The world of activity (Assiah) that symbolizes human beings

Symbolizing the Formation Realm (Yetzirah) of the little angels

Symbolizing the Archangel's Creation (Beriah)

Symbolizes the outflow world (Atziluth) of the godlike and the primitive man

And hidden behind the three-layered mysterious curtain, the world of the only **** that cannot be described in words and is not within the category of the four realms.

In his world, Kabbalah is a Western version of Taoism's spiritual practice. People of esotericism hope to use their practice to continuously sublimate their spirits, starting from the activity world (Assiah), surpassing angels, and reaching the world of divinity.

Obviously, the tree of life studied by the ancient wizards who created the strange technology of elves is not for spiritual sublimation, but to challenge the authority of the gods.

So where are the wizards trying to challenge the gods?

Who is the **** they want to challenge?

And why the tree of life, which symbolizes the ultimate sublimation, is placed together with the technology of making elves?

More and more questions rose in Su Han's heart.

The plot... seems to be starting to run wild.

Chapter 48: The Road to Fire Sword? Gou don't go!

The Path of the Fire Sword, the Tree of Kabbalah.

In the legacy of the wizard family, such a totem appeared.

If this is a game, then Su Han, who is now a player, has undoubtedly triggered an epic side quest.

The legacy of the god-making family, the wizards, who were buried in history, is emerging.

That is the road of the fire sword.

Uncover the dusty history, follow the footprints of ancient civilizations, and look for the Kabbalah known as the Tower of Babel.

When you find the tree of gods in the heaven, climb from bottom to top, and run through the ten mass points, you will be sublimated to the original person...

even god.

Without a doubt, this is an epic of epic quests.

So, as one of the only five remaining wizards in the entire server, what will Su Han's reaction be when he learns about the path of the fire sword?

"Shiori, another bowl."

At Shiori Wuhe's house, the boy with a stack of bowls next to him wiped his mouth and shouted at the girl who was full of wifey.

After discovering the epic quest "Road to the Sword of Fire", Su Han's choice was to go back to his house and cuddle, and then come to Wuhe's house for a meal.

He chose to give up the side quest - Road to the Fire Sword.

"It may sound unreliable, and it's not enough for the fourth natural disaster, but the funny-sounding statement of 'the area ahead will be explored later' is the best choice for now."

Because of the Eye of Darkness, Su Han, who can either not eat for a year or eat a meal for a year, opened a group chat and spoke to Miss Irena, the best tool.

The fog in the Fire Sword Road is too much.

A family of wizards who died inexplicably violently.

The Babel Tower is regarded as a real existence.

There may or may not be a concept of "God".

There is no doubt that there is too much fog on such a task.

If nothing else, the so-called **** that the so-called wizards expect to surpass is a super tiankeng.

If it is a concept of "God", it can be understood that the wizards look forward to the sublimation of life into a more perfect creature.

if not...

Then it's a **** game.

It's already very troublesome for Chong Gong Mio alone. If there is another thing called "God", wouldn't he want to go to heaven.

"The main task now is to slaughter Chong Gong Mio, not to explore the ancient wizard civilization."

"That side quest will be dealt with later."

While eating, Su Han chatted in the group chat with the witch who was recruiting graduate students in the Witch Association.

Although it is uncertain whether the so-called God really exists, since there is a possibility of "God exists", it is naturally impossible to ignore it.

Regarding God, Su Han had three assumptions about the posture of his existence.

First, "God" is a shaman creation similar to Takamiya Mio.

If the so-called gods are related to elves, then the wizard's plundering spells are also effective for them, which is not a big problem.

Second, "God" is a life above the elves.

If God is a creature that transcends the elves, it naturally has extremely terrifying power, although theoretically speaking, as long as he does not touch the road of the fire sword, he should not be encountered.

However, nothing is absolute.

In the event that a life outside the plot suddenly comes, then the best way is to stay at Wuhe's house and accept the shelter of Murasame Lingyin.

He has molested Takamiya Mio's old attack countless times, but he can still survive, which has proved a lot of things.

Takamiya Mio attaches great importance to the true ancestral plan, which can be said to be the back-end plan of the elfization plan.

She will never allow someone to stop her from making her lover an immortal life. For this reason, she will shelter Su Han, who is connected to a different dimension.

If "God" really exists, it's hard to say who is stronger or weaker between Him and Takamiya Mio, but as long as the so-called "God" is not so strong that he is insane, Takamiya Mio will most likely be able to buy himself time to run.

Third, God does not exist.

The wizarding family just calls their ultimate goal posture as gods, they hope to cross the road of fire sword, and even pass through the triple veil, and incarnate into gods.

However, judging from the fact that there are only four purebloods left in their fart, they have a high probability of playing off.

