For a moment, Misaka Mikoto believed.

Maybe, as he said, he really can beat number one



The only question is probably...

Why is this person who doesn't know me at all, help me.

It is clear that for a top-level capable person like Su Han, Misaka Mikoto, who should be more beneficial to execute the plan, looks a little confused.

Almost instinctively, she asked.

Looking apprehensive.

"Why...why are you helping me?"

"Where are there so many bizarre reasons?"

"I don't like tragedy, that's all."

I don't like tragedy.

That's all.

Chapter 8 Sadness, the invincible Accelerator fell

One way

The second protagonist of "Magic Forbidden Books".

Academy City's only seven superpowers (Level 5) ranked first, their gender is unknown, and their ability is "vector manipulation".

It can control the direction of energy. As long as it touches the skin, it can freely manipulate the direction of all energy such as kinetic energy, thermal energy, and electrical energy, and can reflect all physical attacks.

It sounds powerful, but this ability is not rare.

In fact, the ceiling of superpowers so far is not Accelerator, but the second one, Emperor Kakine.

That guy possessed the ability that could be called the most chaotic ability in the entire Academy City—the non-elemental matter.

As long as light waves and electron waves pass through the tiny gaps in his white wings, they will change their properties, twist into impossible vectors, act according to their own laws, and become substances that do not exist in this world.

- not "not yet found" or "theoretically should exist", but true

Something that doesn't exist, so doesn't apply to the existing laws of physics.

Change the properties of matter at will and turn it into your own power.

It is conceivable how chaotic the power of non-elemental matter is.

However, even with such a bug-like ability, Emperor Kakine was still forcibly suppressed by Accelerator's massive computing power.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of this first person is.


Even with such terrifying power, the first person seems to have had an unsatisfactory life.


With no gender at all, the slender man made an unpleasant sound as he looked at his ruined house, which was indistinguishable.

It was a very dilapidated house.

From the basic tone, it should be a very high-end apartment.

In that apartment, expensive picture scrolls hang on the wall one by one, and the floor is also covered with expensive handmade carpets...

If the scrolls weren't all smashed, only a few frames left, the carpets were shredded, and even a pile of paint was poured over, this is definitely a high-end apartment that anyone would be satisfied with.

"Is that group of boring trash fish here again?"

Having lost his real name, the existence of Accelerator's code name is the only one left looking at his apartment, his eyes that were red due to lack of pigment, exuding terrifying murderous aura and madness.

As the strongest superhuman, Accelerator also has his own troubles.

"That man is the strongest in Academy City."

Countless people praised him so much.

So, as long as I defeat him, then I will be the strongest?

Maybe it's because the strongest name is too wonderful, and some people who are dazzled by the false name make very irrational choices.

They challenged Accelerator.


Those **** who are not even powerful people with a high probability, regard Accelerator as an experience pack! !

Almost every week, someone who is beyond his own power comes to assassinate him.

Then, often without even cracking the most basic defensive reflexes, they fall.

"Absolutely, definitely take revenge!!"

Just like standard trash fish, those people chose other ways after finding that they couldn't beat Accelerator head-on.

For example, assassination, for example, beating, for example, trying to threaten..

The means of the next work, when the gap is not big, can achieve a leapfrog battle...

However, that presupposes that the difference is not significant.

The only superpowers who can reach absolute powers are not those who can't solve it.

Strong is strong, weak is weak..

Those who do the wrong are often twisted by Accelerator to see their hands and feet, and they are thrown into the garbage heap and wailing.


Accelerator's address suffered.

No matter where he lives, as long as he leaves the address, within half an hour, his house will be smashed to pieces by the people who come to get revenge...

"Sure enough, this is the price of weakness."

The man lifted the pull tab of the coffee he bought and muttered.


Accelerator felt that his strength was not enough.

He is only the strongest, not invincible.

"The strongest" is different from "invincible".

"Invincible" will decide the winner before the duel, and "strongest" will only know that it is "strongest" after the actual fight.

In other words, Accelerator's strongest is only to the extent that he wants to challenge him.

What he needs is to let the group of trash fish understand that he is not the object they can challenge at all! ! !

