"That classmate seems to have a gender cognitive impairment. He regards himself as a male and refuses to enter Tokiwadai."

? ? ? ?

Meow meow meow? ! !

Treat yourself as a man and refuse to join a girls' school?

In an instant, Miss Misaka's beautiful maroon eyes turned round.

What is this unfolding?

Speaking of which, isn't it possible to determine the gender as soon as you take off your skirt in the bathroom?

"Because I determined my psychological gender as male, I copied the ability of the body transformation system and became a male."

"Now she has written a withdrawal form and is ready to find any school to study at random."

Recalling the high school that the student filled out on the spot, which seemed to have no name, the dean sighed instantly.

Did you skip grades and go to high school because you looked down on middle school?

This kid is really a super problem kid.

"So, is there anything I can do to help?"

Misaka Mikoto, who desperately wanted to meet a classmate with outrageous abilities, was gearing up for it.

Isn't it just that people don't know their gender?

See how she breaks her friendship and wake her up directly! !

"Although it's not appropriate to leave this kind of thing to students, but the only ones who can understand superpowers should be superpowers."


"Please bring her back!"

The principal made a request.

ps: I'm going to stay all night tonight and make up all the updates I owe before...

Chapter 3, tell a joke, Su Han is a little angel

a high school.

A high school with an unknown name.

Unlike Tokiwadai, a famous school that wholesales powerful people, most of the members of this school are useless firewood.

This is a well-understood thing.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

This kind of little-known school can only attract low-level ability people.

People with a little talent basically go to the computer for a long time.

Of course, this also includes me-

The boy with the hair that makes people suspect that he is a hedgehog, or that he has just returned from the world of Yu-Gi-Oh, complained in his dormitory.

Kamijou Touma.

A man who was once revered as the leader.

As the first protagonist in the world view of the forbidden world, Kamijou-san is on the surface an unlucky incompetent.

This is not difficult to understand.

Maybe it's burning incense, maybe it's good deeds, or maybe it's because I often wear a cross...

In this world full of religious doctrines, there are blessings in almost everyone.

Kamijou-san is a special case.

The fantasy killer he held completely cut off the blessings given to him by the world.

That is to say, he is the only one in the world without the lucky buff.

"So, who can take pity on Kamijou-san a little?"

The boy named Kamijou Touma looked at his credit card with a low balance and looked desperate.

Because of the inexplicable power outage, he took advantage of the supermarket's big sale to hoard all the food.

There is still half a month until next month's allowance. "

"The total is five thousand yen, and five thousand divided by fifteen is less than thirty-four yen a day.

As if all the colors were extracted in an instant, the boy instantly turned into a miserable black and white...

"Excuse me, is there anyone here?"

Just at the time when the boy was always desperate, there was a knock on the door.

ooh ooh ooh! ! !

Are there guests?

Blue earrings or Tsuchimikado?

Kamijou Touma and the two seem to be very unusual perverts, but Kamijou Touma, who was a friend, came to fight with a carp in an instant.

"Oh oh oh. Wait a minute, here I come."

Very quickly, Mr. Kamijou started to put on his shoes, then the soles of his feet slipped and he fell and ate shit...

This is something that can't be helped. Going to school in the mysterious world, everyone carries multiple blessings in the world.

In the world, he, a materialist with his own domain of forbidden magic, is indeed a bit ill-fated.


It does not matter.

Kamijou-san is already used to bad luck.

The mere fall obviously cannot stop Mr. Kamijou from opening the door!

He has only 5,000 yen left!

You must find acquaintances to borrow money, otherwise, you will definitely starve to death.

"Blue earrings, Tsuchimikado, is that you?"

With a creaking sound, Kamijou's mother asked.


He was stunned.

The reason is very simple, the one who appeared in front of him was a young man he had never seen before....

"First meeting, I'm your new neighbor."

The boy smiled to himself.

That is undoubtedly a very good-looking person.

Delicate facial features, dignified face.

The skin is very white, delicate and even gives the illusion that it is like white porcelain.

The black hair is like ink, and the eyes are deeper than the black hair.

The brows are full of heroism.

That should be regarded as a very handsome man, but, I don't know if it is an illusion, obviously his appearance is very heroic, and his voice is also a very clear boy's voice, but he feels like a girl to himself.

What a strange feeling.

"I'm your neighbor, Su Han."

The boy brought some snacks and put them in front of Kamijou Touma...

"Oh oh oh. Please come in."

Kamijou Touma wanted to invite the other party to his home for a chat, but when he recalled the situation at his home, he froze for a moment.


There is nothing to entertain people at home.

So, what to do?

Kamijou Touma, who knew that it would be embarrassing to not be able to serve people at this time, was like an ant on a hot pan.


The next moment, the boy seemed to have noticed the abnormality of Kamijou Touma, and asked him very considerately.

"Is there a problem? Emmm, I remember that there seemed to be a power outage here yesterday. Could it be that your place is also the affected area?"

Really reliable man.

In an instant, Kamijou Touma nodded like smashing garlic.

"Yes, I don't know what's going on, we have a power outage here."

"It's alright now, all the reserves I bought have been damaged by the heat, I'm really sorry."

"That was really hard work."

Su Han narrowed his eyes, looking at the man who seemed to have poverty all over his body.

In his hands, there is something that makes him a little headache.

Fantasy killer.

Demons can twist the world at will. Although twisting is not difficult, it is not necessarily possible to restore it to its original state.

For the Demon God, this is a world where all the water coming out of the tap can be turned into orange juice, and the willful actions of children can be realized.

But there is a risk that some kind of great harm will occur when the result is distorted as much as possible.

The aftermath is always harder than the destruction.

For demon gods whose destructive ability is far stronger than repair ability, they often have the feeling of restoring the destroyed world, but there is still the uneasiness of not knowing what the original world is like after distorting the world.

Even if you want to do whatever you want, you will want to have some insurance measures.

That hand is the insurance of the demons.

—Backup, benchmark point to restore the world.

If you have an insurance, you can go wild as much as you like, without hesitation and mercy, you can spread your own desires to the fullest.

Really awesome arm.

Su Han sighed.

However, compared to this fantasy killer, there is another thing lurking under that hand that is interesting.

Su Han narrowed his eyes and groped his chin.

Among the many demon gods, there is one who is honored as Sangzheng.

Seng Zheng thought that perhaps the chosen Kamijou was more special than this power.

In his eyes, the world is quite fragile, the so-called fantasy killer is undoubtedly the backbone of the sturdy world, and Kamijou stays near the center of the world.

Sang Kamijou has been a scorer looking at the world from the very beginning, an existence who anticipated the appearance of gears such as "Demon God".

Fantasy killers and his ilk are but appendages to his own essence.

Fantasy Killer is indeed interesting, but for the gods and demons in the double digits, it can only be said to be interesting.

In Su Han's field of vision, the soul of the existence named Kamijou Touma shone with an unusually dazzling light.

I really want to know what's going on with this soul.

Perhaps it was because his initial occupation was male law, and the teenager who had a high degree of thirst for knowledge narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, there are actually two reasons why he came to the forbidden world.

One is to observe the composition of the world and strengthen the tree of Kabbalah.

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