After being beaten for so long, he also thought about how to target the man in front of him who was covered in treasures.

By rewriting the rules of the mind world, the output of the human Ricoh wheel is distorted from the "light and heat system" to the "spiritual system".

In this way, it is possible to destroy the opponent's body without destroying it.

There is endless magic power emerging from the man named Getia.

In that scene, even Su Han couldn't help but change his face slightly.

After he doesn't need to keep his magic power as fuel for future time travel, his power has almost reached an unimaginable level!

That magic is extremely powerful.

Even the time constraints imposed by this world broke free in an instant.

"In this world, the rules are made by you."

"One plus one equals three, apples should float from the surface to the sky, and human beings should move from old age to babies.\"\"

"These things will come true if you will."

"So, let me show the qualifications corresponding to you."

A hideous smile appeared on the Demon King's face.

"The time has come to wear the crown and inspire ArsPaulina with it!!!"

Another world begins to descend!

Chapter 63 Bet everything on this last blow!

The time has come to wear the crown, to inspire Vientiane (ArsPaulina) Grade: A

Type: Noble Phantasm

Max catch:???

The inherent barrier created by amplifying the remains of King Solomon, the space where the human history converted into magic power gathers and unifies, exists in an imaginary space isolated from the normal flow of time.

After King Solomon died, Goetia, who lived in his body, sat on the jade seat in the center of the temple, and watched the destruction of all ages with joy.

As the remains of King Solomon, the power of this Noble Phantasm is not really strong.

It can even be said that even the most basic ability to integrate magic power basically comes from Goetia itself.

Compared with existence, it will rewrite the world into the crown of \"Paradise (Eden. The light of wisdom, the nameless forest that makes the enemy forget his name, so that the existence becomes thin or even disappears, when the rumors evolve to everyone When they are so convinced, the Wallachia Night will manifest as a real thing.

The ability of this Noble Phantasm as an inherent barrier is simply terrible.

The reason for this is that Getia doesn't need the inherent barrier at all.

If the beast is linked to the seven deadly sins, he is definitely a beast of arrogance, and he does not think that he will need to obtain a certain ability by showing his heart.

Because, his predecessor was the king of magic.

In his opinion, many of the inherent abilities of the enchantment are just tricky magics that are not very easy to reproduce completely.

However, in its essence, it is only high-level magic.

It's just a boring magic that can be turned into one's own by just activating the ten precepts.

However, in the current situation, he did abandon that idea.

He needs an opportunity to convert the heat that he has hoarded to reach the future into spiritual power at the highest speed.

And what can quickly transform one's own Noble Phantasm power must be the authority linked to oneself!

So, just allow yourself to crave it.

With desire, endow that inherent enchantment with a mental image and change its quality.

The man named Getia opened his arms without hesitation of the holy swordsman in front of him.

It's like the world has been infected.

The cold and humid atmosphere appeared in the neighborhood, and the ancient temple floated in the air, releasing a sense of existence like the sun and the moon in the starry sky.

That is the Temple of Crown Time!

If someone was here, they would be shocked to discover the change in the attributes of the inherent barrier.

The time has come to wear the crown, so inspire Vientiane (ArsPaulina) Grade: EX

Type: Noble Phantasm

Maximum catch: ?

Impregnated with the inherent barrier that Gaetia desires, a drastic change has come!!

Almost in an instant, the extremely hot halo in the sky changed into a bright moon.

Under the moonlight wine, people instinctively indulge in the bright moon biting the bright moonlight.

The inherent barrier that has never appeared in the set, and the second form of the human cannon.

Full ban.

as well as

"Warning, warning, warning!!!

The Chaldea, which is located in the observation center, is directly covered with a layer of red.

"The target spiritual base level is expanding, and the level is the second planetary level!!!" The second planetary level?!!

The face of the members of group A who knew this word very well almost turned pale all of a sudden.

If you were to ask why, it would probably be...

The so-called Alien God incarnation-the Great President is only a third planetary star.

If it is face-to-face in the true sense, then, in just a moment, the current Getia can press the president to the ground.

And at this time, Gaetia is indeed a monster far above it!!


"Please retreat quickly!!"

Almost instinctively, Romani roared in the group chat.

Before that, he did think Getiah was strong.

