That's just to come down to deter the rulers of the class, so that they don't choose to stand on the side of the old small garden because of Shiroyasha's deterrence. The **** frowned.

He didn't quite understand Shiroyasha's behavior.

After all, theoretically speaking, the establishment of a new small garden would be more beneficial than detrimental to Shiroyasha.

"Reason, why do I need such a boring thing?"

The star spirit sneered.

Smile, fiercely.

"Jehovah, are you ready to drown your head in a cesspool?!"

Chapter 30 Absolutely evil compatriots?

And on the other side.

Just when Jehovah used his incarnation to oppose White Yaksha, an uninvited guest appeared in the capital of brilliant flames.

A poet who can even split Su Han and the three-headed dragon into different areas in an instant.

Su Han looked at the realm that had changed into a different world, and his face couldn't help but bring some emotion.

"I really didn't expect that in the lower floors, I could actually see things like you."


The use of such words in human beings is undoubtedly derogatory.

However, the guy who was called something still had a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you, the incarnation of my friend."

The face is handsome, with flaxen hair as messy as a lion's mane, and facial features clearly

It was reminiscent of a boy of Latin blood standing in front of Su Han and beckoning.

That appearance would instantly make one imagine the **** demigods under the command of the **** Olympus.

Judging people by their appearance is inappropriate in the world of normal people.

Like a lot of chicken soup stories, Iron King's mother gets drenched occasionally

Cheng Luo Tang chicken, the ranger who used to beg for food everywhere, will also become the Marquis of Huaiyin.

Judging people by their appearance is undoubtedly ridiculous.


In Hakoba, it's not like that.

Judging people by their appearance is the right thing to do.

Lingge, will affect the appearance.

The ears of the black rabbit, the golden pupils of the White Yaksha, the horns of the Dragon King of the Star Sea...

Those are all manifestations of the Spirituality.

If a person feels "heart" for a moment, then there is a high probability that he is really a very refreshing person.

If a person feels extremely dark, then it cannot be said that he must be a wicked person, but most likely he is not a good bird.

In fact, the man who appeared to be a Greek demigod was indeed a demigod.


In Su Han's hand, a book appeared at some point.

One, an angel who has become stronger under the reinforcement of Hakoniwa's spirit.

On that book, the name of the man in front of him was clearly written.


Or rather, Hercules.

One of the most famous heroes in the world.


The only problem is that the man who was recognized as Hercules was already in the triple digits.

It shouldn't be in the lower level of Hakoniwa at all.

"Perhaps, I should call you 'Black Sky'?"

The young man narrowed his eyes and narrated in detail.

In his sight, under the body of the brave man, was endless black.

In the plot, there is only one person with this characteristic.

"Ah, is the old man so easily recognized now?"

The **** and demon who appeared in the form of a young man laughed, with a little surprise in his smile.

The eighth incarnation of Vishnu - Holy Immortal Krishna.

He is not famous in the East, but if he rises to the philosophical level, he is the same as Lao Tzu and Jesus.

This guy is the original source of "Savior Thought".

The original text of "Messiah's Thought", Krishna, is identified in a certain school of thought as the prototype of King David recorded in the Hebrew Old Testament, and also the native sun **** of ancient India.

"When you come out to meet people, you are using someone else's body. This is too inappropriate."

The young man who was still fighting the evil dragon just now narrowed his eyes rigorously.

"Oh, my body is long gone. If I want to communicate with the younger generation, I can only borrow the body of outsiders."

"You should know, too, that I've fought in dystopian battles."

"As a god, it's already very difficult to save the soul in front of that demon king. It's too embarrassing to save the body."

The man who can be called Hei Tian for the time being spread his hands and explained.

The Demon Lord of Dystopia - No one in Hakoba doesn't know the name

He was one of the strongest demon kings who had been given titles such as "Demon Lord of the Extreme West", "Ultimate Observer of Humanity", "God Eater", and so on.