In either case, the best approach is to stay the same.

Su Han stretched out his hand and pressed it on his chest.

In this body, in addition to the so-called eye of darkness, there is a spiritual crystal fragment.

Next, the highest priority thing is to find a guy who really makes him angry, implant him with spiritual crystals, and then start Yu Duchen.

In Yuduchen, Su Han, who stored the tragic memory of Benjo Erya, thought.

The memory of the body being cut by millimeter by millimeter will be reversed as long as the spirit is not completely deranged.

It is not too late to explore the so-called road of the fire sword after she has perfected her skills and launched a sneak attack on Mio Chonggiya, taking her three demon kings and defeating them.

"So, just pretend that the broken tree doesn't exist."

Su Han spoke very bluntly through the chat group, like a witch who can drive time-based magic like Tokisaki Kuangsan.

"Well, I see, boss."

In this regard, Miss Irena is also relieved.

Su Han's reputation in group chats is actually... bizarre.

When he was just a third-rate warlock, he dared to jump around in the three giants of the collapsed world, and after he became a half-baked fusion warrior, he dared to go to "God".

To be honest, people in the group chat doubted that the source of Su Han's hypervariable factor was an emperor-level flat-headed brother.

This man, who was once suspected of having the blood of Brother Pingtou, did not choose to go directly after seeing the road to the sword of fire, which is obviously a good thing for Miss Irena, whose salary is still being pinched by Su Han.

However, speaking of salary...

The witch who has always acted as an intermediary between Su Han and the Witch Association recalled those graduate tutors... ahem, the big witches heard the proposal about the Terra mine and the dark complexion when they were divided, and they couldn't help but change. Become a bitter gourd face.

"You have to ask the group owner to pay first, and donate money with a company in another world. The group owner donated, what is the destiny, and Anti-Entropy followed with the donation to set up the Terra Mine."

Not long ago, Miss Irena spoke vividly to the great witches who might go to Terra to be the factory manager next.

"After the mine is successfully run and profitable, the investment of the group owner and the Different World Group will be returned to the group owner in full.

"Why only seventy percent?"

The big witches were very angry.

The witches were created by them, the miners were recruited by them, and the management was also done by them. The so-called group owner just gave a little early investment and would take 30% away. Isn't it a bit excessive.

"70% is the owner of the group, and only 30% depends on the person's face."

To this, Miss Irena can only answer like this.

There is no need to elaborate on what follows.

Can earn, kneel.

Can earn, in the world of witches.

This plus this, can you stand to earn money?

The big witches were very dissatisfied with the fact that they were begging for food on their knees.

"That... Boss, the great witches of the Witch Association, seem very dissatisfied with the dividend proposal you gave before."

"They want to talk to you."

"That kind of thing, let's talk about it later."

In this regard, Su Han just nodded absently.

His current mind is basically on the application of elven spells, and he has no mind to pay attention to the workers on the assembly line for the time being.


Eating now.

Dry rice is not active, thinking has problems.

After saying this, he quickly emptied the bowl of rice, wiped his mouth, and spoke again to a certain girl who was probably a hot topic with the cook.

"One more time."

Beside him, the purple-haired girl who is also a big eater looked at the stack of rice bowls beside her, and then looked at the stack of rice bowls beside her that seemed to be a little shorter than that, and raised it up, not to be outdone. The same clean bowl that I eat myself.

"Shori, Shiori, I want too!"

"I...I want to."

As if he had finally inspired some courage, the petite blue-haired girl also stretched out her hand.

In front of them, the blue-haired girl who was in charge of cooking had a dumbfounded expression.

Not long ago, Wuhe Qinli informed her that the elf apartment had been completed, and Yatoshen Tohka, Su Han, and Sinai had all moved in.

To be honest, for Miss Wuhe, this is actually an act of reducing the burden.

After all, Tohka had been pestering herself before that.

Miss Shiori didn't hate Tohka, she could even say that she felt pity for this unfortunate but innocent child.

However, she is too good to eat.

This put a lot of pressure on Miss Shiori, who was in charge of the Wuhe family's three meals a day.

The establishment of the elf apartment is undoubtedly a relief for Miss Shiori.

At least in terms of cooking, it is a kind of burden reduction.


The reality is like the chest of a fairy, the ideal is very plump, and the reality is very skinny.

The only people living in the elf apartment are elves, and all elves are cooking idiots.

Looking at the elves that surrounded the table, Shiori Gokawa, who was cooking, looked at the empty refrigerator with a sad expression.

The family's rations are almost exhausted.

"Ah, have you finished eating?"

As if seeing something very surprising, the black-eyed boy opened his mouth and scratched his head.

"It seems that I ate a little too much, and I'm a little rude."

"No, no, there's no such thing."

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