The world is full of various rules, and these rules determine the basic tone of the world.

People die when they are killed.

Sweet bean curd and salted bean curd will cause a dispute.

Birds cannot breathe in water.


Such rules are not completely irreversible.

The three-digit name of Hakoniwa is the almighty field.

As the name suggests, it is in a certain series of aspects, reaching the level of omnipotence.

For example, Zeus is the master of thunder and sky. He has almost absolute control over the sky and thunder, and it is easy to rewrite the nature of them.

"By the way, why are you asking this, do you want to ask the three-digit feeling in advance?"

The protagonist, who had a double-digit heyday, asked lazily.

"As a senior, I can guide you a little."

"It's a very simple thing to reach three digits, but you'd better declare that you are not Almighty God now, otherwise, you will be targeted like Yahweh after stepping into three digits. No more play."

\"Do you support me like this in the hope of cultivating a two-digit number on your side so that you can guard Hakoniwa?\"

In this regard, the young man just mentioned another matter with a smile.

Shiroyasha likes Hakoya very much.

When I like it, I would even prefer to let the "Tiandong Theory" be ravaged, causing my spirituality to be greatly reduced without interfering with human history.

In this regard, that Yasha Xia Ran smiled.

"if not?"

"I am also one of the strongest godslayers in the past. If you want me to help you without any reason, how is that possible?"

"You're not a pretty girl with long **** and thighs."

"However, don't you think it would be more reliable to return to the double digits by yourself, rather than to cultivate double digits?"

Those words made Bai Yasha's face change suddenly.

But, soon, that touch of change disappeared again.

"Don't be kidding, Tiandong said that the kind of spirituality is basically hopeless." Bai Yasha smiled, with a little helplessness.

Shiroyasha was originally the strongest proto-spirit in charge of the total mass of the universe, the "primordial star". Later, with the establishment of the small garden center, he was endowed with the spirit of "Heavenly Movement Theory", which is the "final trial of mankind". In one corner, the "White Night Demon" who reigns at the apex of all cosmology

However, with the development of human history, the "Heavenly Movement Theory" has been continuously denied, and the spirituality has been continuously reduced. Finally, it was oppressed to the horizon of the white night, lost its qualification as the "final trial of mankind", and was downgraded to become the "King of the White Night". .

It was actually quite helpless to go from the second in the sequence of the full power field to the tenth in the sequence.

Of course, this is not the end.

She was denied again after that, and she was directly beaten into three digits.

"My essence determines that my spirituality will only continue to decline, and there is basically no possibility of returning to double digits."

Now the woman who can be called the Demon King of the White Night sighs only when the host authority is enabled.

"Like our Protoss, in human society, there is a high probability of being a desolate aristocrat.

"After all, as the observable universe of mankind changes, my spirituality will continue to decline."

"Since this is the case, why not build a universe that conforms to the theory of heaven and earth?"

"In the outside world, find a universe that has not yet been observed by the small garden, transform it into the appearance of the Tiandong theory, and then incorporate it into the observation range of the small garden."

"In this case, the Tiandong theory is established." "You will return to the seat you should have." The boy's words fell in Baiyasha's ears.

In an instant, Shiroyasha's face changed.

Although she knew that Su Han would give an outrageous answer, she really did not expect that he would give such an outrageous answer!!

"Remember what I asked you about before."

"The reverse answer is that the rules can be changed."

"What if I told you that there are a large number of people who can change the rules of all fields at will in a world that has not yet been observed by Hakoniwa."

Life must die, apples must fall from top to bottom, one plus one equals two... These "laws" will never change in the world.

However, in the world view of the forbidden, there is a kind of people.

They can magically destroy the above rules, rearrange them and then recreate new rules.

Under their will, one plus one will become three, apples will fall from bottom to top, and the dead will be resurrected.

A magician calls a person who can do such a thing a demon.

The essence of their power is to squeeze the world by creating something called phase, so that the world changes according to their own mind.

This is the devil.

"In the world view of those people, everything can be changed, including the appearance of the universe."

The young man smiled.

"Do you think the ticket to that world is worth the zodiac sovereignty?"

Chapter 11 All members of the group join Thousand Eyes?

"Your group friend, the poor poor Bai Yasha joined the group chat.

In the group chat, after Luos was removed from the list, such a voice sounded without warning.

New friends coming?

In the group chat, the group members fell into a state of watching the excitement for a while.

"Hello everyone, I'm Bai Yasha, a dry eye trainee cadre who has been practicing for two and a half years. I'm good at singing, dancing, drinking, and sarcasm. Please give me more advice!