However, everyone still has no idea about the beast.

Therefore, people including Romani just treated Gaetia as a god-king in the pantheon.

However, the current situation is...

This guy's spiritual foundation level has directly rushed to the level of crushing the king of death with one hand!

"Su Han, withdraw quickly, don't die with Getia!!"

"He has given up time travel, and now he cannot be calculated according to common sense!"

"Even if it is the god-king Zeus, Odin and Anu, there is only one dead end in front of him!!\"

However, such words, for a certain guy, really seemed to be the teaching of the teacher in school, the left earphone, the right earphone.

"You are really amazing."

Even though he had already received the communication, the young man had no intention of fleeing at all, but stared directly at the monster that Romani judged to be able to easily slaughter the king of gods.

Although I don't know what the sudden mutation ability is, it is almost certain that the bright moon is undoubtedly used to deal with my own power.

"Your ability is also very strong."

"Or, your personality is really high and it's unreasonable."

Like the wisest wise man in the world, the Demon King who completed the transformation of the Noble Phantasm smiled and looked at the young man in front of him, his smile full of admiration.

Since Su Han entered this world, he has been following Su Han.

This was the only existence in his life that gave him a sense of death crisis.

It is also the only one who stands in the upper position almost for granted, shouting at his arrogant fanatic.

But almost all the places he has experienced, Goetia has carefully observed.

Therefore, he has a complete awareness of the existence in front of him.

"Although you are the fifth beast, your ability is not based on the Persian demon god. Although it is very similar to the only **** in the legend, your source of power is not the only **** of the Cross religion."

"You are the Hidden God of Hermeticism."

The words were not astonishing, and the king spoke his judgment.

Those words made Su Han squinted his eyes.

Should it be said to be the first beast?

This guy's eyesight is really outrageous.

"how do I say this?"

"Although there is also a tree of life in the cross religion, but in the cross religion, it is only a tree with some meaning."

"If you are a god-like person of the Crusaders, then it is impossible for you to be armed with a tree."

"Because, the tree of life in the cross religion is not noble, and it is not worthy of the status of a godlike person at all."

"So, your source should be a faction that is similar to the Cross, but different."

In the eyes of the man, there was a gleam of light.

"The connection among the ten particles of Kabbalah has become the road of the Fire Sword, the three-layered curtain behind the Fire Sword Road, and behind the three-layered curtain, is the dwelling place of the gods."

"The tree of the other world you call is \"AinSoph\', the flowers blooming on the tree are called 'AinSophAur\', infinite, infinite light, armed with such a name, it's hard not to move in that direction Lenovo. "

Hermetic Doctrine.

hide God.

"If there is no accident, you should also have an armament called \"Ain\', because, only in this way, you, who have shown infinity and infinite light, have no reason to lack the third layer behind the Kabbalah Tree. -'without'.

The man named Getia spoke slowly.

Completely broken.

The boy couldn't help but clapped his palms.

Perhaps it is because of the intersection of Hermeticism and the + character religion, therefore, after seeing him, most people will subconsciously regard him as the existence of cross religion.

Even Joan of Arc mistook her for Michael the Godlike.

So far, Goetia is the only one who recognizes the essence of his power.

"Accurately speaking, it should be the inverse God, because at the beginning, I was the devil who opposed the hidden God, and the authority of the hidden God was obtained after I swallowed that idiot God."

The teenager who won Chonggongwan by stealing power and cheating told the truth.

"So, my essence should be God reversed."

"Of course, if you insist on saying that I am a hidden god, there is no problem. After all, everything about that guy has been taken by me."

"By the way, since you know that I still have the last angel in my possession, it's quite surprising that you didn't choose to call Tiamat to block me, but to fight yourself."

The boy said.

Honestly, this is definitely the weirdest thing in the world.

Obviously just now, these two guys are still good brothers with heart and lungs, and Gaetia even directly liberated his strongest Noble Phantasm, to fully show his strongest posture.

However, now they do communicate here casually, almost like friends they met at a party.

"It's the last question."

Perhaps because it was indeed speculative, the young man smiled and sent out his final inquiry.

"If we step back now, we still have room to ease."

"That's true, but I'd lose my proud soul if I did."

The man named Getia sneered.

"So, are you going to try to decide the outcome with one hit?"

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