, and a fierce battle is about to break out

, and this rat king is a good breakthrough! As long as this rat king is found and killed, the combat effectiveness of the rat group can be greatly weakened, and the crocodile rats without the rat king are just a group of beasts without brains, and there is nothing to be afraid of at all.

If the rat king is lucky, after the rat king is killed, this group of crocodile rats will be leaderless and will scatter and flee!

Isn't it beautiful?

The battlefield of Qingshan City is like a chessboard, and Colonel Chu and the rat king are the chess players behind this chessboard.

Whichever chess player shows a flaw first, then whoever is out of the game!

Colonel Chu's eyes flickered, and his gaze kept sweeping back and forth between the huge rat swarms outside the city.

"If I were you... Where am I going to hide?" Since

twenty minutes ago, Senior Colonel Chu has called up this map of the distribution of fierce beasts outside the city, and the map is refreshed every ten seconds, and every time it is refreshed, there will be some slight changes in the distribution of fierce beasts outside the city.

Senior Colonel Chu closed his eyes, and a large number of details emerged from his mind, and a large number of details were re-analyzed and sorted out by him...


, a light crossed his mind

! He stared at the largest swarm of rats

in the north of the city! Since he called up the map, every time the map was refreshed, the rat swarms in the southeast, south, and west directions had a tendency to slowly move to the

north! Although it was not obvious, Senior Colonel Chu could see that the rat swarm was preparing to assemble in the north!

The Rat King planned to use Area 6 and Area 7 in the north as a breakthrough point to launch a surprise attack on Qingshan City

! And that Rat King was also very likely to be mixed in with

the rat colony in the north! Senior Colonel Chu's intuition had always been very keen, and when he thought of this, he almost immediately wanted to use missiles to cover and bomb the largest rat colony in the north.

However, he immediately rejected his own idea.

The use of missiles is inappropriate.

First of all, there are not many missiles in Qingshan City, and it is impossible to carry out saturation bombing with one less than one.

Secondly, if the missile lands, it will not kill the rat king in the first place, so that it will be injured and flee, and it will be even more difficult to find it again.

The alligator rat is good at digging, and as long as it drills into the ground, the lethality of the missile will be greatly reduced!

The risk of using missiles to bomb is too great, and it is easy to gain more than it loses.

Then we have to change the way.

Colonel Chu pondered for a moment, and soon had a perfect plan in his heart.

"Someone, give me orders!".

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