Like a rather funny young man, the cosmic star spirit who is older than the two purple-haired BBAs combined, and then squares it, begins to introduce himself to the so-called group friends.

To be honest, this is undoubtedly a nonsensical introduction.

However, the group chat qualification is quite useful indeed.

Maybe because the dissonant notes have been cleaned up, the relationship in the group is very lively, and after being too lively, there is even an abnormal feeling.

"Oh oh oh, is it a newcomer? The newcomer will take photos. If you don't take photos, you will be given red envelopes!!"

Irena, who has always been afraid of chaos in the world, made her voice first.

"Oh, oh, red envelopes? It's not a big problem."

Without much hesitation, the Star Spirit instantly sent out a red envelope equal to the number of group members.

Hey, hey, does anyone really give out red envelopes?

Irena opened it with some doubts.

"Nail, you are blessed with the blessing of the day."

Blessing of the day: The guy given by the star spirit of the day, the holder only needs to stand under the sun to get a full range of amplification, the bones will be automatically returned when they are broken, and the magic power will be drained from the sun. Gain strength, even if the soul is torn to pieces, it can survive under the sunlight..

If you're stuck in a dark place...

Can't save it, wait to die, and say goodbye.

A certain star spirit who did not want to be named.

The strange description made Miss Irena's mouth twitch slightly.

It reminded her of a certain gorilla in the Arthurian legend that she watched as a child.

Under the sun, it is an invincible triple Gawain.

A mother who will be slashed by her old buddy without the sunshine will not even recognize it

If you're stuck in a dark place...

Truly the best of the best.

However, this is a really useful ability.

All-round bonus, as for the aspect, it is so strong that even if the soul is torn apart, it can be restored.

If you put it in the group chat store, you can't get it without more than 10,000 points.

The last person who could freely give people this level of ability was Su Han.

By concluding a contract, he can allow the contractor to obtain an ability from him and give him immortality.

In exchange, the powers of the contracted will be copied and pasted, and will themselves become part of their powers.

His behavior is not so much a gift, but rather a rather severe exchange of abilities.

Judging from the dashingness of giving the ability to outsiders, this man named Shiroyasha is even more dashing than his own man.

Perhaps, this guy will be even stronger by Su Han?

"Really, is the version updated so fast? Now I'm almost useless."

Irena muttered, and then began to read the spell given by Su Han.

The sage's spell - the execution of light.

A very helpful and unreasonable technique.

As long as you use it well enough, you can easily improve your ability to the top level of the group..probably.

At the same time, other people in the group chat basically got the corresponding red envelopes.

The protection of the saints, the simulated godhead, the dry eye gold coins, the original fat times of the black rabbit..

It's the taste of those who are capable of banknotes!

Except for the strange thing that seemed to be drawn, Su Han who had a black line on his face, the other group friends couldn't help but stunned.

Romani: "When a new boss joins the group, the group status will be reduced by 1.\"

Dadalia: "When a new boss joins the group, the group status is reduced by 1." Shizaki Kuangsan: \"The new boss joins the group, and the group status is reduced by 1."

Hakoba Noble (laughs):\"The new boss joins the group, and the group's status is reduced.. No, why is Shiroya-sama here?!!\"

The nameless Miss Black Rabbit widened her eyes.

She had been in the group chat for a while, so she knew something.

The members in this group chat are from different universes, and the recruiting method is to randomly send invitations to different worlds to attract people.

However, that so-called invitation is activated once a month.

Why did someone come before the cooling was over!

It's still my old acquaintance, Bai Yasha!

"It's a very simple thing, I pulled it in."

Amidst the exclamations of Sutou, who has not changed his name to his real name, the boy made a voice.

"To put it simply, we donated a few rights to use the Sun Sovereign to buy the administrator status in this group chat."

The extremely social speech came from the mouth of the new group friend, which made the expressions of the classmates in the group chat suddenly changed.


Donate money to buy an official?!!

"To be honest, this business is a bit of a loss. I thought that the so-called administrator should at least have some privileges, but we found that the privilege brought by this broken identity is only a silence."

The star spirit of the sun sighed and then cursed.

Her idea of ​​coming here was very simple, and she was persuaded by Su Han.

Rather than creating a double-digit number standing on the side of Hakoba, she hopes to return to her original posture.

Almost as a matter of course, she got the coordinates of the forbidden world and paid a price for it.

I haven't left yet, and it's just because...

Damn, are those demon gods sick?!

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