Existence gets hurt?!!

As if suddenly waking up, the demon **** looked up at the sky.

In the sky, the full moon that symbolizes the ultimate spiritual power has dissipated.

Instead, the sun wheel that reigns in Skyrim.

own treasure.

It has returned to its first form.

Like a tsunami, a sense of crisis rose in Gaetia's heart.

The so-called Demon God Pillar was a technique created by Solomon in order to guide the correct development of mankind.

As servants of mankind, if they do not attach themselves to mankind, they will perish.

But now, they can survive in this world because their body resides in the remains of Solomon who have been transformed into the Temple of Crown Time.

and now

"The Temple of Crown Time is gone, Mr. Gaetia the Hermit Crab." It is conceivable that the boy who would be defeated even after a few minutes, stood under the **** tree that had been destroyed for the most part, and took out the star Holy Sword.

At the same time, all the evils in this world roared around him.

"You don't have that invincible immortality anymore. You can even say that you only have five minutes left."

He now has no sojourns.

If he does not find a new sojourn within the appointed time, he will perish.

A powerful beast of mercy that is close to the ultimate mode, and is infinitely close to death for such a ridiculous reason.

Instinctively, Getia wanted to leave and find a new host.

He absolutely cannot allow himself to die because of such ridiculous reasons! !

However, at the moment when he instinctively chose to escape, the holy sword of salvation ignited a glorious holy light.

"I've beaten me for so long, and it's too rude to think about running away like this." The boy who had the dual power of concealing God and a beast of revenge at the same time finally acted, smiling lightly.

"Come on, try to kill me in five minutes."

Chapter 65 The Death of Getiah

Such a voice came out of the broken world that made people wonder if it could be the Age of Apocalypse plus wasteland aggregates.

The source of the voice is a teenager.

The boy was covered in blood.

It looked like a white porcelain doll on the verge of being broken.

"Unfortunately, you couldn't kill me in five minutes."

In front of him, the man who had lost his support stretched out his hand and looked unwilling.

However, in the next moment, the unwillingness on his face was wiped away.

As if after thousands of years of weathering erosion, his body turned into fly ash

Su Han is one of the beasts after all.

The so-called beast, the combat power may not be strong, and the ability may not be buggy, but the vitality is definitely leveraged.

Human cannons are really strong.

However, the vitality of the beast of revenge is also very powerful.

Immortality based on malicious existence.

Just like Getia won't die if the Temple of Crown Time is not destroyed, Tiamat won't die as long as there is one child alive, Su Han also has the immortality of cheating.

- In the world, as long as there is malice in human society, then he is immortal.

Obviously, the premise of killing Su Han is to clean up all the human beings on the earth.

However, the Gaitian goods have always been pulled by Su Han in this small world, and they are fundamentally

No time to find fault with the few "living people" in this world.

Therefore, Goetia was boiled to death.

Su Han stretched out his hand towards the ashes.

The next moment, those ashes were gathered in one place.

That's the remains of Getia.

As an art form, he should have no concept of ashes, and should disappear naturally.

However, before that, he ate the heart of the beast of revenge and seemed to have obtained the entity, thus leaving behind some remains.

Among them, there is the principle of revenge that Goetia has not been able to digest, as well as some of its own power, or if the power is analyzed, it may be able to perform in other worlds. maybe.

Almost as a matter of course, Su Han threw the ashes under the broken giant tree behind him, and it became the flower fertilizer of the tree of Kabbalah.

Then, an unprecedented bright light lit up on the divine tree.

The branches that were forcibly broken are recovering, new twigs and leaves begin to extend, flowers and leaves continue to grow, and even the neighbors affected by this are gradually becoming stable and expanding outwards. the trend of.

Gaetia's ashes became the best material for repairing the sacred tree.

The boy who has obtained the complete authority of the beast of revenge breathes the air comfortably.

Just like when Goetia devoured the beast of revenge, he obtained part of the principle of revenge, and now he has also obtained a new principle - mercy.

Deny and defeat the attack from the Servant.

