It seems that she noticed that the taste is reasonable, a little joy appeared on her face, and then she called out to Su Han who was thinking.

"Master, do you want some tea? Meow~"

Probably received a very strange education, the girl's amethyst-like eyes suddenly had a mouth fetish, and there was an innocence that was hard to refuse.

That is undoubtedly a very cute girl.

She wears a short skirt that is well-fitting and can well modify the figure, and is decorated with a lot of ruffles, lace, and large bows.

On the head is a cat-eared Katyusha that is obviously used for cuteness.

Under the short skirt, it is usually matched with a maid outfit, with black suspenders and black silk stockings over the knees.

Here, it is necessary to praise the elaborate design of some extremely eastern color batches.

The extreme eastern-style maid skirt is a miniskirt. When the maid bends over, the garter belt connecting the edge of the socks can be vaguely seen under the skirt.

Just imagine it.

The girl with a graceful figure lowered her head, the inclination of her whole body changed, and the gorgeous short skirt was not enough to cover everything because of the change in inclination.

At that time, the garter belt connecting the edge of the socks under the skirt and the large white and charming skin would be exposed, with a little flesh-colored black silk and plump skin against each other...

It completely combines the girl's greenness and astringency, and then brings it to the fullest.

But now, this is what is shown in front of Su Han.

However, in this regard, Su Han just kept a blank face.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind.

Is the mind of the great primordial spirit Takamiya Mio a little troubled?

Not long ago, she hypnotized herself and allowed herself to introduce auspicious scenes such as Miss Tohka sweating profusely on the sports field, licking yogurt, and even the beauty going out of the bath.

Immediately after that, she showed herself Wuhe Qinli's many cute performances in school and the contrast of her high spirits on the warship.

To be honest, as long as a matchmaker in China has half of her skill, the single population in China will be less than half.

However, in fact, she was only prepared because she couldn't kill herself and didn't want to see Shiori and Zuo getting too close.

However, even if he knew the motives of Mio Chong Gong, who seemed to be a little worried, Su Han still couldn't understand the scene in front of him.

——Why did Yatojin Tohka wear a maid costume and ask to sleep at her own house, and then call her master?

Looking at the girl clumsily making tea next to her, Su Han's expression was unprecedentedly cautious.

Takamiya Mio what the **** is this doing?

"No, no need."

Su Han, who really didn't understand the situation, gave a negative answer to the invitation of Tohka Yedaogami.

So cool.

He has been looking at a girl who claims to be his compatriot from the corner of his eyes, and his expression suddenly became depressed.

Looking at the girl who suddenly became depressed, Su Han wanted to cover his forehead for some reason.

Does this guy know how suspicious his actions are now?

Inexplicably dressed in a **** maid costume, he came to his home, and he used the dubious title of master, and poured tea diligently...

In this scenario, normal people would think of a fairy who jumped higher than a mandrill.

In the face of a possible threat to world peace, and when Shiori Wukawa had no way to solve it, Miss Yatojin Tohka naturally chose to face the difficulties voluntarily.

However, Miss Tohka is not good at attacking people.

In other words, a silly girl like her doesn't have the ability to attack others at all.

But fortunately, she looks cute, so she doesn't need too much guidance, as long as she shows her cuteness normally.

This is Murasame Reine's judgment.

Therefore, she just helped Miss Tohka pack up her clothes, and then, on the grounds that "it's better to live together as an elves", she let Tohka take advantage of the situation to live in a building allocated to Su Han in Wuheqinli.

Living with a silly natural beautiful girl, and that beautiful girl is changing into very **** clothes all day long, who can stand it?

With this thought in mind, Murasame Reine did not give Miss Tohka any strategy instructions.


For Miss Tohka, Raiders is obviously not sitting on the side, but attacking like Shiori.

The book I found in Tobiichi's origami drawer clearly said that if you add a special black tea bag to the black tea, you can quickly improve the relationship.

However, Su Han was not even willing to drink black tea.

Yatogami Tohka, who apparently did not know the meaning of some of the words in the Origami Master's book, could not help but bow her head in despair.

The atmosphere was awkward.

Very embarrassing.

Allow yourself to think about what else is in that book.

Even though she was not well-mannered, Yatogami Tohka, who still felt that the atmosphere was not right, racked her brains towards it.

There seems to be another, inviting the target to take a bath together.

The girl who didn't know how her performance was against Su Han's eyes puffed up her face and looked a little embarrassed.

However, Shiori said that girls cannot bathe with boys.

Would Shiori get angry if he invited Su Han to take a bath together?

However, it seems necessary to follow the steps in the origami book.


Miss Tohka surreptitiously took out her mobile phone and pressed her finger on a certain contact.

Do you want to ask Shiori?

Chapter 43 Then I'll be your girlfriend!

Yato God Tohka unconditionally trusts Shiori Gokawa.

Therefore, no matter what problem you encounter, you will want to ask her for advice.

However, this time, she did not inform Miss Shiori.

