"The world...isn't perfect."

It was definitely the demon **** of Virgo who looked at it through the aspect and looked prosperous, but there was still a flawed world, and the delicate little face was a little strange.

She took a slight step forward, and the next moment, the whole world trembled.

Demons are monsters far larger than the universe.

That scene made this man feel that the world is not beautiful and wanted to destroy and rebuild, but he didn't know how to rebuild the gods and demons, who was distressed.

I am still too weak.

Very strange, such an idea appeared in that Demon God's mind.

The devil is almost omniscient.

However, they are not omniscient after all.

I have the power to tear apart the universe in an instant, but I have no idea how to transform this universe...

If it changes too much, it may make this world, which is already very good, even more deviated from perfection...

If you can go further, will you be closer to omniscience and omnipotence?

The Demon God looked very distressed.


It seems to be the ceiling of the forbidden world view.

However, Odin himself, the demon god, knows one thing very well.

The devil is actually a defective product.

Lao Tzu, Jesus, Krishna, Moses...

Compared to those detached people who have lost their traces, the powerful demon gods are nothing but failures.

It was not a failure of force. ’

Infinite power, no matter how doubled it is, is still infinite.

In fact, the Demon God who can easily smash the universe and lose any worldview is quite a terrifying combat power.

They are far from a more perfect gesture, and far from something "more essential".


Is there anything in this world that can make you more perfect?

Relying on the ceremony, the girl who twice ascended the throne of the devil, rarely cast her gaze downward.


Incomparably abrupt, the demon **** stood up instantly.

In the jewel-like one eye, the light of surprise flickers.

In her world, she saw.

Seeing that the white-haired pervert, who is essentially the incarnation of the universe, is secretly taking pictures of the beautiful girl under the eyes of the social auntie.

If you catch it, you may be able to get a surprise.

An unprecedented smile appeared on the girl's face.

She, it's time to prepare for the lower bounds.

"Living corpse, lend me your infinity mirror."

Through the phase of the Nordic world, the devil made a voice to the master of another mythical realm.

Demon gods cannot go down to the realm at will.


It's just that you can't go down at will.

With the help of the infinite mirror of the living corpse, he can divide his own power infinitely, so that the divided power just reaches the limit that the world can accommodate, so that the demons can travel in the world without destroying the world.

With the response from other mythical aspects, the demon **** should have been infinite power, constantly being cut...

The next moment, the **** the throne disappeared.

She chose to reach the world.

===========Dividing Line============

England is a very complex place.

Puritanism, royalism, chivalry...

It is obviously unreasonable for a small island country to divide up so many forces that do not communicate with each other.

Therefore, among these factions, there will be more or less connections...

As a member of the Puritan Church, as a super genius who was able to create six runes by himself at the age of fourteen, his status was naturally not low.

It is obviously not too difficult for him to contact the maid sent by the royal family.

It is conceivable that in the near future, a quasi-demon **** who is more important to defeat the demon **** Odin than to become a demon **** will appear soon.

However, those things have nothing to do with Su Han for the time being.

The biggest problem facing him now is...

"Auntie, can you stop pointing the stun stick at me?"

Surrounded by a group of guards, the boy who looked inexplicably girly looked at the disciplinary committee and the guards who had surrounded him at some point, with a difficult expression.

"Yes, he instructed me!!"

A certain White Night King who acted as a superpower in Tokiwadai sobbed, and then looked at a boy who had been reported and gathered with a look of resentment, and shouted so loudly.

"It was the guy who looked very girly and threatened me with my fruit photo."

"If I don't send him ten pictures of girls' private rooms every day, I will make copies of my fruit pictures and send them all over the place..."

"Hey, teachers, you have to call the shots for me!"

Looking at the white-haired man who had been sharing private photos of various beautiful girls with him recently, the corners of Su Han's mouth began to twitch.

In Little Garden, there are many jokes that never go out of style.

The most common of them is the White Night King.

"It's like the friendship between the White Night King and Emperor Shitian."

This is the slang term in the little garden.

This Xiongtai formed a lustful alliance with Zeus and Di Shitian more than once, and then sneaked into the major groups of gods to peep at the goddesses and goddesses taking a bath.

