For example, Shiva's incarnation - horse neigh.

Get angry and fight.

In the Mahabharata, a warrior who is equal to Karna and Arjuna, the incarnation of the supreme **** Shiva.

Different from Xiao An, who spent a lot of money on Su Hanxian, that guy is a god-like Servant who can also be called t0 among the first-class Servants per capita.

It holds a total of two Noble Phantasms, the essence of which is the Noble Phantasm of the Extreme East, and the effect of the other one is to rewind time.

Great time, turn around now

Level: unknown

Type: unknown

Scope: unknown

Maximum catch: unknown

In the case that the master's magic power is large enough and the time and space are not stable enough, it can be used without restrictions, and it can easily go back to a thousand years ago.

Obviously, if such a Servant could be summoned, the retrospective time would suddenly become much simpler.

Summoning Reincarnation Paradise or Eternal Tribulation Miasma Prison makes time and space unstable, and then activates it, reaching hundreds of years ago, which is absolutely trivial.


Next, you still have to adjust your abilities first.

If it is in the broken cup war, there is a high probability that the Holy Grail will be directly dug up, the Servant who is madly summoned, and the person who directly draws the Holy Grail to someone who has no electricity will look a little regretful.

Although the strength of the Servant, except for those who are really special, it is estimated that they may not be able to defeat him, but no one is too much of the ability, right?

It's really not good, it's good to keep a few vases.

Thinking of this, Su Han's heart also began to fill with resentment.

He spent more than 10,000 points to buy the divine call talisman, and he summoned Xiao An within half a day.

"I see."

After probably understanding Su Han's thoughts and situation, Otto's green eyes were filled with a little thought.

He probably understood the situation.

Su Han's previous remarks were probably projects that defrauded research funds. They belonged to things that looked like they could be beaten, but the actual application was a bit tricky.

After a wave of development with research funds, this guy finally got up and dealt with his own affairs. Finally, he remembered that he still owed a favor, so he chose a different way to deal with it.

It sounds full of life, but in any case, it is good to have a result after all.

Such Otto opened his mouth with a smile.

"My dear friend, are you going to go to the so-called other world to dig a special ore called Originium?"

He didn't intend to ask the guy on the opposite side to find the so-called Heroic Spirit that could reverse time.

Now he is no longer the knight of the apocalypse that he can rub at will, but a person who can be called a partner in the true sense.

The situation has changed.

It would be too foolish to insist on using the previous power difference to distinguish between high and low status.

However, just letting his friend wander around in another world like this doesn't seem to be an appropriate solution.

"I think the journey is rough, and some escorts and carers are still needed."

Otto smiled naturally at the man opposite him.

"I don't need bodyguards."

In response, the boy just shrugged and said.

This is the truth.

Because the Eye of Darkness has already absorbed some of the power of the original Demon King's spirit crystals, as far as frontal combat power is concerned, he will not lose to Duan Goose at all.


Since Otto gave himself face, he was not good enough to refute his face.

Su Han, who had been defrauding funds before, thought.

"However, since it is your kindness, I will accept it."

Very brisk, the boy agreed.

"Next, let Rita lead the Xuelian team as your escort."

It was also clear that the boy opposite was the man who took the initiative to give him the opportunity to get to know him, clapping his hands and making a decision.

The next plan has basically been set.

Su Han thought.

The next thing is to wait for Irena to send people to Terra, and then take the nanny and observer arranged by Otto, and pull Miku, who has mental ability, and Erya, who has a combat power about the same as a paramecia, to follow.

As for the material thing...

Basically, I can ask Kurumi Tokisaki to store it in anti-entropy and send it.

However, out of courtesy, I still have to meet anti-entropy people, let them see more of the world, so that they can realize that the future of human beings can be a different dimension, and then invest more interest-free investment in myself.

So far, someone who has been prostituting Destiny and Anti-Entropy for nothing, looked at the clock next to him and stretched his waist.

Having said that, I don't know what the two scumbags Su and Kevin are doing. Could it be that you are looking for the only designated spokesperson for China Tablet to hold a meeting?

Forerunners like Kevin and Su, who have been driven crazy by the collapse, will not miss the opportunity to continue civilization.

So, they don't have a high probability of thinking about the plan to reshape the Ark now.

Thinking of this, Su Han's expression also brought a little surprise.

If he remembers correctly, to create an ark that can rebuild civilization, the entire lighthouse country needs to be demolished.

The disintegration of the Lighthouse State is a bit exciting no matter how you think about it.

However, when it comes to rebuilding civilization, the right world is also important.

In Tivat's worldview, there is no difference between going and not going. Xingyue's world line, the pressure of survival is also quite outrageous.

The world view of the Ark is not bad for the human species, but the world view of falling meteorites all day is obviously not stable, and the world pattern of the battle is already very stable, unless a war that can be shuffled is launched, otherwise there is not much land to allow a new civilization to take root.

It's a pity that there are no people in the group who have the worldview of Zhanmei or the worldview of the black bullet. Otherwise, just throw a few of them directly and all will be happy.

