The quasi-demon **** is now fighting to defeat the thief who stole his position...

"What are you doing with him?"

Steele couldn't help but feel strange for a while.


He heard the most terrifying words in his life.

"I want to declare war on Demon God Othinus."

In an understatement, the boy named one of his prey.

As if the cold current was flowing directly from the bone marrow, Stiyl shuddered...

Declare war on the demon **** Othinus.

This is courting death! !

"Are you crazy?!"

Even though they didn't know each other and even had some hatred, this upright boy still made such a voice.

"The power of man is impossible to resist the power of God!"

In this regard, the young man just smiled slightly.


The next moment, the sky changed.

The sun disappears from the world.

Light and shadow began to chaotic, like substantive things overlapping layer by layer, piled up in the sky above the sky.

Everything on the earth seemed to be frozen in time, motionless, and then distorted into a monochromatic world composed of black and white.

The ground was neatly divided into pieces like graph paper, the square-shaped layers were continuous, and the pitch-black sky stared at everything on the ground.

A minimalist scene where the amount of information is compressed to the limit.

It's like stripping away the world's coat, overflowing with disobedience.

In the world of black and white, everything seems too small.

In order to complete the magician's revenge against mankind, Ike Westcott wants to create a new world that exists for the magician and can make the magician's dream come true. The new world replaces the real world. , banishes humans, thereby creating the elf, and the space she carries - the neighborhood.

This power first appeared on Mio's body, and then was captured by Su Han.

After arriving at Hakoba, I encountered a simulated star creation map called Avatar...

The simulated star chart called Avatar has ten worldviews.

The young man's thoughts moved slightly, and the next moment, ten "mass points" began to collide on the majestic divine tree.

Ten complete worlds with completely different rules are born.

That's definitely not some world egg...

It's the living universe!

"This, what is this?"

The bad priest widened his eyes.

The willpower and endurance of a bad priest who is a top Puritan magician has always been extraordinary.

However, after seeing this scene, he also lost the ability to speak.

In order to find his old companions, he traveled almost thousands of miles, tracing all the way from Western Europe to the extreme east, across the entire Eurasian continent, and even rushed directly to the base camp of scientific testing!

He imagined countless times what he would encounter after stepping into the capital of science.

Encountered a strict laboratory?

Or a gloomy underground base?

Even a city lurking under the sea, or even a floating city?

The venue imagined behind is obviously a bit sci-fi, giving people a feeling of being out of reality.

However, in Academy City, the city of sci-fi, it might also be reasonable to appear.

As a result, is the real unfolding like this?

Cold sweat poured out of the sweat glands like an open faucet.

But what's happening now is more than he imagined...

More terrifying, crazy, incredible.

The brain of the bad priest has lost the ability to direct his actions, and he just stands there like a piece of wood.

A layer of goosebumps appeared on his body.

Is the guy who can do such a thing really human?

Completely in the world called Magic Forbidden, the magician who performed a great magic that was infinitely close to a "miracle" turned his head and spoke to that.

The tone is very relaxed.

"If I can join forces with that quasi-demon god, do you believe that I am qualified to rival the demon god?"

The boy who looked like a **** asked back with a smile.

Chapter 15: 103,000 Little Yellow Books, here you go!

Seeing the scene like a goddess, Stiyl fell silent for a moment.

It is clear.

The boy in front of him is not a superpower.

Among the scenery he showed was a mirror-like divine tree.

Kabbalah thought is to symbolize the whole universe with the "tree of life" growing in the kingdom of heaven, and its meaning is difficult to understand. The tree of life is generally considered to mean the vast universe, the human body as a small universe, and the spiritual traversal to the realm of gods.

The tree of life is made up of ten particles and 22 paths.

Human beings are in separate kingdoms, going through 22 paths to ten circles, on a meditative journey until the crown.

In addition, it is said that each circle has an archangel who guards and guides people. The tree of life can be roughly divided into basic structures such as three pillars, ten primordial substances, four worlds, and twenty-two paths.

The process of human beings falling from the state of perfection is called the tree of discernment between good and evil. There is no distinction between good and evil in all things in the world and all the laws in the universe, until the concept of "self" after the fall of human beings. Evil division.

When human beings are awakened and want to return to the state of perfection, the way to ascend in reverse is the tree of life. Before eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of life so they could live forever.

The tree of life that reversely enhances human spirituality has devils and heavens at the entrance and exit.

To be a guardian means to enter the tree of life and return to eternal life.

If the two are combined, it is the realm of God and the body of God...

Recalling the knowledge about Hermes Kabbalah in his memory, the bad god

The father's body was shaking violently.

In this world, there are beings called saints.

There are less than 20 people in the world who are similar to the Son of God **** and have obtained the power of the Son of God, and they are equivalent to "nuclear weapons" on the magical side.

As evidence of being a saint, you will get the "stigmata" bestowed by God. When you liberate the power of the "stigmata", you will gain the ability to transcend the human realm, and you can conquer a city alone.

His teammate on this trip, Kanzaki, is one of the twenty saints.

Of course, there are also more famous saints.

The right seat of God in the Roman Church, almost all of them have bravery or wisdom above Kanzaki...

This is the power possessed by those who are similar to the Son of God.

So, is there a power similar to God in this world?

"You... are you Michael?"

It was extremely difficult, and the red-haired magician knelt on the ground.

Similar to God.

Named Michael.

Guardian Angel of England.

As an Englishman, Steele must show the attitude he should have at this moment of pilgrimage.

"Who knows that kind of thing?"

The absurdly high resemblance to God smiled and said.

Pretending to be a magician is a very happy thing.

Especially when the other party can't expose themselves.

"Then... Your Majesty, can I ask you one thing?"

It can be clearly felt that the youth in front of him is far more similar to God than Rome.

A certain orthodox church, Stiyl, who was spinning with a red spinning top, made a final request.

That scene caused some doubts on Index's face beside him.


England's guardian angels, even the supreme bishop and queen need to take their hats off.

The man in front of him actually dared to ask him?

"You want me to redeem her?"

Su Han, who could probably guess what the other side was asking for, raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

To the silver-haired **** the side.

In the girl's stunned expression, the redhead nodded heavily.

Should it be said to be a godlike person?

You can see your thoughts at a glance.

However, in the next moment, words that made him feel absurd were spit out from the mouth of the Maharaja.

"She just had her throat locked with magic."

"That child doesn't really need redemption."

Do not....

No need for redemption?

"You do it or I do it?"

While the bad priest was still thinking about the meaning of these words, the young man asked his allies very simply.

"emmm, I'm not good at cracking seal gifts, at least not good at the kind that can't be blasted with force..."

The White Night Demon King shrugged his shoulders and laid out the sloppy reality of his gift game.

"Anyway, if you get the magic book, I can read it, so let me spoil it for a while now."

"Ok, then I'll do it."

Without caring too much about Bai Yasha, Su Han instantly appeared behind Index and quickly held her hostage.

He reached out and put the thumb and index finger of his right hand between her lips and peeled her mouth open.

deep in the throat.

Since there is no skull protection, it can be said to be closer to the "brain" than the top of the head in terms of straight-line distance.

And there is very little chance of being seen, much less likely to be touched by others.

In the depths of the dark red throat, an eerie symbol like the one that would appear on a TV astrology program shone eerily.

That's a seal.

The next moment, a small golden square halberd appeared...

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