"So, there is time to participate in the idiot experiment, why not recruit a few younger brothers as gatekeepers?"

A silent, stranger's voice resounded in Accelerator's ears

who is it? ! ! !

He turned sharply, but he didn't see anything.

There was only a light and fluttering sound that echoed there.

"Hey, you're looking at the wrong place."

Almost in the next instant, a voice that was difficult to distinguish between genders sounded right in front of Accelerator.

A boy with an extremely handsome face appeared in front of him and pinched the coffee can in Accelerator's hand.

The next moment, the power of electromagnetism begins to manifest.

The cold coffee turned into a hot drink.

"Also, the current weather is not suitable for drinking cold drinks. Drinking hot drinks will be much better for the stomach."

Space movement, electromagnetic force.

Almost instinctively, the alarm bell rang in Accelerator's heart! !

In Academy City, multi-talented people appeared.

Instinctively, Accelerator waved his hand, and the cracking wind began to appear.

There are only two types of people who like to guard him, one is the adults who invite him to do experiments, and the other is the challenger! !

However, the manic gale did not harm the young man in the slightest...

It can even be said that it is completely useless.

"Are you going to fight?"

The boy blinked, and almost the next moment, the whole world began to turn upside down.

Almost in an instant, the mortals in the bounded domain were dispersed in an instant under the action of unknown forces.

The next moment, the endless thunder began to break out! !

The spacious road has been completely blocked by traffic, and no vehicles and pedestrians are allowed to pass through - of course, there is no way to break in. As long as you are confident enough to survive the thunder of the flying blades of wind that can instantly tear the ground and turn trees into charcoal, you'll be fine.

Fragments of concrete, broken street lamp posts, and scattered cables were all scattered on the ground, and the originally peaceful, quiet, tidy and clean site had now been turned into a purgatory.

The chilling aura of gunpowder smoke and blood seemed to permeate every inch of space on the battlefield, but in fact this was just an illusion, and no gunpowder weapons were used here. What is there is just the terrible will of the manipulator of electromagnetic force.

In that endless manic thunder, even the first one couldn't help but hurriedly use his reflex power to the maximum! !

However, even so, he still felt a smell similar to the smell of burnt! !

The strong electromagnetic force almost tore apart his own reflection defense net! Burned his clothes! !



The white devil's face had a mad smile on his face.


This is the first time he has been hurt.

Unexpectedly, at the time when I was just notified to participate in the experiment, did a superpower of this level actually appear?

"I want it, seriously!"

The white demon slowly stretched out two slender hands like a girl to the sides.

If you touch it lightly, it will kill you, like two hands like a poisonous snake.

That is the hand that can definitely represent death.

Accelerator's "vector operation" ability is mainly used for attacks. As long as it touches the skin, the blood flow in the capillaries, the bioelectric current on the surface of the human body, etc., all directions will be reversed. This alone can make the blood vessels and the heart all burst. broken! ! !

Holding two hands that could kill with just one touch, Accelerator laughed, like a dark cross.

The cross - the prop for the crucifixion of the Son.

However, at this moment, with this gesture, he will crucify all those who dare to block him here! !

But he had only just made a move, and a fist full of power slammed into his side face fiercely!

Obviously it was just a simple punch, but it was like a field howitzer hit here accurately and an explosion occurred. Countless sand and gravel splashed around, and the violent collision caused the ground to form a direct two-meter-like appearance. Meteorite strikes a large crater.

With a painful cry, the slender white body was shot diagonally like a billiard ball that had been hit by a fierce swing!

"This kind of thing that can only be effective for ordinary life, don't take it out to shame!!"

In Accelerator's dazed expression, the boy who had a bit of energy that Accelerator had never seen before - Honkai Energy waved his hand, his expression flat.

"It hurts! Damn it, it's amazing! Such a powerful attack. It actually hurt me... If it were a normal person, I would have died already!"

Under Su Han's mental strength, the guy with white hair, white skin, scarlet pupils, and half-male image fell to the ground, laughing wildly, and the cold and suppressed murderous aura instantly permeated every inch of him. space.

"You guy... is you actually a multi-talented person in the true sense?"

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