A long time ago, there was an area in the world of Hakoniwa that was divided into east, west, north and south.

The Demon King's **** has also brought the gods and the outside world into a desperate situation.

It is said that not only the gods, but also many heroes such as Orpheus, Skaha, Yellow Emperor, and Artolis participated in the war that divided the garden in two.

Then, brutally beaten.

That Demon Lord's characteristic is to deprive him of his "faith".

In the realm of the Demon King, the spiritual power that God has acquired from human history seems to be non-existent.

Unfortunately, the gods and demons of Hakoniwa basically believe in gods.

Even if you don't believe in God, there is still a considerable part of the spirituality, which comes from belief.

After entering the realm, the gods who are invincible in the outside world are pitiful and helpless like the bamboo rat in the Dead Mouse Villa.

No matter how you fight, you can't beat it, and even if you are a little careless, you will be deprived of all spiritual qualities.

Become a nameless ghost...

To be honest, at that time, many gods and demons in the Western District had already directly begged for mercy.

In order to deal with him, the little garden gods, at the recommendation of Arcadia, were forced to spread the Black Death in the Middle Ages.

The Black Death, which lasted for more than a hundred years, caused the social status of serfs to rise in advance, interrupting the future of the "closed world" and forcibly passed the closed world.

In the disaster where the countless gods who beat him couldn't wait to carry the Hakoba directly and run away, just losing his body, and it was a very important thing.


Su Han narrowed his eyes.

This guy, even if he loses his body, is still very strong.

Although Krishna euphemistically said it was borrowing, it was actually usurping.

Captured the hero who is the pinnacle in the three elements of martial arts, wisdom and courage——

Hercules' body.

"So, what does Mr. Savior mean by interrupting my fight with that evil dragon?"

In Su Han's body, there is constant power emerging...

Faced with a guy who can take Hercules' body, no matter how vigilant it is, it is natural.

after all--

This guy is really not an ordinary danger.

At that scene, Hei Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Don't be so vigilant, I'm just a dead soul, and I have no ability to seize the body of the Almighty God who was given to guide the gods or the trend of the world."

In other words, if you are not a **** with a simulated star chart, would you have the ability to take its body?

Su Han's vigilance did not disappear at all.

This guy is very wrong.

In the plot, someone mentioned that there seems to be a more dangerous guy hidden in the so-called Hei Tian's body.

A loser who is regarded by the absolute evil after defeat as a loser like himself...

It is not a simple thing to be regarded as the same kind by absolute evil.

"What do you want me to do?"

Su Han opened his mouth slowly and asked.

Although I don't know what's going on, this guy seems to have something to look for himself.

The man who claimed to be the savior grinned.

"If you can, I hope you will leave the City of Brilliant Flames quickly now."

Laissez-faire absolute evil, raging in the lower classes.

Incomparably clear, Hei Tian expressed his opinion.

"You know what happens when I do this?"

Su Han narrowed his eyes.

Stop the hero from going to slay the dragon.

This guy doesn't look like the prototype of King David at all...

"The Garden is already rotten."

The man shook his head and explained.

"As a **** with double-digit potential, you should feel that you are restricted."

At the beginning of the construction of the small garden, in order to prevent someone from trying to bring together many gods and demons

The urban occupation of blood, therefore, Hakoba does not allow the appearance of an omniscient and omnipotent dictator, refusing to recognize "monism".

This was initially a good thing.

After all, if there is a monism, it really does not meet the original intention of Hakoniwa.


This undoubtedly limits the potential of the Almighty Gods.

And later, I don’t know what happened. This paradox that was originally aimed at Almighty God was expanded and affected the gods and demons in the almighty field. As a result, many gods and demons who could have shot a galaxy with one shot could only hold their noses. play with mud.

Su Han is the Almighty God, the most miserable one.

Potential has been cut, and future power has also been cut.

This is the reason why Kokusai is sure that he doesn't like Hakoten either.

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