"Who from Ratatoskr sent you here?"

Just as Miss Yatogami Tohka was typing **** the keyboard of her mobile phone, the boy's distressed voice rang out, interrupting her movement.

Yatogami Tohka followed the voice and looked over, not surprisingly seeing a certain young man who was his distant cousin in terms of elf pedigree.

"The sudden death of Yu Lingyin of the village, the proud girl Wuhe Qin, and the rotten chess basket God Wuyue Gongping, which one of them brought you here?"

It is very clear which elder sister with a stubborn mind fooled Su Han, who was next to the girl in front of him, and sighed.

huh huh huh-

Under the guidance of Takamiya Mio, the girl who chose to replace Wuhe Shiori to attack Su Han suddenly widened her eyes.

This guy, suddenly locked in the category of people who are looking for his own conversation.

"No, no."

In shock, Yatogami Tohka, who suddenly forgot about the oral fetish she learned from somewhere, waved her hand and tried her best to explain.

"I want to have a good relationship with you myself."

In this regard, Su Han just wanted to cover his face.

Is a good relationship worth wearing a maid outfit and moving straight into someone else's house?

What is the world view of r18 butter! !

Girl, take it easy.

Looking at a girl who was trying to explain a flawed explanation, Su Han felt a little powerless in his heart after a long time.

After Shiori Wukawa said that he would attack him, Reine Muramame, who was essentially the original elf Takamiya Mio, immediately began to act, quickly filling himself with the good-looking memories of other women and the memory of Shiori Wuhe's embarrassment, followed by After that, Yatoshen Tohka then stuck it upside down towards him as if he had given it to him...

It's strange that there are no ghosts here.

Su Han, who felt that Mio's power was rapidly declining, sighed.

She once had three predictions about Mio Takamiya's actions after examining her memory.

Regardless of the information about the power of the True Ancestor in his memory, he insisted on carrying out the elvenization plan without considering the True Ancestor at all.

This probability is very low.

As a person with a hard heart, Su Han is very aware of how much hatred Chong Gong Mio has for her. If she thinks like this, she is most likely to be a variable and suffer a blow from the Vientiane Palace, and it is impossible to be here. Live and dance.

In the other two cases, it is the heart of the true ancestor.

One branch is to give up elvenization completely, trying to get the blood of the true ancestor from Su Han.

This probability is also not very high.

Although Takamiya Mio's brain was a little troubled because of love, but his brain was not flooded, he was kicked by the door card, and then by Amiya.

How could she completely abandon the plan she had prepared for thirty years because of a new possibility?

Therefore, her plan is most likely to speed up the process of Wuhe Shiori's elfization, and see what the final result will be. If the final result is that her old attack and resurrection will stop here, it will be a perfect end to the plan.

If it is Wuhe Shiori who completed the elf transformation, then go to revoke Tokisaki Kurumi's angel, or build an armament that can reverse the timeline on the spot, arrive at the time when his own old attack has not yet burp, and carry out the original ancestor transformation plan. .

If nothing else, Murasame Reine's idea is the third item.

However, there is a small problem with such a plan.

That is...

How to deal with the tool guy who is super close to him?

You know, that is an outrageous character who has come across countless worlds to catch Tokisaki Kurumi. If such a character is not always near him, it is really hard to have a bottom line.


What's the difference between putting this guy next to you and putting this guy next to your old attack? When your old attack is very concerned about him, if you are a little careless, you will be buckled with a green hat.

In this case, Takamiya Mio chose to move outside the plate.

For example-

Just add some drama to Su Han.

For example, let him be the suitor of Miss Tohka or Kotori Gokawa.

Faced with someone who might become his best friend boyfriend or even brother-in-law, a girl like Shiori Wuhe, who is actually quite conservative in her heart, will obviously draw a line of demarcation naturally.

Selling compatriots and good girlfriends can ensure the peace of the head, which is obviously a good deal for Mio Takamiya, who is a love-minded person.

Next, as long as you speed up the process of the arrival of the elves, you will soon be able to accumulate enough power to make elves, and see who will become the elves in the end.

Thinking of this, Su Han looked at a girl who broke into his house like a silly roe deer, with a little pity on his expression.

This guy is probably the tool that Murasame Reine found to delay the time.

The spiritual power itself has been absorbed, and it will not affect the process of Shiori's elfization. It looks super cute and has a super close relationship with Wuhe Shiori...

Has the brain of the primordial elf that was set on the fly is used in this area?

Su Han sighed again.

"I saw you and Murasame Reine walking together before."

"Hey hey hey-!!!"

It was like a child's carefree and delicate little face, full of shock.

Obviously, she couldn't understand the current situation.

"Impossible. At that time, Sister Murasame and I were on a ship in the sky."

"You're not here."

"Ok, now I can be sure that it is Murasame Reiyin who asked you to come to me."

The words that made Miss Yatogami Tohka pale, fluttering out of the boy's mouth.

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