If you have good eyesight, you can even see the curtain of Little Garden through the cracks in the world.

That scene made Bai Yasha's face change suddenly, and a cruel smile appeared on the Demon King's face.

This place can't stop him.

The killing is about to begin!

Chapter 26 Can you give me back the inheritance of the Mother of Evil Gods?

The gift game field is not invincible.

In the confrontation between the primordial star and absolute evil, the world has been torn apart

- You can see the outside world when you look at it.

The huge realm gate is opening.

The victims and the rubble are being sucked in bit by bit, moving to the safer east area...

If nothing else, within ten minutes at most, the entire City of Brilliant Flames will be removed directly.

It only takes ten minutes...


Shiroyasha's breathing became extremely rapid.


As long as this gift field can trap the "strongest godslayer" for ten minutes, the City of Brilliant Flames will become safe.

The next word is his own death battle with Az Dakaha.

Honestly, this is a death fight that will make most people feel pessimistic.

White Yaksha is very strong.

Even if it is only a four-digit spiritual level, it can press and rub three-digit gods and demons on the ground. If the identity of the sun **** is retrieved, it can even control the beasts of the stars to wash the gods.


In the presence of Aziz Dakaha, being strong has no meaning.

Because, he will copy the negative aspects of the spirituality of non-Zoro worship members and everyone outside of human beings, and increase himself.

In other words, Shiroyasha will always be crushed.


Fortunately, the race of Shiroyasha is a proto-spirit that has no relationship with human history. Even if their records in human history are wiped out, it will only be a drop in spirituality and will not die in battle.

Therefore, Shiroyasha does not have much fear.

She can rest assured in the battle of Aziz Dakaha, without worrying that her hometown will be copied in the middle of the battle.

Relying on the "quality" of the Protoss, even if she lacks spirituality, she can still fight against the strongest godslayer who is still weak.

However, the premise is...

No one interferes.

The sky burst into a huge gap...

Through the gap, Shiroyasha saw people who were terrified.

Az Dakaha was also looking out.

The evil dragon's three pairs of eyes like lava are full of enthusiasm.

The justice of "evil" is exactly the final peak that all heroes and heroes reach, to dedicate the corpse of evil that crosses oneself to the "victory of justice", and to bear the teaching "evil" granted to the saints by Zoroastrianism .

When the symbol of evil is eradicated, the unavoidable disasters in human history will be forcibly obliterated, and the long-cherished wish of Zoroastrianism will come to an end.

"So, heroes, come and fight with me!" The evil dragon howled.

He smelled his countrymen.

Completely different from the breath of Emperor Shitian.

It is very close to the suzerain... Although I don't know why the **** of Yahweh is mixed in, it is indeed an aura that is very close to the suzerain.

Since his incarnation as evil, he has operated as a pure destruction machine.

Carrying out the mission of the leader, endless slaughter waits for the compatriots to become human and kill themselves.

This is not difficult to understand.

In fact, there are basically the shadows of the gods behind the final trials of mankind.

The Bull of Heaven was killed by the demigods Gilgamesh and Enzidu.

Carly Yoga was destined to be crossed by Galji.

The Orochi Orochi was killed by Hayesusa, who descended from heaven as a human being.

Shou, who was an absolute evil, should have been killed by his compatriots who were mortals.

But the ultimate factor represented by absolute evil is too outrageous.

The entire Zoroastrianism has been killed, and Aziz Dakaha has not been crossed.

Therefore, he can only continue to linger in the world, carrying out his mission as the ultimate trial of human beings, and looking for the heroes of human beings.

However, after burning countless city-states to ashes, doubts arose in his heart.

"Is there really a human hero who can kill himself?"

The compatriots of Zoroastrianism were defeated.

Although it is a bit arrogant, it is difficult for a normal born human being to compete with a person who is descended from a **** in terms of bravery and wisdom.

and now

He smelled his countryman again.

That breath made the dragon's expression instantly cheer up.

Perhaps, this will be the hero chosen by the suzerain.

Looking at the eyes of the White Night Demon King, he became more and more indifferent.

He was transformed into a Demon Lord to test mankind.

The meaning is to fall at the feet of the brave.