All Noble Phantasms that are symbols of Heroic Spirits will be abolished.

At first glance, it may be a very biased force.

After all, Servants and Noble Phantasms seem to be special products of the moon.

However, the essence of the Heroic Spirit is an existence that has been praised and has been upgraded.

The essence of Noble Phantasm is the crystallization of fantasy.

Extending thinking from this perspective, this authority would be directed against a series of existing natural enemies that draw strength from legends, fantasies, and beliefs.

"Although it's still hard to use."

Incomparably contemptuous, Su Han complained, and then stretched out his hand in the air.

The next moment, the sun wheel in the sky, which had not completely released its power, also fell on the towering giant tree.

That scene, people can't help but think of the myth, perched on a hibiscus tree

The Golden Crow.

The time of birth has come, so fix all things

A terrifying armament that gains power by burning human principles.

If it is fully deployed, it is also a very simple matter to directly burn multiple planets into glass.

During the battle with Getia, Su Han was almost burned into a bald man by this thing.

If it weren't for the immortality of the beast of revenge, it would have really been played just now in laughter and laughter.

"Unfortunately, most of the power here has to be returned." Su Han sighed.

The energy of this thing basically comes from human reason.

If all these energies are left behind, human principles will be finished.

However, fortunately, I am well-informed. When I find a world where all human beings have died, and then burn those worlds little by little, it seems that it can still be used to add heat to this Noble Phantasm.

The young man who succeeded in fighting the autumn wind stretched his waist and opened the group chat.

Among the many group chat lists, the column belonging to Getia has turned into a dead gray.

"Call the krypton server, next, what changes will be caused after the death of the group members?

Because of the huge cost, the teenager who turned on the group krypton server function rubbed his chin and asked.


"Your group friend, the Getia account has been cancelled."

In synchronization with it, the voice belonging to the group chat also came out.


"As a group owner who eliminates unstable factors in group chats, you will have a choice of three."

good guy.

Eliminate group unstable elements.

Su Han couldn't help but sneered.

It turns out that Neijiang of Neijiang and Gaetia looks like this in the group chat?

"So, which three are they?"

Su Han, who felt that his behavior was actually closer to infighting, asked.

"Simple thing."

"One, spend the same amount of points to revive the group friends." Good guy, what else is going on?

Su Han's mouth twitched slightly.

Since there is this function, how did the previous group owner die violently?

"The group chat has always had the resurrection function, but it is not open to the poor." Seemingly aware of Su Han's mood, the group krypton server gave an answer.

"The reserve price is one million points. If the resurrected person is extremely powerful, then the price will be calculated separately."

As expected of you, Fufu.

I always thought that the former group owner died of bad luck, but in fact, Su Han, who died of poverty, observed three seconds of silence for the former group owner.


Then, of course, continue to ask questions.

That goods are poor and white, and they have the mourning value of wool!

"What are the other two options?"

"One, get a group member invitation ticket, you can designate one person to join

into a group chat. "

"Second, end the cooling directly and find new group friends to join." You can tell which is better or worse at a glance.

Gathering group friends is a group function that can be forced to cool down only by plugging in points.

The group member invitation ticket was a special item that appeared for the first time.

Almost as a matter of course, Su Han chose the former and obtained a security.

But having said that, the people who joined the group chat recently came from a world that is either the ideal Xiangxiang for Beast Fighters, or a world that already has group members.

There's no good place to scour the wool.

The boy who still wanted to charge his Noble Phantasm looked at the cooling option in the group chat, stretched out his hand, and pressed it.

"Nail, Hakoba nobles (laughs) join the group chat." "Nail——, the unknown second generation of gods joined the group chat."


Chapter 1 Yo hoo, there are people in a hurry to send money when you open the door

"Nail---, Hakoba nobles (laughs) join the group chat." "Nail---, the unknown second generation of gods joins the group chat." Who the unknown second generation of gods is is currently unknown.

After all, the name really isn't recognizable.

However, another name is highly recognizable.

Hakoba nobles.

This is a concept mentioned in the past that the problem children are from another world.

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