A violent madman like Kevin can directly crush the numb empire, rebuild a new order, and specialize in spirituality. Even Su, who is better at mind control than Fu Hua, can also be regarded as a professional counterpart to deal with the maliciousness of human nature.

Do you want to try to fool Nayuejiang to give herself a chance to airdrop two people?

Su Han fell into deep thought, then shook his head.

I always feel that if I directly drop two troublemakers into her world, she will go crazy, and that doesn't seem to be very helpful for the unity of the members of the group.

So... let's just coo coo about the promise to colonize the empty nest old Su Yi world.

Wait until there is a suitable world view and then notify the two brothers who don't know where to go.

Su Han thought about it, then turned off the library's projection system to cut off the connection with Otto, and stretched out.

He has just finished fighting Chong Gong Mio, and then he has to rush to the Terra Continent. He has to take a good rest today.

However, at this moment, there was a burst of buzzing in his group chat.


When has the group chat evolved the evil function of making phone calls?

Thinking like this, Su Han couldn't help but click on the group chat.


The girl screamed as if being chased by a thousand dogs, and it exploded, making Su Han an eyelid.

"Boss save me!"

"My undercover thing was discovered!"

The source of the call was Irena, who was undercover in the Rehabilitation Movement.

Chapter 5 Irena: My life is over

In the group chat, a girl who was only 16 years old easily became the executive director of a cross-world company - Terra Mining Co., Ltd., a talented and understanding woman who will eventually become the richest person in the group in the future. Who is it?

—That’s right, it’s me, Irena.

So, who is the beautiful girl who lurked in the rectification movement and became the number one doctor recognized by the entire organization with her superb time magic?

- That's right, it's me.

Because it was too dazzling, it accidentally attracted the attention of the undead black snake, and who was the embarrassed beauty who was chased and killed by some white-haired Hanhan?

- That's right, it's me.

Because I forgot to withdraw points from the boss in advance, and now I can't start the return procedure at all. Who is the poor beauty who can't go back to her hometown?

"Yes, it's still me."

Sitting on a broom and flying around the sky, the witch lady looked back at the densely packed combat troops that looked like deformities, and wanted to cry inexplicably.

As the number one dog leg of the group owner, Irena has two missions on her shoulders.

First, coerce and lure the trainee witches to come to Terra Continent as contractors... ahem, mine boss.

Second, look for an old sao snake that is possessed by Tarua.

The former is to solve the problem of labor shortage, and the latter is an introduction to attract the needs of the great nobles of Ursus.

- The main purpose is to use his Grand Duke name to carry out a Hongmen... ahem, a noble party.

As long as there is selfless dedication from a large number of nobles, whether it is land ownership, mine ownership, public identity, and official enterprise certificates, all can be obtained.

For this reason, before she goes home to summon the witches, she has to find Tarua, who was beaten up by some foolish executive who turned on the power of the ice god.

In this way, you can ensure that your boss catches the old sao snake as soon as he arrives here, and then starts the next plan smoothly.

Obviously, the old sao snake possessed by Tallulah, the leader of the rectification movement, is not accessible to ordinary people.

Therefore, she needs to show her talents.

In an organization with limited supplies, what is a simpler way to meet an injured leader than to show off your excellent medical literacy?

Miss Irena is not good at medicine, but she knows time magic.

In terms of treating trauma, the time spell that can directly restore the injury with one click is obviously not ordinary.

Thinking like this, she naturally mixed into the medical team, and then used "heal" on a newcomer who had joined not long ago.


Then, the newcomer's ore disease was cured.

The origin of ore disease is unknown, but research suggests that the first cases of the disease occurred after a natural disaster on the world of Terra in the 20th century.

I have to mention Originium here.

Its English name Originiums can be split into "Origin" and "-iums". The former means "origin", and the latter is a suffix of a neutral Latin noun, which is often used for the naming of chemical elements and minerals.

The meaning of integration is the stone of origin.

The origin stone with such a name is undoubtedly of great significance to the world view of the Ark.

In this world view where the technology tree is completely different from the collapsed world and even the real world, oil seems to be something that does not exist at all, and what replaces oil as the energy supply material for the whole society is the origin stone - Originium.

As an energy supply material, Originium is undoubtedly exceptional.

Take the war weapon Master Ke and Tianhuo, a member of the Staff of Kings, as an example. They can freely release the Originium skill that is no weaker than the explosion of a gas pipe just by holding the Root Stone Staff.

As the source stone of energy supply material, it is only the size of a fist.

To be honest, in Irena's impression, there are really not many substances with such a high level of energy supply.

However, there are pros and cons.

There are few things with high-intensity energy that are basically good. Just like Kokai can turn humans into dead men, orcs whose wounds are cut by Originium are prone to ore disease.

Oriosis will enhance people's ability to use spells in a dangerous form, but it will continue to expand the scope of the infection during the use of spells by the patient, and eventually take the life of the infected and use it as a seedbed, constantly self-inflicted. copy.

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