When it is found that the situation is not good, this Xiongtai will instantly give up the C position, criticize his former teammates, and even directly inform them, in order to seek the understanding of the peeping...

"If you're unlucky, you can flip through his phone!!"

The traitor wailed, as if he really had such a thing as innocence, and his meaning was insulted.

"There, there is a photo of my private room."

"That guy, because he looked like a girl, asked me to take a private photo, and the private photo was taken... Then, I was not clean."

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have been intimidated by that satyr, so I had no masters, and obeyed his orders... woo woo woo~"

Su Han looked at the surrounding guards whose complexions suddenly changed, as if looking at scumbags, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The slut, the White Night King, really didn't have a good heart!

Speaking of which, guards, you all just believed this guy's words so casually?

Hey, hey, in the setting, this guy's super power is "create solar wind"! ! !

Solar wind, understand?

The wind speed of a Category 2 typhoon is more than 32.5 meters per second, while the wind speed of the solar wind is often maintained at 350 to 450 kilometers per second near the earth, which is tens of thousands of times the wind speed of the earth!

At its most violent, it can reach more than 800 kilometers per second! !

Even if this guy is really weakened into a superpower, she calls out a wave of solar wind, and removes the guy with the physical specialization in front, and the other superpowers will be directly smashed!

"You've done a really good job."

The boy sighed.

In this regard, it also felt that something was wrong, but, it was impossible to rely on Bai Yasha to guarantee his integrity. Huang Quanchuan Aisui, who was called out to the police, looked at the newly promoted number one, and his heart almost rose to his throat.

According to rumors, this guy crushed the first place in just thirty seconds——

One way.

This guy, if he suddenly gets angry now, what should he do?

It would be dereliction of duty if you do not come forward to arrest him.

Going forward to arrest, it feels like delivering food...

And, to be honest, if threatened, wouldn't the child be a little too aggressive...

Recalling the gallery handed in by a certain White Night King, the guard lady only felt that the current situation was a bit outrageous.

"Let's just relax."

The boy sighed and said so.

"In other words, I should be able to reduce the punishment by confessing to my companions!"

Soon, the guard on the opposite side nodded.

"Generally, it is possible."

"Of course, you can also choose to bail..."

"If you're on bail, I won't say anything for the time being."

In Shiroyasha's desperate look, the young man pointed his finger at the funny guy.

"The important thing now is reporting."

"I report with my real name, Bai Ye is the chairman of the Customs Appreciation Committee!"

Chapter 17 At this time, the heroine is needed to save the scene

Academy City.

School Garden.

It was a special area located in the seventh school district of Academy City.

This area is jointly used by five aristocratic girls' schools that are second to none in Academy City, covering an area of ​​about two kilometers, far exceeding that of ordinary schools.

Since this is a campus shared by aristocratic girls' schools, it is not only the school, but also the student dormitory, so in the eyes of people outside, it is equivalent to the garden of the daughter of the daughter.

Of course, from a professional point of view, there is more than just this level of value here.

After all, in Academy City, ability development was the most important course, and it was important enough to affect the school's rank.

And since the five girls' schools in the school garden are all top-notch aristocratic girls' schools, it means that these schools are also top-ranking in the entire Academy City in terms of technology and resources for ability development.

In this way, as the location of the school buildings, campuses and school offices of the five girls' schools, the school garden is naturally full of secrets, and it is basically an undisclosed place even on the satellite map.

Therefore, in order to ensure confidentiality, the Garden of the School House became a closed space surrounded by fences and was not open to the public.

If you want to enter, even if you are a student in the school garden, you need to hold a pass. If you are not a student in the school garden, you need to hold an invitation letter from someone inside, which will be verified after verification. was approved to enter.

As the ceiling of the spiritual system, Shokuhou Misaki lives here.

Perhaps she was trained by a certain golden goose and has a very strong appetite, Miss Shokuhou Misaki sat on the table and ate gracefully the amount that made the attendants on the side hesitate to say anything.

"That... Lady Queen, are you eating a little too much?"

After seeing a certain guy's terrible appetite, a girl who followed her couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"On a calorie basis, you've eaten a week's worth of sweets...

This is the truth.

Anyone who still pays attention to their figure will feel a crisis called "fat" after eating a table of desserts in a row.

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