
has disappeared.

The Sumerian cities, beloved by the Sumerian gods, have disappeared.

Everything in the field of vision has been engulfed by the dark "maliciousness".

She could even see that the snake **** named Gorgon and the feathered snake **** could only choose to retreat under the malicious drive.

But perhaps because of her huge size, the goddess named Gorgon was not able to gradually escape the danger like a partner, but was overtaken by endless malice and sinking in pain in the mud.

That pure, almost impurity-free evil.

Even if a Servant of God falls into it, it will reverse and become a demon.

In the furious expression of Feathered Serpent God, the snake God was dragged into the "sea of ​​malice" by the endless beasts of darkness.

Soon, the snake **** whose whole body became gray climbed out of the mud, opened her demon eyes indifferently, and destroyed the wings of the good **** in the sky.

The attacked gods furiously displayed their powers, wanting to destroy their allies and this sea of ​​darkness.

She does have that ability.

Although she is only a heroic spirit, her essence is the King of Good Gods!!

She has done a lot of things like fighting to the death with malice!!


Before it could activate the Noble Phantasm, endless radiance fell from the Wheel of Humanity and devoured it.

That is the light and heat produced by the burning of human nature.

Even if it is only the heat that escapes, it is comparable to the release of thousands of holy swords at the same time.

Armed in the name of the Holy Sword, it is absolutely impossible to harm the God King, but if the target is only the Divine King's split spirit, it is more than enough.

What's more, that is a thousand times the brilliance of the holy sword?

The goddess who is precious as the king of gods perishes like dry grass swept away by the fire.

The alliance of the three goddesses - Feathered Serpent God, withered here.

With the end of Feathered Serpent God, the face of the goddess from the underworld couldn't help but turn pale.

She recognized the owner of the wheel of darkness and light.

That is the cancer of human reasoning with the great mother goddess!!!

Only one person needs the creation of the Trinity God to join forces with the enemy monsters.

And now...

They have come.

as Sumerian enemies.

The grey-haired man who was regarded as the mortal enemy by the goddess and the young man who looked like a demon were standing tall in the sky, and seemed to see something, but they just shook their heads and ignored them.

"Just a goddess."

No, that doesn't even count as a goddess, she's an incomplete half-ass.

In the underworld, she may be the strongest **** in this world, but as long as she walks out of the underworld, she may not even be Gorgon's opponent.

To deal with such a special god, if you fight seriously, you will waste a lot of time.

This is a huge waste for the two beasts who are fighting against their old enemies.


The correct way is to let the evil of this world continue to pass through the surface, continuously penetrate into the underworld, destroy it by relying on it, and then make it disappear.

This kind of enemy that can be taken away with only one wave of flat a, there is no need to pay more attention to it.

Wanting to protect the last human soul and the fear of the unknown made the goddess of the underworld quickly closed the gates of the underworld.

The beast of mercy, the beast of return, the beast of revenge...

If there is a nightmare in this world, then the scene in front of you is definitely a nightmare within a nightmare.

in the end..

what happened?

The huge amount of information made the goddess tremble instinctively.

She couldn't understand at all, the unfolding of this world.

Why is it that the story of the mother goddess coming to destroy the world becomes the coming of the other two beasts hand in hand?

This is not scientific at all.

So, where is the father?!!

Why doesn't he take action!

Just like all girls, at this moment, she thought of her father, the man who was worshipped by Bird Luke, the head of the triad of gods.

If he is here, he will soon be able to protect the world with the Sumerian gods.


Soon, her expression became sullen.

Her father, the god-king Anu, had already returned to the inner sea of ​​stars and knew nothing about the world.


In this world, the only person who can be trusted is yourself.

In the goddess's dim eyes, even with a little bit of death intent, a new light ignited.

fighting spirit.


As the last Sumerian god, she must find a way out for her followers

! !

ps: too dry.

It's already eleven o'clock, Ma Dan, and I have to stay up all night again.

Chapter 41 How to persuade the goddess? Of course it is physics

At this moment of crisis, the brain of the goddess of Hades is unprecedentedly sober

The enemy is the cancer of human rationale that rivals his mother goddess.

Just relying on their own **** of the underworld, even if they are pulled into the underworld, they can only delay for a few minutes at most.

Therefore, it is useless to fight hard against the enemy.

That would only take his own life and the poor souls of the underworld.


What I have to do is to transfer the malice that will erode into the underworld sooner or later, and move it to other places, so that the underworld can keep functioning normally!!

Where is the power that can store endless malice?

The goddess bit her thumb, and her forehead was almost covered in sweat.

Soon, she thought of a suitable area.

One is located on the back of the world, endless, imaginary space used by the father to imprison the mother goddess.

As long as the evil of this world is guided into it, then the underworld will be safe and a shelter that can accommodate the souls of human beings.

Thinking of this, the goddess's breath could not help but become a little heavier.

The **** who holds the area connected to the endless imaginary space, the underworld, is herself.

Perhaps, doing so will cause the mother to come early.

But, it doesn't matter anymore.

The beast of mercy and the beast of revenge have already landed, this world is already so bad, and adding a beast is just a little more chaotic.


Just let yourself completely open the gate of the underworld and the imaginary space, and then pour the evil of this world that is eroding the underworld into it.

The goddess who thought so, began to mobilize the power of the entire Hades.


"Hey, do you have any virtuous heart? Pour nuclear waste water into the open sea, is your virtuous heart the same as the foot pot chicken?\"

A cold, youthful voice resounded from behind, causing the goddess who was mobilizing her energy to shudder.

Sumerian civilization collapsed.

Two beasts descend.

I am the last resister.

The continuous events almost pushed the goddess' nerves to the limit

Without hesitation, the goddess summoned the power of judgment bestowed by the gods.

The endless thunder was like an angry dragon, hitting the boy who appeared behind him without warning.

That is the prerogative of the master of the underworld.

In the age of mythology, even Ishtar, who is the mistress of the sky, would fall into extreme weakness, be defeated by the thunder bestowed by the gods, and even be subjected to sixty kinds of torture in humiliation!!

This is the power of the entire underworld when the power of the underworld is gathered in one place. Even Tiamat, who is the beast, will be injured by the thunder!!

However, in the face of the extremely violent thunder, the young man just stretched out his hand

The next moment, the space of the underworld was torn apart.

The endless thunder of judgment was engulfed by the door of space leading to the lower level of the underworld.

The power to destroy the sky and the earth was silently annihilated in an instant.

The extremely bizarre scene made the expression of the queen of the underworld become extremely panic.

Hades space...

That should be within the scope of his own authority.

Why are outsiders able to open it, and even connect another layer of space to the lower layer of Hades?!!

Who is this guy?!!

It has been decided that the goddess who will protect the last human soul is like a clockwork that has been taut, and on her face as delicate as a puppet, there is a diamond-like shining and hard light.

"Who the **** are you!!"

The nerve was about to be stretched to the extreme and the goddess questioned.

No, it should be wrong to say that it is a question.

That should have been a precursor to the use of force!!

Endless thunder swirls around in this underworld, and death energy is constantly rising.

Ereshkigal is a goddess who was born outcast.

It is accompanied by only the underworld.

Therefore, she loves everything about this land.

Today, this underworld is also known as the last sanctuary for human souls.

The importance of this underworld to the queen of the underworld is self-evident!

Ereshkigal felt the faint breath that seemed to be perceived on the ground, and the whole person was like a cat with blown fur!

A powerful **** who can destroy the underworld, and has a similar breath to a certain beast, appears here without warning, and is undoubtedly dancing samba on her bottom line!

"Ahhh, is that how you deal with the people who came and rescued you?"

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