Even if he is well-meaning to distract himself, he will only say it in the tone of such an unscrupulous boss.

However, it feels surprisingly good.

Everyone is to overcome anxiety and fear in order to live with peace of mind. Whether it is to gain fame, to dominate others, or to make money, it is all for peace of mind. Getting married or making friends is also for peace of mind and work for peace. In fact, they are all making excuses for their own peace of mind.

There is indeed a kind of magic that makes people want to feel at ease with such a bastard's speech as a boss.

The magic that makes people want to stay by his side.

"Okay, let's stop talking about it."

Perhaps it was because he finally understood how to use One Thousand Worlds, and an unknown channel was being formed, extending towards the girl in the distance.

When the passage extends to the slit of the world, the girl named Seer will be freed from the sea of ​​misery.

"Anyway, I've helped you a lot. Have you thought about how to thank me next?"

The boy who felt that maybe he could save Xier as an excuse to let Banya take care of a few more jobs, and let Irena and Leidian Meiyi get free, said heartlessly.

"Afterlife or something, it seems a little far away, why don't you come here for some real--"

"Promise yourself?"

The girl narrowed her eyes and opened her red lips slightly, making the boy's speech abruptly stop.

"If it's a boss, yes."

Chapter 28 Kiana, both your and your sister's names are fake


An almost household name.

Its name is "Foresight", and it is also the **** of civilization who steals fire for mankind and allows the continuation of human civilization.

Probably in order to get a lot of funding, Su Han chose to name the Artificial Herrscher Project, which sounds very powerful.

In fact, this plan is indeed quite powerful.

At the cost of a **** key or a Herrscher gem, the Herrscher can be adapted to hold the Herrscher into a Herrscher, and then use special means to seal the Herrscher's personality of the Herrscher to create a human being who exercises the power of God.

"I didn't expect that a scumbag teacher like you could really solve such absurd problems."

In the huge laboratory, the girl with white hair and blue eyes looked at the men and women who came out of the laboratory with a surprised expression.

In her field of vision, the gray-haired girl was standing pretty beside her teacher.

Her hair is loose, she wears orange earrings, and she has a silver three-pronged hair accessory with red gems on her head.

The black corset armor was not so much armor as it was a dress. The white shoulder blades are exposed to the air generously, the slender collarbone is exquisite, and under the armor is a white double-layer ruffled skirt. Under the restraint, it sags slightly, and the flesh overflows slightly.

That's Bronya.

After she asked Su Han to be a little more lenient with Xier, she was taken to the laboratory.

As an existence with a similar appearance to the artificial intelligence of the last era, Prometheus, she is undoubtedly highly adaptable in terms of the adaptability of the law.

Therefore, Su Han chose to directly implant the Herrscher core into her body, and then artificially create collapse, instead of letting her be like Walter Yang, just use it but not fuse it.

At the cost of dismantling the key of the primordial god-Void Myriad Treasures, the Herrscher of Reason, possessing all the technologies of the previous era, was born.

The Herrscher, the destroyer of human civilization.

But now, Su Han has actually managed to let humans usurp the power of the monsters belonging to the Honkai God. Even if Qiyana is someone who already knew the content of the plan, she will be amazed when she sees the results.

From now on, the blade of the Honkai God will become the guardian of mankind.

"Because it's the old job."

The young man, whose strength was basically deceived, held his head high and spoke with great pride.

"I am the one who relied on the power of robbing evil gods to incarnate as a demon king, and then killed the gods and silenced them to obtain the dual roles of demon kings and gods."

"In the middle of the way, I also buckled a hat to the Lord God who was the target of the Archangel of Finality, and even the hat was bought by the Lord God himself."

The corner of Miss Kiana's mouth twitched slightly while listening to those words.

Again, the hat was buckled, the strength was robbed, and finally it was knocked off.

To be honest, even if you know that the young lady is the evil **** who caused endless slaughter when she was born, and is an evil person, it still sounds sad for a while.

That god-sama is too miserable.

And Miss Qiana's sense of sadness is more intense than ordinary people.

The reason is also very simple. As a not very pure Ji, Miss Kiana's favorite person is Raiden Mei.

And Miss Leidian Yayi didn't know which thousand-year-old defeated dog she learned from, and stubbornly gave it to...

Recalling Miss Raiden's serious look of helping the young man in front of him manage his family's property, Miss Kiana's face couldn't help but turn slightly green.

Recalling that a girl from the Wuhe family seemed to have a bond with the gods and had an orange-flavored marriage, she felt that Su Han might not be a complete name, just a name, just like although she was called Qiyana, but The full name is indeed the same as Kiana Kaslana.

His real name may be Su Han. Lily Killer. Cao.

Not good.

Really bad.

As the ultimate poor wandering monster who traveled all the way from northern Europe to the extreme east, Miss Kiana thinks she has experienced quite a lot of wind and waves, but when she thinks that she will be adopted to the Apocalis family, she can't help but take the risk. A cold sweat broke out.

After noticing that Miss Bronya's face was very ruddy and she was holding Su Han's arm all the time, her face was as green as Otto's eyes.

In order to better use the power of the Herrscher, Prometheus has a Beast Plan after the experiment.

As a special true ancestor who obtained the blood of the true ancestor and changed it differently, Su Han would bind the Herrscher to himself by sucking blood, let the Herrscher read some of his power from him, and gain the power to resurrect from the dead.