Although he didn't mind fighting with Bai Yasha, it was obviously more meaningful to try human beings than to fight with the stubborn protoss.

Without any hesitation, the evil dragon flapped his wings.

He wants to tear apart this gift venue and go to the City of Brilliant Flames!

That scene made Bai Yasha's aura instantly soar!

"Don't try to escape!!"

Bai Yasha's face was ashen.

Accompanied by her anger, a terrifying flame was born in an instant, releasing a frightening aura of destruction. At dawn, the cooler sky was dyed red, emitting red heat, burning like a setting sun.

The breath of flame that caused all this smashed into the direction of the evil dragon with unstoppable power.

That gesture, like a red asteroid falling straight into the world!

If it was really hit, the strongest species with less than three digits would at least lose half their lives.

The fire of the sun shot down from the sky mercilessly scorched the evil dragon's wings, causing a rare expression of anger on the evil dragon's face.

However, in the next instant, that anger was replaced by reason.

He flapped his wings and instantly tore apart the fire of the sun, almost instantly reaching the sky above the falling flames.

The next moment, scorching dragon flames spit out from the evil dragon's mouth!

However, that breath is not facing the flame of the sun, but marches in the same direction as the flame of the sun!

Another surge of power.

The world, which had already begun to shake, uttered a tragic cry.

In the world that was shattered, there was once again a huge crack.

That voice made Bai Yasha's face instantly stiff.

Her purpose is to intercept Az Dakaha and prevent that guy from tearing up the Boon Playground..

However, now Az Dakaha is using his power to collide with his power, destroying the field of the game of bounty.

Once the Bounty Playground is destroyed...

Shiroyasha's face turned ugly as never before.

The current situation is that the self, whose life level is at the apex of the Protoss, relies on racial talent forcibly to be equal to the absolute evil who is a three-digit number.


As soon as Aziz Dakaha breaks through this bounty field, he will immediately replicate the spirit of the non-human race in the City of Brilliant Flames.

At that time, you will definitely be at a disadvantage.

Cold sweat oozes out of Shiroyasha's body.

This is not the most fatal.

The most terrible thing is that the guy Su Han is also outside.

Although it is a four-digit number, that guy's spirituality is exceptional, and that guy has a lot of weird powers, which can definitely rub the normal three-digit gods and demons on the ground..

If that guy is also seen by Aziz Dakaha, then it will really be over.

"Hurry up and run away with someone!!"

While releasing his power and trying to repair the gift game venue, Shiroyasha urged someone in the group chat.

"The one who gave birth to a son without an **** found someone to release the absolute evil." "I'm dragging my sleeves on the gift field now, um, although it's not something to be proud of, but even if I have been defeated three times in a row, the remaining means are still the same. Much taller than that stupid dragon, even if he can only exert four-digit strength, he can stop him

"You quickly move the residents away, then contact the Sky Army to block off the surrounding area."

Hasty but very rational speech, spit out from Shiroyasha's mouth.

This gifted game venue could not stand her tossing with absolute evil.

She tried her best to use the power she could use to try to make up for this broken world of disaster relief.



As if mocking something, the **** who had always called himself a monster let out his breath again.

The silver world under the silver sun was dyed real red by the red heat, burning like a setting sun, and then the air was twisted, and the fiery fireworks column enveloped everything, and the extreme high temperature spread out with amazing destructive power.

As if the flames born for destruction penetrated the sky, the realm of heaven and earth was forcibly separated, and the sky with the starry sky above was cut in half at the moment of galloping.

In the cracked space, the darkness like an abyss engulfs the surroundings.

The three-headed dragon flapped its wings and ripped apart the world.

Clearly, he was out of trouble.

Next, He will ignite disasters in the three thousand worlds.


The anger in Shiroyasha's eyes can literally burn time and space.

It's time to play big!


"Can you give me my inheritance back?"

At the moment when the giant dragon flew out of the false sky, the figure belonging to the young man sounded without warning.

In Shiroyasha's terrified expression, it was related to Greece, Egypt, and Cross religion, but only the teenager who had nothing to do with Zoroastrianism appeared on the back of the giant dragon.

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