Without a doubt, that is the highest level of reinforcement.

However, the weak point of that reinforcement is—

It will activate some of the most primitive desires of human beings.

Looking at the unusually ruddy Bronya, Miss Kiana only felt that her brain was shaking.

This fellow Su Han is definitely not a herbivorous man.

Maybe because she was worried about the Shura Field, she was still restrained, but now he doesn't seem to be very afraid of that thing anymore.

If there is a very cute girl who takes the initiative, it is impossible for him to refuse.

It's a pity that Mei has a lot of feelings for this product. If she is sucked blood, she may really fast-forward to Fengzi and get married! !

"Cao Thief...cough, teacher, where are you going next?"

If classmate Su said that he was going to find Miss Raiden and complete the experiment, the white-haired dumpling who would punch even if he couldn't beat him looked at the boy with a reluctant smile on his face.

"Probably find the last Herrscher candidate left behind, bring her here, and gather all the Herrscher adaptability holders except you, Fu Hua and Chen Tianwu, and then Let them become lawyers."

Perhaps it was because there were more interesting sports to do, then the boy who didn't have time to conduct the Herrscher experiments one by one said a remark that made Miss Kiana feel a little relieved.

Kiana breathed a sigh of relief.

A group of people are together, and many of them still don't know each other.

In such a situation where strangers gather, even if a girl with a super thin skin like Mei Yi has some problems, it is unlikely that she will directly enter the route of marriage because of the vampire contract.

But soon, a rather strange feeling rose in Kiana's heart.

Listening to this statement, why are there three people outside the Herrscher experiment?

"Are there any exceptions for me, the squad leader, and that ugly-looking man from the Lao Shizi Society?"

Vaguely, Kiana, who seemed to feel a little bad, couldn't help looking at the guy who could be regarded as a "mature and reliable man" and asked.

"Chen Tianwu is a male, and there are differences between men and women. Of course, he is doing an experiment alone."

There is a high probability that Chen Tianwu will not be brought to Chaldea, but Su Han, who threw it away for mining, gave an explanation.

The Herrscher of the Rock is a card character on the Herrscher side.

The Herrscher of the Rock in the previous era even directly sank the most developed area of ​​the pre-civilization, the Mu Continent, with his own strength.

Even if it were thrown into the Lostbelt era, which led to the explosion of Xingyue's combat power, the rock law in its heyday would probably not be weaker than the first three Lossbelt kings.

However, this guy is male after all.

Su Han's contract was achieved through blood-sucking, and Kabbalah's strange way of judging made the vampire's blood-sucking contract evolved and became a Lifan artifact.

Su Han is really thankful for launching a blood-sucking contract with men or something.

"For Fu Hua, her situation is very special. Too much memory can directly distort the Herrscher's cognition. Therefore, her Herrscher personality will not be sealed, and a separate experiment is needed."

This is also true.

Fu Dazhuang's memory is really too long, and she has to use Yu Duchen to regularly erase some unimportant memories, so as to maintain her personality from being destroyed.

The Herrscher personality born on her body could not even remember that she was an apostle of the Honkai God.

The Herrscher experiment she needs to accept is obviously different from others.

"what about me."

As if encountering something very unbelievable, Miss Kiana suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart.

Because of his gender, Chen Tianwu is not suitable for participating in the group discipline where all the members are female. The squad leader is essentially a super soldier of the previous era. He can use his memory to tame the discipline and use it for his own use...

Therefore, the reason for being treated alone would be—

Somewhere, a voice seemed to tell Kiana that if the answer is shared, then her life will be brought to a crossroads...

"Kiana Kaslana, this is your name."

"Sirin Shaniat, this is your sister's name."

The boy didn't answer the question directly, but just mentioned what he had mentioned to Kiana a long time ago.

I have a sister myself.

A sister who is said to be an illegitimate daughter and cannot be named after Kaslana.

In the past, she was so angry because of this incident that she wished to drag Dad out directly, kneel on the durian, or launch it directly into outer space.

However, the father really disappeared later, and the aunt couldn't find the father no matter how much she looked for, so this matter had to stop.

Therefore, Qiana's mind had to be shifted to waiting for Su Han to find her sister, and to monitor Su Han as much as possible, so that this **** was not with Yayi, so that her hair would not turn green...

Now, Su Han is already a big man of destiny, as long as his sister is still alive, he can find it.

Maybe, it won't be long before I can see my last family...

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

But why did Su Han bring up such a thing at this time?

Does it have anything to do with my sister, who is a special case in the Herrscher's experiment and needs to be dealt with separately?

Inexplicably, Kiana's heart began to panic.

"Both names are fake."

The boy spoke.

The words are not surprising and die endlessly.

Chapter 29 The Law of Empty, Here Comes

The names are all fake?

It was like a huge stone was smashed into the lake, causing thousands of waves.

Kiana's heart suddenly twitched.

At the beginning of this world, the original meaning of the name was to give it a soul.

There is a kind of magic called spiritualism, that is, when someone calls your name, if you agree, that is, your consciousness is attracted, and you are recruited.

The white dragon in the movie "Spirited Away" was controlled by that mother-in-law because she lost her name.

Even in some myths, ghosts are defined as souls deprived of their names.

Losing the meaning of his name is actually losing himself and becoming a wandering ghost.

Kiana's fist clenched involuntarily.

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